Having a bad day

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Dec 21, 2013
Beaverton, OR, USA
So, yeah, I want a cigarette. Quite a bit. Somehow the vaping just isn't doing it.

For a while I was in a pattern of one cigarette every 3-5 days, otherwise vaping. I wanted to ditch the cigarettes entirely, and now it's been . . . um, not sure, maybe two weeks? The urge is back, and it's not passing.

I could use a little support over here. :unsure:


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Dec 21, 2013
Beaverton, OR, USA
Chain-vaping 24mg, in direct contradiction to the advice on that other thread. Enh, it hasn't killed me yet.

Kanger Pro Mini. That's basically the only setup I understand.

I'm thinking of busting out the WTA again . . . but I had WTA this morning and it wasn't helping. Now I have a favorite flavor in the tank, and it's not helping either.

I already deployed my secret weapon of New Everything. Freshly charged battery, clean tank of favorite juice, brand-new coil. No joy.

Dang, I really do want a cigarette.

Sed Contra

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I used to need "craving killer" juices for times like that. Thankfully those cravings have gotten fewer and less strong over time. Sometimes I would go back to cig-a-likes for the cigarette form factor, too, when having cravings. Nowadays, it's not much of an issue, though I still maintain a stock of "craving killers" just in case. Don't beat yourself up for having cravings; focus on satisfying solutions...and don't be surprised if cravings go away and then come back.

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well...
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Vaping Master
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I think that craving happens to most of us from time to time. Trying new liquids sometimes helps me keep it interesting, but I still have a cigarette once in a great while. An activity like taking a walk helps me too. In any case, as long you are primarily vaping, it's nothing to be too concerned about, as you are still removing most of the unhealthy habit from your routine.

The best craving killer liquids for me are Halo Prime 15 and the strong one, Torque56, which tastes an awful lot like a smoke.

I'm glad you shared this, as many people see it as absolute, that they can't stand the smell or taste of a cigarette and never think of having one. I think that is not really the case for many of us - we are fighting with a powerful addiction and have found the best alternative, but we're still human. Good luck keeping the smokes to a minimum, and congratulations on your success so far!
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Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
When i want a cig i smoke one. Sometimes i go three weeks with out any, and then ill buy a pack and allow myself three a day till the pack is gone. Big deal right.

I can say i have been vaping aroma's snicker doodle, with wta and it really really makes me not want a cigarette,

Good luck. And remember, you dont always have to choose one over another. A pack a week sure beats a pack a day.


Vaping Master
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Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
When i want a cig i smoke one. Sometimes i go three weeks with out any, and then ill buy a pack and allow myself three a day till the pack is gone. Big deal right.

I can say i have been vaping aroma's snicker doodle, with wta and it really really makes me not want a cigarette,

Good luck. And remember, you dont always have to choose one over another. A pack a week sure beats a pack a day.

A pack a week is still putting tar and other crap into your lungs. Less is not necessarily better. I do know some folks who had a cig here and there and finally stopped. But a pack a week is still too much, imho.


Vaping Master
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Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
Lucky for me i didnt ask your opinion. I say if you want to cheat every once in awhile, dont let people like katmar beat you up for it. Its ok. Its not the end of the world. All you can do is the best that you can. Im out this thread

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I wasn't beating up on anyone. I was simply stating facts. I'm sorry if you think that's wrong. Everyone does the best they can, but there is also TRUTH and consequences to the actions:

Light smoking as risky as a pack a day?

Health Effects of Light and Intermittent Smoking: A Review


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Dec 21, 2013
Beaverton, OR, USA
Still struggling today. Got my WTA juice out. Vanilla Splash, fresh battery, fresh coil . . . still agitated and cravy. Not gonna give in. Having a smoke would make the next several days better, but it would only prolong the problem in the long run. No judgment on those who choose to still smoke lightly (or heavily, for that matter). I just want to switch completely.

This must be that three-week hump. I don't think it's been a full three weeks, but I'm sure it varies. I envy the folks who picked up a vaporizer and never looked back, but we can't all be that lucky.

I busted the five-day hump, and I'll bust this one too.

Sed Contra

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Aug 13, 2013
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melissa1928:12928055 said:
What are good craving-killer juices? Tobacco flavors?

For me, though I don't typically vape tobacco flavors, yeah...mostly tobacco flavors.

Boba's Bounty by AVE
Tribeca by Halo
Legend (aka Gandalf) by HHV

Nowadays, I don't have cigarette cravings anymore, though I grant the possibility, so now it's more about having "stress killers" for times when I would have gone outside and basically chain smoke when frustrated - most often when the Old Lady is Punishing Me Severely. It's not about craving the cigarettes, per se, but replacing the rest of the habit - going outside to cool off, etc... Thus, I have extremely enjoyable and comforting flavors for high stress times to help give me extra encouragement and satisfaction when I think it'll help.

Even now, certain things will still trigger feelings, though. I don't mean that I'll crave a cigarette so much as I'll find a situation that I've yet to replace the old habit with a new one. When X used to happen, I'd smoke; now that I don't smoke, what do I do when X happens? For example, smoking used to give me an excuse to be antisocial at times, something that I sometimes need as an introvert. There's still an occasional struggle as situations arise that I've yet to learn how to deal with as a vaper - things that smoking used to serve as a coping mechanism.

Hang in there...there will be struggles.


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I don't mean that I'll crave a cigarette so much as I'll find a situation that I've yet to replace the old habit with a new one.
It's funny you should say that, Sed Contra. I found exactly that situation a few days ago. I had been madly cooking and I went to the computer to spend a few minutes relaxing before going back to the stove. Suddenly I had a stronger urge for a cigarette than I've had for months. I just vaped instead and the craving went away, but it was quite disturbing in its intensity. I only cook once or twice a week, and the feverish activity followed by a five minute break before something else needs my attention is quite rare, so it makes sense that it would still be associated with cigarettes. Thanks for that; it makes a lot of sense.
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Sed Contra

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Aug 13, 2013
Northeast Ohio
It's funny you should say that, Sed Contra. I found exactly that situation a few days ago. I had been madly cooking and I went to the computer to spend a few minutes relaxing before going back to the stove. Suddenly I had a stronger urge for a cigarette than I've had for months. I only cook once or twice a week, and the feverish activity followed by a five minute break before something else needs my attention is quite rare, so it makes sense that it would still be associated with cigarettes. Thanks for that; it makes a lot of sense.

Great example - thanks!

Sometimes it's just an aimless sense of not knowing what to do and not even realizing why I'm experiencing some sort of void or confusion.


Senior Member
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Dec 21, 2013
Beaverton, OR, USA
That does make sense. Perhaps something like that was going on. My son was being pretty unbearable . . . then again, that's often true.

Anyway, I caved. Had a cigarette last night. Good thing I'm not one of those people who invests a lot of self-worth in having X days smoke-free.

I will bear these observations and advice in mind for next time. There will probably be a next time, and eventually one of them will be the last time.
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