ECO - New Website: FINAL Mockup

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We're shooting to be a NPO, remember? Rather than just soliciting donations I don't see anything wrong with selling bumper stickers, t-shirts and anything else that would fund the group for legal fees, office space, etc.

Until the charter is written and a team (calling all accountants?) to oversee financials is in place, I don't see any reason to open an account or collect donations. The last thing I want is for this to look like a scam and until the infrastructure is in place, I fully intend to keep everything above board and beyond reproach.

It's a tricky issue on the one hand it's a useful (to the buyer also) way to raise funds but it could get tricky if it involved PVs etc.

I suppose my main worry though is that years down the line the raising of money becomes an end in it's own right such that it is no longer in the interests of the new organism to succeed in its goals, but rather to keep the rationale alive. Hope that makes sense. I know it sounds completely daft at this stage, but these sorts of things do happen. Perhaps the whole drug-based medicine / FDA empire is an example of how something that starts with good intentions can morph into something that's simply self-serving.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
It's a tricky issue on the one hand it's a useful (to the buyer also) way to raise funds but it could get tricky if it involved PVs etc.

That's a great point! I have ABSOLUTELY no intention of the site selling PV, carts or liquid (that's a suppliers job) nor would the group endorse any one supplier over another....BUT - as you mention, it's easy for pure concepts to be taken horribly awry over time (see: "U.S. Constitution")

Perhaps we should make clear in the charter that thr group would not endorse anything like that. Any online sales would be restricted to marketing and advocacy materials (signage, stickers, shirts) and all proceeds will appear in the groups (quarterly?) financial statements along with any donations.

I'm meeting today with a good friend who is an MBA and also a CFO of a large company to discuss the steps needed to form the NPO. Hopefully, he will sign on to lead the financial team at least until we get it started.

Anyone in the t-shirt, bumper sticker, banner or printing industry willing to come forward to print group materials at cost? I wouldn't expect anyone to go out of pocket (too deeply!) as we don't know how big this may get, but we need to start lining up manufacturers. Other than donations, I don't see how else we're going to be able to pay the start up costs for forming the organization. Selling promotional items seems like a win-win-win scenario to me.

PM me.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Aurora, Colorado

i hope i can speak for all when stating the appreciation for all that you're doing in this effort. you demonstrate over and over again your level of commitment to the cause. in this spirit of gratitude, i hope you don't take offense to one minor critique of the website. the tree border/background, along with the other elements, make the site look very busy. perhaps a basic border/background? it may just be my preference, but it would be far easier on the eyes. yes? no?

for t-shirts, mugs and misc. other materials check out cafe press. they can be produced for free. just need to come up with logo, verbiage etc. check it out:

CafePress United Kingdom: Funny T-Shirts & unique one-of-a-kind gifts

again, thanks so much for all of your efforts :thumbs:


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
i hope i can speak for all when stating the appreciation for all that you're doing in this effort. you demonstrate over and over again your level of commitment to the cause. in this spirit of gratitude, i hope you don't take offense to one minor critique of the website. the tree border/background, along with the other elements, make the site look very busy. perhaps a basic border/background? it may just be my preference, but it would be far easier on the eyes. yes? no?


Thanks for the kudos! We’re a way from making this a reality, but the spirit is definitely there and as long as the support continues, I’ll certainly continue to spearhead the effort. I’d like to see a regular election of the board to ensure that no one person’s agenda is carried out ad infinitum in the future.

I’ve learned long ago that criticism doesn’t break my heart. The trees were an afterthought to another reader’s comment. I can create a few versions with a muted background that keeps the 3D effect but still fills a letterbox, 16:9 monitor setting (I hate wasted space and repeating backgrounds…) PLEASE don’t hesitate to second guess anything said in this forum, I really am just one voice and never want to be so asinine that I think I speak for the group as a whole.

One of our strengths as a group is the fact that we all come from so many backgrounds. I would hope that over the next few weeks and months we develop a network of members who all continually bring something to the table.

This is why I am so adamant that ANYONE with a legal background be part of the “legal team”, ANYONE with marketing or copywriting experience be part of the refining process for the charter, ANYONE with an IT background, join me in building out the network and taking on admin roles in site development, ANYONE with financial/accounting history join Jim Russo in making our books and financial reports so squeaky clean that there is no reason to second guess or declare an ulterior motive to our goals…

Individually, we live our own lives. We come to this forum and post our opinions about things that matter most to us as individuals. We gripe about local events and watch state after state and local group after local group fall to the political correctness of politicians who blindly follow the FDA’s status quo.
Protecting the electronic cigarette is something we can all rally behind. The collective good is far bigger than any one person’s agenda and the group needs to transcend beyond any petty arguments over syntax, “online turf” or the perfect, politically correct verbiage.

Whatever your background or skill set, you have something to contribute, if nothing more than your voice and the ability to put a stamp on a hand written letter.

A formation of an independent user’s group frees any perceived conflicts and allows every user to be a voice in that effort without having to act on their own. There is safety and support in numbers and THAT is what we are proposing to be.

So what's wrong with my hat? Is it on crooked?

Jimbo...we talked about this…it was never really the hat. It was the clip-on Windsor tie and the fact that you refused to wear pants at the Tulsa Red Lobster that got us “shown the door” and driven to the city limits (sans luggage, I might add) in an Oklahoma police car…

I wasn’t kidding man, you do this in Vegas next week and I SWEAR no more road trips…
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 5, 2009
Canada, near Vancouver
Sorry, this is a little late in the day

I love the young professional inviting us in and I think the college group is very welcoming but then we leap to a senior couple.

Perhaps it would be an idea to represent the 50 somethings as well. At that age we are usually involved with mature children and older parents. Perhaps a relaxed family group scene focusing on the 50 somethings?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2009
New York
Sorry, this is a little late in the day

I love the young professional inviting us in and I think the college group is very welcoming but then we leap to a senior couple.

Perhaps it would be an idea to represent the 50 somethings as well. At that age we are usually involved with mature children and older parents. Perhaps a relaxed family group scene focusing on the 50 somethings?

I'm 50 something and I ain't nowhere near relaxed! lol
Webby, this layout is fantastic! Excellent work! I have just one requested change...or rather, addition: We need a web-based meeting hall/office. A forum like this one isn't a bad start, but we should have other resources...a specific area for conducting regular meetings and live votes and web conferences, etc. If we are going to be involved in any political dealings, it is likely we'll need to be ready to rally together with short notice and really make things happen.

What this really means is that we need to start looking at the next step in the charter process...Writing a constitution/bylaws. I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news, but we're gonna be facing some internal politics sooner or later and right now while we're all excited about working together for lofty goals, we should probably figure out how we're going to deal with disagreements.


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  • Jul 17, 2009

    This is why I am so adamant that ANYONE with a legal background be part of the “legal team”, ANYONE with marketing or copywriting experience be part of the refining process for the charter, ANYONE with an IT background, join me in building out the network and taking on admin roles in site development, ANYONE with financial/accounting history join Jim Russo in making our books and financial reports so squeaky clean that there is no reason to second guess or declare an ulterior motive to our goals…

    What about medical? Need a medical director?


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 13, 2009
    Alameda County, CA
    Once you all get this settled, I volunteer to supply my services gratis for some sort of iPhone/iPod touch custom version of this in web app/Dashcode form.

    I would have said "iPhone App" but as a licensed developer for the iPhone and a MacOS X dev with a long history of working with Apple, I have little confidence that it would make it onto the App Store.

    And a (very soft, and if not apropos, can be removed) plug here: I can to this...not so gratis...for any for profit folks out there in this space. I hate going to your sites on my phone...just sayin'. :)

    No but really, if you want to raise the profile a bit and possibly squeeze some press out of this, I would have NO problem whatsoever doing this for you guys.

    I like to think of the group here as intelligent, forward-looking and dare I say, why not put that on the table as well?

    I wish I *could* build an "iPhone App Proper" for you guys for this. As a free app it would be cool to have at-you-fingertips info and tools (I was thinking of building a cart refill calc for myself, actually) about ECO etc, or as a 99¢ app I would have been more than happy to donate 70-80% of the sales to help support the effort. But as I said, Apple has some socio-political issues going on there that might make such a thing in the App Store difficult. Teh last time I was there (about 3 years ago) smoking was not allowed *anywhere* on Apple property.

    Either way, if there is interest, do let me know guys. I'd be happy to do it.

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