Hello all brand new here trying to quit cigarettes have tried everything else any idea on starter k

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Hi folks totally new here referred by a friend looking to quit smoking cigarettes have tried just about everything looking for a good starter kit at a reasonable price any ideas and thanks

Hi and welcome,
How long have you been smoking?
How many do you smoke per day?

Where are you located?



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
Thanks trying to quit cigarettes looking for information on a good quality reasonably priced starter kit friend told me about this forum anyone have information on the smoke stack v9
I'm pretty new to vaping so might either be the wrong person or the right person to offer advice. But anyway, I've never use the Smok Stick V9 (sorry, not smoke & not stack :) ) but have used the Nord by the same manufacturer. Got it because the clerk at the shop recommended it highly when I told him I was looking for something simple for a newbie. It's been working fine for me but there are a number of people who've had bad luck with Smok products. I'd suggest you search for reviews online before purchasing. There are several; I checked.

If you're married to that style, there are plenty of them from several reputable companies. You should be able to see several options at any online or physical retailer.

On the other hand, if you're looking to give up tobacco cigarettes and want something simple, you might want to start with what they call cig-a-likes (get it?). That's worked well for me but everyone is different. I can recommend SmokeTip for low prices if you're interested in cartridges (aka cartomizers), migvapor for quality at reasonable prices if you'd prefer the option of cartridges or tanks (aka cartomizers) you fill with e-liquid, and premium ecigarette for good prices and flexibility. There are other options as well; these are the one's I've used myself. Their batteries, cartridges, and cartomizers are all interchangeable, which is something I appreciate.

A lot of people just getting into vaping start with pod kits. That's what my Smok Nord is. They're small and simple to use and there are a jillion of them. ("pod mods" are different and more complicated). Again, any retailer will have several you can look at and there will be plenty of reviews online for you.

Others here will surely have more precise information for you and more personal experience with different products to share but, since we're both new to this, I thought my input might be helpful to you. Best of luck.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Welcome I hope you find what you are looking for.

Quitting smoking can be harder for some than for others. Whole tobacco Alkaloid juice can be very helpful as it contains alkaloids from the tobacco plant that aren't found in straight nicotine juice. Aroma is the gold standard for use and I used mine SPARINGLY as it is also priced accordingly but it just helped me through the "I am going to chew through steel feeling" I got at around 3 pm each day.

Snus (Swedish nicotine pouches which are confusingly sold here in many gas stations under the name "American General Snus" in many gas stations also seem to contain alkaloids and I started using them when I did not want my employer knowing I vaped so I tried it and it works well. The alkaloids make up for the vaping action and maybe trying a few here and there might help as well. Snus is CONSIDERABLY cheaper than WTA and actually may have a higher harm reduction profile. Expect them to uh not taste super fabulous (although you can get better tasting snus directly from Sweden if it is your thing) but give it a few times, I found my rat pellet brain could care less about the taste because it was working.)

Some people just do better especially in the beginning with some alkaloid assistance while others switch easily. The alkaloids are MAOI A and B substances which for some, giving them up is really hard. I mean it's just difficult and frustrating overall and sometimes easing your way out is harder. I was a 3 ppd smoker, BTW. When I quit, it was epic. I no longer "need" the alkaloids but in the beginning I REALLY did.

If you search for either you will find some good info I am sure.



Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Be patient... plenty of people here to give you advice (and support)
What is your budget? I'm super low budget so look for deals (clearance sales) There will be some investment at first (might seem like a lot) but if you consider what cigs cost (like each month) you will realize vaping will save you money. When I quit pack a day habit, I was spending $300 a month!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 25, 2013
AB, Canada
Hello and welcome. I'll start you off by mentioning that there are three styles of vaping:

Pod mods
  • Small, low-powered devices
  • Only vapourize a little bit of juice per puff, but make up for that with very high nicotine concentrations

MTL (Mouth-to-Lung)
  • The in-between option - they go through juice a bit faster than pod mods, but use mid-range nicotine concentrations
  • With more juice per puff than a pod, there's more flavour and more vapour in your mouth
  • Generally, the way you inhale is to suck the vapour into your mouth, hold it there a moment, and then pull it into your lungs. It feels a bit more like a cigarette than the next option, DL

DL (Direct Lung)
  • Goes through a lot of lower-concentration juice
  • Even more vapour to inhale
  • Inhale directly to your lungs without holding it in your mouth

Note that the concentration of nicotine depends on the amount of juice used per puff. This means that you can get about the same amount of nicotine regardless of vaping style.

So, does one of these options sound more appealing than the others? If so, let us know (and answer @Izan's questions above), and we'll be able to recommend something that should work for you.

Good luck!


ECF Guru
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Dec 24, 2014


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 12, 2014
I did the vape shop thing when I first started. It was okay for what it was supposed to do. The equipment was all Chinese clones that he did not mention. I went online and looked for my mod and found that I still paid twice as much.

It died a month later. I have never bought hardware at a shop again, just to much of a mark-up.

Just my take on buying.

There is a lot of sub-forums here for hardware and many reviews. Also, YouTube has reviews and "how to" videos.

I still look at "New Posts" everyday. Just to learn.

Good luck!


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
I did the vape shop thing when I first started. It was okay for what it was supposed to do. The equipment was all Chinese clones that he did not mention. I went online and looked for my mod and found that I still paid twice as much.

It died a month later. I have never bought hardware at a shop again, just to much of a mark-up.

Just my take on buying.

There is a lot of sub-forums here for hardware and many reviews. Also, YouTube has reviews and "how to" videos.

I still look at "New Posts" everyday. Just to learn.

Good luck!

Just gotta find the right shop.

To be honest if i didn't physically go to a shop i doubt i would have even started vaping.

I need to see,touch and try whatever im buying,if possible that is.
Always good advice to send a new vaper to a shop even if he is not going to buy anything,in my case he might find the right person who doesn't mind going over some pertinent info.

Having someone in person show you and explain the different type of mods,pods,rebuildable atomizers,etc,etc and being able to puff on the test mods they have is in my honest opinion an irreplaceable experience.

I guess it all depends on the person,if i had the choice i wouldn't buy anything online,prefer to support my local vape shop...
Shame the Spanish bureaucracy allows tobacco shops to open but vape shops have to remain closed, government needs the revenue from those cigarettes hehe.

And to @Reddogkw11 if all the info you get seems to much,you know like overwhelmed by all the choices just write down the different options people in here offer you but if possible visit a shop.

Try out some stuff and see which style of vaping you prefer,just do what you gotta do to quit cigarettes for good,you body will thank you later.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
Hello @Reddogkw11, the most important thing is to find out what style of vaping suits you.

Some folks can do Direct To Lung (DTL) vaping without any issues, it's the lots of vapour big clouds style of vaping.

Some folks can only tolerate Mouth To Lung (MTL) as the big clouds DTL style will make them cough and choke. MTL is much less vapour, more slight mist style.

Once you've worked out which style suits you, you've then got to work out the Nicotine level that suits you. That's measured in mg/ml.

Then there's the Vegetable Glycerine and Propylene Glycol percentages of liquids as well.


vaper dedicato
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    Hello @Reddogkw11, the most important thing is to find out what style of vaping suits you..
    Ya, vaping isn't as simple as just lighting a cigarette, but it is a whole lot more rewarding especially when you find your 'sweet spot'.
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