Drippers: Remove the bridge?

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I've seen your Shake posts before, can you explain which e-juice that is meant for? Which ones would I expect to see particles or settling in and what would I be seeing. So far I've not seen any that are not uniform so I'm assuming that I'm not using the same types. Are there any pros/cons to juices that are that consistency?
Good info on that post!


Now put 2 drops in that clean atomizer, and take a vape.


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May 23, 2010
Hawaii! Yay haha
e-liquids sometimes have oil-based flavors, like clove, cinnamon, pizza, etc... if you look at some of your liquids you can see it's in layers, like a bottle of oil/vinegar salad dressing. Or it could be very cloudy (clove is like this).
A lot of juices are transparent and you may not need to shake it at all :)

Cinnamon is a good example. Many users who don't shake it end up putting a drop of pure cinnamon oil in their ecig because it wasn't mixed well.

It burns, your eyes water, and it takes awhile to recover from the shock!

So I usually advise people to shake all liquids just as a rule of thumb - better safe than sorry :)

Happy vaping!


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That's what I expected. Would you consider these types to be better than ones of the same suggested flavors that don't have ANY cloudiness? I have the flavors you spoke of, with the exception of pizza, but none are in the least cloudy. Does that make them better or worse or is it simply a manufacturer difference. In other words, should I be worried to have a flavor like that and not see it cloudy?


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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
Anybody else want to chime in with their experience?

My main question is about what it tastes like when the atomizer is running dry and all the bridge and wicking material have been removed. So far I've got one answer, which I appreciate, but I am really trying to get a lot of opinions.

If you've removed the bridge, are you getting that burnt plastic taste anymore?
If not, what DOES it taste like when the atomizer is out of juice?

I'm going to use the answers to open a new thread and start a very different discussion.


the only thing i see this doing (in my experience) , is that when you use juice , there is always going to be residue that builds up in the mesh. the actual burnt taste is from the juice residue carbonizing , or the plastic piece under the ceramic cup melting. if the latter happens , then youre probably going to taste plastic from then on , no matter what. removing the bridge may alleviate some of this , but there is still mesh in the ceramic cup , and all around it. i dont see how taste would be affected other than the flavorings building up/sticking to the mesh over the coil.

i tried removing a bridge on one of my disposable ecigars , and all it did was make it useless. it doesnt hold any liquid , and the coil on this thing is a juice hawg to begin with , and without the mesh , it doesnt hold any liquid. i dumped a whole bottle almost , into one of the disposables , and the liquid dissappeared.

on the regular 901's i have removed the bridge on , you still taste the burnt taste when its burnt , but its easier for me to notice when the flavor is gone. basically i heard that when you get a nice cloud with no taste , its time to drip.

i drip now only , and it works. couple drips , buncha hits , once i dont taste anything but get a good hit still , i drip again. no problems other than when i left my atty screwed into my mod , and the switch stayed on and fried the whole thing , it even melted the box it was in...

everything in ecigs , just as life , is subjective. if someone thinks it works , then they will make themselves believe it works.


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Suggestive reality is a real condition, no doubt there. However, in this case, objective review has a valid place too. My attys perform different in taste and function when they are bridge-less compared to when they are not (for dripping). One thing I'm finding out in the last few days though, true (if you can call them that) joye attys vs the non joye attys seem to REALLY perform different...in a bad way. I've got 4 that have the distinct characteristics of the joye and 4 that don't. They are split down the middle on function. Now, I say "characteristics of the joye" based on the information presented to me by vendors, which of course can be flawed, but the specific design referenced IS different than the so called non-joye ones, so I'm basing this strictly on that. I've put 2 of the non joyes aside as they taste like a donkeys nose hair no matter if they are bride-less or not. While at the same time I'm abusing the other ones and they still work like champs. This could be coincidence, or it could be a design issue, either way, mine work and they work measurably different, without suggestive reality. Now the next experiment is the cartos and JUST DAMN are there differences between vendors!


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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
based on the wick itself , until a company puts the EXACT same number of fibers into the coil , every single atty will function a little (or a lot) differently. there are so many factors that depict the overall function/quality of an atomizer, that its going to be hit or miss depending on what each person likes.

i havent had any issues other than bad soldering making one atty i have ever bought unusable. it was DOA and i had 3 others , so i used it for experimentation.

id pay 20$ for a premium atty that is specifically ordered to be EXACT as what i like. but then again , ive never had issues with atties . since i stopped relying on cartridge filler to keep my atty moist , i have had waaaaay more success with atty life , flavor control , etc etc. and as i said , the only atty i burned since i started dripping was one that was still screwed into a mod without any type of safety , and i left the switch on when i set it down i think (or it slid around on my car seat and turned on). . . my fail...

and yes , im sure vendor to vendor varies.



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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
oh and sorry , i shake all my liquids before use. i think not doing this is why some of my original liquids tasted horrible.

then again i have some v4l i got from a friend , and its pretty chemical no matter how much i shake it. ive even tried the whole "leave it in the sun for a couple hours" , and nothing. still horrible.

i like vaporcountry totally green. even teh tobacco flavors that i didnt like , were still very vape-able , no chem taste at all...



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As for fail, I'm knocking on wood right now because I've only had one fail out of the blue. The rest all work fine, albeit differences in how they affect taste. I started shaking my liquids a while back, not so much because I think it's needed, but because it's easy to do. I don't have any that look like they're settling, but then again, I don't have every liquid from every vendor yet.....YET. muahahahaaaa I'm smelling obsession here, and it's not from Calvin Klein.


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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
yeah everyone worries about it becoming an obsession , i just tell the wife its better than my other "hobbies" , which included rc helicopters , paintball , regular guns , and fishing (which she called , in order , spinning injury to our son , blunt force trauma , OMG YOURE NOT BRINGING MORE GUNS INTO THE HOUSE, and HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO CATCH A FISH?!) ...

doa's are pretty uncommon from what i hear , and most places wil replace them for you , but it does happen , and if it was my only atty i would have been furious...

as for the liquid difference , i have a few bottles , and its not so much settling , but when i pick up a juice and look real close , you can see the different elements swirling around , once shaken , this goes away. i notice it on clear juice more than the darker juices i have.



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It WOULD be ok compared to the other hobbies if I actually quit them. Addons man, addons. :)

I'm realizing how varied the liquids are from the first ones I got when I didn't buy from the vendors that are recognized. You can see a difference in the ones that take care in mixing their stocks. I'm in "try everything" mode at this point just to find someplace to settle. At least these forums are generally helpful and only sometimes full of crap, as opposed to my car forums that are the reverse!


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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
yeah im on several car forums , and there is so much bs propaganda that companies are on there trying to sell , its sickening. at least here its one of those "by the vapers , for the vapers" sort of thing. checks and balances and whatsnot...

the old lady has dictated that until we get a house , im only allowed one hobby. im a gemini and she thinks this is why i get all gun-ho about something for a couple months , then i move on to something else.

in the two years we have been together my (one at a time) hobbies were:

micro rc stuff (cars and heli's)
gold panning
blowguns(homemade for hunting)
computer programming
hacking(this one comes and goes, but i spent a lot of money at one point trying to break into my apartments phone system , only to find out i was doing it right , the system was just completely isolated and not in use >< )
back to heli's (micro and full size)
volkswagens (when i bought mine i went nuts learning about them)
then i found ecigs about the same time i bought my vw.

now im on ecigs , EEEpc's for programming/wep work , and audi's (i wrecked my vw , and im getting twice what i payed for it from the insurance , so a step up is in order)...

she hasnt complained about the hobbies lately , cause she knows im going insane just sitting here.all those hobbies were on top of my full time driving position (automotive off lease inspector) , and having/raising a baby (and the 9mos of pregnancy going everywhere 10 times a week for doctors etc).

now i just sit here and read constantly...i know shes afraid of what i say i want next. she was pretty ok with the eeepc , cause i told her before i wanted to get my desktop gaming rig up again , and that it would cost about 900$ , she learned i was buying 4 things and put the kibosh on that one QUICK...

what are some new hobbies i can pic up??

oh yeah , i also did woodworking(carving/whittling) , that was fun , but messy , and not so good for the apartment carpet or the baby crawling around in shavings...



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Jul 8, 2010
Pinellas, FL
You know, I was doing the gun thing for a few years, working gun shows, wheeling and dealing. thought I was sinking cash, then i saw the custom knife guys. Start collecting Emerson customs, you will be broke for sure.

Woah, way OT now.

I been loving this bridgeless dripping. Issue I'm finding is it seems I can only handle lower mg juices now. lower the better. I got some 0mg stuff that tastes perfect now.

I have some really dark juices that are 18mg and they kill me with TH. Don't even want to try the 24mg.
Think I'll take one of my spare atty's and peel the mesh but want to try leaving the bridge just to see how it works. Not really expecting any difference.

Been doing the dry burn and blowing on atty. seems to work very well. I actually use a drinking straw to blow thru so it directs the air right into the atty. Using PT when I burn it.
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Jun 27, 2010
The YO
yeah i dont mess with my atty's anymore , just drip.

and yeah i tried knife making for a while , but she wouldnt let me make a forge in the apartment. i always like the crkt sting . the really high end knives are just overkill to me. its like why buy a soul less lambo , when i could sing that half a mil into a festiva and have the baddest ... festiva evar!

i started knifework with a little filing on my hunting knife. i tried finding a pattern that a friend of mine had done , it was like a figaro chain pattern. never saw another one like it.


sorry for jacking your thread....


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Origami-Fu. I like it.

Dripping only has one draw back to me and that is that driving and dripping is about as dumb as driving and doing anything else. I can do it, but it's dumb. Other than that, it's my way now. Bridgeless or not, it's the way to go. Oh man, what will I do with all these brand new cartos? Oh well. Fill 'em if you got 'em.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2010
The YO
yeah i had to drip and drive a little , but the small dripper bottles , and the new 901 atomizer make it easier , as you dont really have to aim , just drip.

thats the reason im going to pick up some 108's , so that i can keep a few carts full for driving , and when my kid is around , i dont like having anything with e liquid withing reach. thats why i am leaning toward a wetbox style mod , so i get all the fun of dripping , but not having to carry around a bottle ,and its all contained , so even if its sitting here , he cant really get to it.

origami fu....i think i found my new hobby... learn to whoop some ... while making a perfect swan...

hmm...origami ecig...


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Too much fun.

I took the no filler cartomizer idea and tried it. 3 times failed, fourth I got the filler out and have an atty carto. Can't fill it without losing the juice or drinking it, so, I put a little pea sized ball of filler at the very top, under the plug but no sufficiently on the atty portion. Result, an atty cartomizer that holds it's liquor. So far so good.
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