FDA funded UNC activist unlawfully instruct minors how to illegally buy e-cigs online, than claim Internet vendors sell e-cigs to youth

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Just because it IS, doesn't mean it HAS TO BE.

see: "other stuff", civil rights, gay marriage, apartheid, etc.

You Obviously Don't like an 18 or Older Age Limit. Great. Get Active and maybe you can get some things Prevented. And any existing Laws Overturned.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
But I think it would be a Good Idea to think about ways that an 18 Year or Older Age restriction could be Achieved, WITHOUT having to resort to Face-2-Face Sales Only.

It's sufficiently controled through parents checking Junior's budget and purchases.

Parents that want the goverment to parent their children shall send their offspring to government foster care.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
From the Senate bill:
<snip> however, persons under the age of 18 may be enlisted by police or local sheriffs' departments to test compliance if the testing is under the direct supervision of that law enforcement department and written parental consent is provided; provided further, that the Department of Health and Human Services shall have the authority, pursuant to a written plan prepared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to use persons under 18 years of age in annual, random, unannounced inspections <snip>

Nothing like a little exploitation in your legislation.

Gotta keep those pawns busy, busy, busy.

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Not Selling anything in this Thread.

But I think it would be a Good Idea to think about ways that an 18 Year or Older Age restriction could be Achieved, WITHOUT having to resort to Face-2-Face Sales Only.

That, and does Anyone else find the concept of the FDA spending Tax Payers Money in an effort to make Under Aged sales statistics larger disturbing?

There are tons of working examples of age verification already in use.
Easy enough to adopt rather than trying to re invent the wheel.

The FDA is a waste of money and should be shut down.
There is no need for that study. E cigs and tobacco products are already illegal
For minors to purchase.


Super Member
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Aug 27, 2009
Southern California
Do pre-paid cards have a 'member since' date? If no 'member since', I've read about using a mandatory ID verification through a third party before ship and a $1.00-$2.00 one-time registration fee to the basket (made up for with trinkets, like a lanyard, etc) to cover that cost. I've read that third party verify is how on-line gambling places deal with pesky little minors who try to beat the system.

Pushing banks who issue debit cards to minors to issue a specific series numbers that identify that card as belonging to a minor would be a good start also. Haven't heard anyone bring that up yet.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Kids can buy whatever they want on the internet as long as they're willing to lie and either steal or be given a credit card. The fact that the federal government would fund illegal activity and children were used by "researchers" to break the law should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Heck, kids have been getting fake IDs for years to bypass laws. I know fake driver's licenses are harder today, but I'd guess someone has figured out a way to create them.





My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
There are tons of working examples of age verification already in use.
Easy enough to adopt rather than trying to re invent the wheel.

The FDA is a waste of money and should be shut down.
There is no need for that study. E cigs and tobacco products are already illegal
For minors to purchase.

Seems like the Requirements to buy Alcohol thru the Internet are Adequate Enough.

Because I Don't Hear any public outcry about Minors buying Booze online.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Forget vape shops and tobacco vendors, I just found out tonight that you can buy 100mg/mL nicotine on friggin' amazon.com!

Amazon.com: nicotine liquid 100mg

I think I'm actually speechless :blink:

I noticed that all those Nicotine Base listing said that they were for "Gum or Lozenge".

A Clever way to Skirt something that Amazon probably Doesn't Allow with something they Do.


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
I noticed that all those Nicotine Base listing said that they were for "Gum or Lozenge".

A Clever way to Skirt something that Amazon probably Doesn't Allow with something they Do.

Theoretically one could extract the juice from a Nicorette inhaler and vape it.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
It's not like online (today) can't be done without face to face interaction. Might not be entirely convenient for everyone going forward, but if the choice is online face to face or B&M face to face, then there is the option either way.

At some point though, adults (or those who refer to themselves as mature, fully aware citizens) need to recognize that regardless of how the law is written and implemented, that kids are going to vape. I know of no way to prevent this in all cases, and cannot think of a substance/item available on the black market that a minor stands no chance of obtaining.

That there are some on our side who think "kids should never vape" or "kids shouldn't be allowed to vape" just makes it that much easier to exploit the workarounds that will forever be available going forward. And exploited under written legislation that says the State cannot be considered engaging in wrong doing when it uses children to make such purchases. It's as if we agreed to prohibition and then have to come up with a suitable defense for when the prohibition is shown to not work. And if we cannot, then we must agree that "more prohibition" is the solution.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
this is one of my pet peeves. compliance checks have nothing to
do with preventing anyone from selling anything to children.
they are an illusion created to pacify and or control commerce
as to overly regulate and tax products.. they know no one would deliberately
sell to a minor if its against there best interest to do so. kids get
contraband the same way we did it as kids. they get some one old
enough to buy it from them. its a big dog and pony show that makes
them money to boot.there are modeling agencies that specialize
in kids that look more like their 30 than any where near early 20's
as to rent the out to local officials in the hope to maximize
non-compliance citations. so you ask what about those that
choose to sell to minors? well generally about 6 months to a
year of investigating so the prosecutors can build a case,all
the while the kids sat happily at the bar drinking as happened here.
compliance checks only serve to keep honest and legitimate vendors
feel intimidated and less likely to organize and complain.
if it were for any other reason why don't they go after the actual people
that are knowingly buying products illegally?. mainly the minors.
a reverse compliance check. well that would involve real police work
with no real tangible results as the percentage of minors actually
buying illegally is very small when compared to the total actually
using the contraband.
its interesting to note that when it comes to things that are illegal
for any of us to buy there may be stiffer penalties involved
if the're sold to minors but, there is no law i know of that requires sellers
of illegal things to I.D. buyers to insure at the very least they are
old enough to vote. law breakers break the law. honest citizens follow the
compliance checks don't catch law breakers,they create law breakers.
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