Fused Clapton Key Ring Swivel Tool Tutorial

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ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
I got bored and wanted to throw together some quick fused claptons but i didn't have any fishing swivels on hand so i came up with this handy little gadget you can throw on your key ring.
View image: keyringswivel

If you couldn't tell from the pic all I used was an old 510 carto after gutting it and removing the center pin, then took about a 6in piece of 20g nichrome 80 and folded it in half so i could fit it through the hole where the center pin used to sit and folded over the ends and clipped them to size.
The finishing touch was throwing the key ring on and twisting the wire while holding the two ends folded over the center pin hole so the internal wire can spin a bit more freely when the caro is held in a vice or clamp.

you can do the same with a bic pen or any other small tube though you'll have to cut it down to a more manageable size. Now you never have to be without a swivel if you left your build kit somewhere :D
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