Health chief steps down after crude 'e-cig' rant on Twitter

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Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
What a tool! :laugh:

You have to listen to the two radio interviews, especially with Clive Bates. I never thought I'd hear of anyone worse than our own Stanton Glantz. The guy sounds absolutely insane. Especially the reference to nicotine being a factor in blindness. :facepalm:


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Mar 18, 2011
Here's a link to the fuller story behind this meltdown with links at the end to the original radio broadcasts he was on (just the day before I think) and also to the letter that redheadfullofsteam sent to officals notifying them of his behavior:

Professor John Ashton CBE – The Meltdown | The Random Vaper

That was ENORMOUSLY entertaining, thank you! I listened to the radio clips and I will now have a smile on my face for the rest of the night. I'll let my huband believe it was because of him <wink wink>

Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Now it makes complete sense why US cells in the ANTZ terrorist network refuse to engage in public debate over these issues. They're afraid they might be provoked to show their true colors.

That and the fact that they'd lose the debate against people who know more about ecigs than they do. It's why they shut down comments and why some publications - "Science" mag, some newspapers - won't tolerate what they would label 'deniers'. They can't have rational arguments out there in the media against their propaganda. That would be too fair and balanced :)


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I still think we need a massive vape-march on Washington DC. If they won't LISTEN, they'll have to SEE us if we're right there in their faces.

I'm still hoping for those 6 lucky numbers. If I get 'em, I swear, I'm chartering buses all over the place to take BUSLOADS of vapers to DC; a chartered bus parked in every intersection.



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Holy moly! That radio interview with Clive is comedy gold - smoking/nicotine makes you go blind now??? ...??? :blink:

Yeah, that claim is so outrageous.
Can you not see the many millions of blind smokers (and ex-smokers) in the streets, trying to find their way with those white sticks? With a smoking prevalence of approx 20% of the population, those blind smokers must be all over the place. (duh...)

And anyway:
I always thought it was .. a completely different activity ... that makes you go blind :D Or so people used to say to scare their children away from .. engaging in that activity ;)
Actually, I am very much looking forward to the next ANTZ "study" that "proves" that nicotine makes hair grow on your palms :lol:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
Apart from their entertainment value, bozos like these further the cause of vaping more than a dozen of proponents could.

We need more like him in the 'other camp' . Easy opponents...

It's the sugar-coated lies, the carefully spindoctored halftruths, the slyly worded articles that poiaon the wells for us..

Very good points.

Would be nice to infiltrate ANTZ groups, and become part of the club. Get a job with them. Then lash out like this guy did just to put a bad mark on the ANTZ position. Heck, it would be fun just to infiltrate them and take their rhetoric to that other level while sitting down with them. Like Harold (main character of Harold & Maude) did when he was being urged to join the military.


Ultra Member
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Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
I. . . In other words, they don't regret thinking vapers and smokers are vile, disgusting creatures, they merely regret having said it publicly.

This used to be known as the Jane Fonda apology. "I'm very sorry you were offended by what I did". In other words, it's your fault for being offended.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
My ex used to go on at great and tedious length about the uselessness of apologies, and he has a point. An apology doesn't do anything except make the apologizer feel better, and if that person has truly erred, he has no business feeling better! I'm afraid my ex brainwashed me a bit with this; when my stepfather once apologized to me about something, I replied "well isn't that nice for you, you're sorry! It doesn't do JACK for me!" He got the message, and then asked for my forgiveness. I told him I'd think about it. :D

Much better to ask to be excused, or ask forgiveness. That leaves it up to the one who has been transgressed against, whether or not to excuse or forgive.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2011
This used to be known as the Jane Fonda apology. "I'm very sorry you were offended by what I did". In other words, it's your fault for being offended.

He didn't even do that, all he was sorry for was using bad language to insult us. Insulting us was OK in his view as long as he was polite.
Ashton's back at his desk this morning by the way, seems a week is long enough suspension for a minor infraction like calling people c**ts. Old boys club rules apply.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
FYI, FPH has posted the following statement on its website: UK Faculty of Public Health :: Home

FPH President

26 September 2014

FPH’s President Professor John Ashton has taken a voluntary leave of absence following an exchange on social media, during which he used inappropriate and offensive language. Professor Ashton and FPH have apologised unreservedly for the comments made.

FPH’s Board of Trustees has discussed the matter at length, given the nature and seriousness of the situation. The Board has registered its strong disapproval of Professor Ashton’s comments, noted the mitigating circumstances and given clear direction on the necessary steps to support Professor Ashton’s return.

We look forward to Professor Ashton’s continuation in the role of President, so that both he and FPH can focus on championing FPH’s vision of delivering “better health for all”.

Feedback to:

So. "Strong disapproval" and "mitigating circumstances" and it's back to business as usual. :facepalm:
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