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Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
While i wouldnt go back to cigarettes, as a relatively new vaper, i am somewhat frustrated at all the variables involved in arriving at a satisfying vaping experience.

To me, a satisfying vaping experience is summarized in five factors : throat hit, flavor, amount of vape, aftertaste and ease of use.

Now, to get there we have to experiment with hundreds if not thousands of combinations : reliability of equipment and juices, voltage, wattage, resistance in coils, pg/vg combinations, nicotine levels, flavor consistency etc...

I am sure experienced vapors could name more variables and possibly more factors in a satisfying experience ( btw i am curious to hear them).

Obviously vaping is much more an art form than science at the moment.

My question for exerienced vapors is how close are we to arriving at a consistent reliable and easy vaping experience, something akin to knowing what to expect everytime i lit a camel light for instance.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 2, 2013
Crete, Il
Well, you could just stick with the disposable Njoys and tell yourself that your satisfied. Or you could get something else that might satisfy you more.

That's all we do -- trying to stay off the cigs. Most of us need more than the cigalikes.

Many are satisfied with an ego/clearo/tank/carto set-up. But others want more control, more power, a more satisfied vape.

We're all nicotine addicts, and turn that addictive personality towards fulfilling our needs.

Looking for an all-in-one is close. The itaste VV V3 has variable voltage/variable wattage and can be used as a passthru and is no larger than a standard ego. A slim powerhouse with everything someone needs to control a good, satisfying vape.

Some would disagree :)

Welcome to ECF.

Bill's Magic Vapor

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Feb 8, 2013
We're actually there already. What we're witnessing is the growth of an industry. Market forces are both adding new products, and getting rid of old ones. We're in the middle of that. To overcome the confusion, simply think about three parts to your VapeQuest.

1. The Battery
2. The topper or delivery device
3. The juice

Battery is easy. Get a variable voltage or variable wattage (which includes variable voltage), so you can adjust your heat to the atomizer and change the vape. That's it.

The topper. Easiest are clearos. EVOD and Protank probably most popular and easiest. Easy, yes, but they have to be maintained. You have to learn how to do that. Next easiest, probably cartomizer, then carto tanks. Better vape, imo, but a bit more involved (with tank) and well worth the effort.

Third...Juice. The hardest part. Shop locally and test, test, test. Order sample packs from different vendors.

That's all there is to having a nice vape, initially. You can take it a whole lot further, and many evolve into doing just that. Happy vaping!


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Jun 19, 2013
Hmmm....I am far from a veteran vaper, but as you said with all the different combo's combinations out there it is impossible to know....
You can read these forums up and down all day long and get conflicting information, but honestly I think it just takes trial and error, vaping is what you make it. I have friends that are totally satisfied long term with an ego C, and a CE4 clearomizer, others that vape exclusively the gas station disposables. I myself have tried just about every style of vaping out there (clearo's, carto's, vivi nova's, drippers, RBA's, etc.) because I was never satisfied with the others, and am always constantly in search of that "perfect vape." You really get out of it, what you put into it. As you said it is like an art, and is a fairly new thing! Honestly after 4 months of being smoke free, this is no longer even about getting me off analogs at all....it has grown into quite the hobby!

Sorry for the mega long post...my point is there are several easy options out there if they work for you, although if you want the best of the best, the convenience factor definitely diminishes, and you have to really want it!

All the best!


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find a flavor you like keep buying from the same suppliers (most of the major ones use the same formula and materials) store your juice right use the same tank keep your coils in good condition :) ya its a lot but really quite simple.

but then so far i only have one flavor i like enough to keep using hehe (for now)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
One man's satisfying vape is another man's "OMG that's awful". Also, tastes and needs change over time. When I started, I was perfectly happy with a cig-sized batt, a carto, and some weird tobacco flavor. After almost year I need an ego type batt, a LR T2 clearo, and a fruity type juice. Who knows what I will need next year...probably something that hasn't been invented yet. I'm still waiting on the flying car I was promised when I was young.


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Jun 19, 2013
As far as e liquid goes, you really just have to keep experimenting...I would love for someone to do the math on all the different variables needed to get the exact flavor you are looking for. For example I have a bottle of Carny4 from G2, and have tried it in several clearo's, a carto, a RBA, and a dripper Each device made the same flavor different, some obviously more than others. But if you take the billion different juices out there, and multiply it by all the different vape systems out there the results would be staggering. This is why it is hard to take anyone's recommendations for juice without knowing how exactly they had it set up. Then you add the fact that taste is subjective to each person, and it is impossible to know what is really good for you. I have spent tons on "hyped" liquids and have been really disappointed many times!


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Jul 24, 2013
United States
I've found that it really just depends on what YOU like. As someone else said, some people do good with njoy's or blucigs, but for me...it just wasn't enough. I need more power, more flavor, more vapor! I started with an ego style battery and a vivi nova tank! That set-up worked great for me to initially stop smoking cigarettes (and still does great). Now that I've been vaping for awhile now, I now know EXACTLY what I want (a winder BIGGER battery) and am completely satisfied. There is going to be some people that disagree with that, but this is how I like to vape!

Now finding your juice is the hardest (but i think also the most fun) part. There is so much out there - it really is just trial and error to find out what YOU like! Once you start getting into it and get into the hang of it, you might love your setup and be quite content. But like a lot of us, you might discover you want to go bigger and better! Happy vaping!

Bob Chill

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Jun 22, 2013
Sans Nom, USA
I'll echo previous thoughts. Don't skimp and get a fixed volt battery. You will never regret even the most basic variable. No need to worry about resistance anymore. That's important early on.

Bottom coil tanks are probably the easiest to fill and maintain. Evods and protanks in particular. Good bang for the buck + parts easily available and cheap.

Juice is the trickiest. Once you find one you can vape a whole tank start to finish and enjoy, buy a big bottle of it. I think the biggest money waster in this game is juice. I would say that I generally only find 1 out of every 5 that I buy to be something I can vape a tank start to finish and be satisfied with it. Get lots of samples and try and find at least 3 that you can vape a long period of time and be happy. Then buy big bottles of them and stick with them 80% of the time while continuing to slowly explore new flavors.

Some categories are easy. If you like bakery flavors then that's probably the easiest to find a few that you can vape all day. I find tobaccos, fruits, and candies much more difficult to nail down but everybody is different of course.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 25, 2013
Thanks for all the replies, people.

I started with disposables and was never really happy with the experience nor the cost, and was still smoking cigarettes (although a lot less). About two weeks ago i bought my first kit (eGo style batteries and Vision CE4 clearomizers ) . I have buyers remorse already. Should have probably bought a variable voltage eGo, and the vision ce4 was inconsistent. I replaced that with a clearo called cutie by jessy and it was a remarkable upgrade (it consumes about three times the juice though ! ).

As far as the liquids, they were ok at the store, but the fruity ones left a sweet candy like after taste after prolonged use, so i added a little of the coffee flavor and it just killed the taste altogether to the point that i couldn't tell what i was vaping. I tried to empty the liquid and wash my clearo and i lost the wick ! Any way i replaced the coil and am sticking with the one flavor (coffee) i can stand. So thats $ 40 of liquid down the drain.

I will probably order some some kanger protanks and more cuties now and as some of you have suggested liquids in sample sizes !!

Thanks again people for the advice


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May 23, 2013
United States
I have been on a tangent to find my ultimate vape.
Spent "A Lot Of Money"

Recently I put a really good juice I love. (EL KAMINO)
In one of my old Cigalike style carto kits.

TBH it was not bad.
Thing blows thick clouds lol.
I use it while I drive now.
Finding your favorite juice will enhance
any device IMO.

Was it anything like my Kayfun. Heck no lol
But it was damn enjoyable. :D

Vape Proud n Blow Clouds......
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