Eastmall.net Advertisement

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Jan 6, 2009
Deal-extreme Enthusiast
Hello Rick,
How nice to meet you and thank you for responding to my note. You brought up a very good point.

Who is the average Eastmall customer?
Male or Female
Average Income

I'm not asking because I want the answers. It is none of my business. However, it might help you (the artist) if you knew who were were creating your ad for.

e-cigs are not cheap. I would guess the average e-cig user is well established in their life (versus popping into the local head-shop)

I don't know. I really don't. Your note put my little brain to thinking here. It would probably make your job easier IF you knew who you were gearing your work to.

Thank you again for your note. Wishing you ALL the best. Look forward to seeing more of your work.


PS - May I add this note? If I were to come upon an internet page with an image showing this much roots and boots, I would immediately think I had come to the wrong place. Again, I am female. I am a couple of days beyond 60.
Well i can honestly say paula that i wouldn't have a clue because i don't have though facts and figures about the socio economic demographics of eastmall ..I'm not privy to those stats ..I'm just the creative guy sadly :/ lol

nice to meet you too btw:)

In my opinion e-cigs are not that expensive now a days, prices have dropped exponentially since they first came out years ago, The costs of smoking real cigarettes is the real cost here, not only in the hip pocket but also in life expectancy ...thats a cost you can't measure.

My best guesstimate is that eastmall has all kinds of customers, young or old, short and tall ...alot of people from 18 to 100 probably smokes so there is no reason not to believe that eastmall sells to all aged demographics

anyway i have re-proofed and re-edited the Ad as promised ...i now hope its a little easier on the eyes :)

And yes there will be more graphical stuff coming soon, you'll like it, I've worked very hard to get them just right ...I don't think i'll get many complaints ..put it that way ..but then again i probably will get a compliant or 2 ..its human nature lol

Anyway, with no further adue heres the revised Advert~Rick

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Apr 18, 2010
Paula in Arizona
Now that is a WOW :toast:

It is so much easier for me to read. It looks cleaner, fresher, new. Changing out the shadows on the fonts makes it look like a new ad. How wonderful.

I don't suppose clients are too forth coming with information about their client base. I imagine that would make your job even tougher. I suspect you are 100% correct in that the clients come in both sexes and from all walks of life.

Thank you for considering my message and thank you for doing this ad. I was a little afraid of writing to you because I did not want to hinder your creativity in any way. You have no obligation to keep me happy. Your only obligation is to your client. That said, I'm sure your client will love it. Who wouldn't? You have a lot of talent.

I do want to see more of your work. Once again - here's one I raise to you :toast:



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 6, 2009
Deal-extreme Enthusiast
The ole adage "The customer is always right" is very true lol

thanks paula and blue, i'm glad you are happier with the Ad and thanks for the input, and paula never be afraid to ask questions and critique me or anyone else, as long as its done in a respectful and tactful way like you did it, then its all good, and i appreciate that:)~Rick
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