Hi...fairly new vapor here!

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Apr 5, 2015
Hi everyone! Quit smoking and started vaping 5 weeks ago. Was a smoker for over 30 years. I have been perusing this site for about 4 weeks trying to learn. Lets just say my brain is on overload. I started out with a mini nautilus and vision spinner 2. The other day I bought a different battery because the spinner doesn't last me all day. I bought a kbox 40 hoping it will take me thru the day before the charge is up....any opinions on the kbox? Running it at the lowest wattage which is 8 watts.


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Mpls/St.Paul, MN


Resting In Peace
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Feb 26, 2015
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Hi Inka and welcome to ECF. I, too, am relatively new at stopping smoking. Although, I have been vaping off and on for over 2 years. I have 3 separate boxes I use. I have an itaste VTR, Smok XPro M65 and an IPV Mini II and I use Nautilus tanks. The 3 units I use all use the same battery so I am able to swap the batteries around as needed. I also have an extra battery so I don't have to worry about having a Mod go dead on me. I don't know anything about the mod you are asking about, however I am sure someone will be along to help. I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. Happy vaping! JC :vapor:


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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
I guess my next question is....is this a good set up paired together? I'm not looking for the big vapes...just something with a good taste that appeases the want for a cigarette and a battery that lasts throughout the day.
Yes, the mini Nautilus (with the BVC's) should work great with your KBox. I can't vape my regular sized Nautilus any higher than 15-18 watts without getting a dry hit.

If you chain vape it wouldn't hurt to have an extra battery with you.


Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY, USA

How much juice do you go through in a day? That would determine how long your battery lasts. I use an iStick 30, which basically has a 2200 mah 18650 battery in it and it lasts me at least 2 days if I use it exclusively. My iStick 50, which basically has two 2200 mah 18650 batteries in it lasts me about 4-5 days if I use it exclusively. And I am using a Nautilus Mini on the iStick 30 and I'm running it at about 10 watts. On the iStick 50, I am using a Subtank Mini on it and with the 0.5 ohm coil I am running it at about 20 watts.

When I was using just the Nautilus, I go through about 3 ml a day. If I just use the Subtank Mini, I go through about 4-5 ml a day.


Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY, USA
How much juice depends on the day if I'm working or not working. I just recently went down on nic to 12, so I'm vaping more. On a work day it's about 2 - 3m a day. On an off day anywhere from 3 -4m a day. It just depends on what I'm doing.

Then the iStick 30 will easily last you 2 days. With the iStick 50, I can easily see it lasting you up to a week if you're running it at just 9 watts. My iStick 50 can take 5 hours to recharge if I am recharging from the low battery point where it shuts off, so I will typically plug it in to recharge when it gets down to about 1/3 on the little battery meter.


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2014
Perth , Australia
Well if your using the nautilus with say a 1.8Ω coil at 8 watts then that is said to last with the battery you mentioned around 62 minutes total run time.
How much that 62 minutes of vaping is spread out will be how long it lasts.

Istick 50w would last around 110 minutes total vape time with the same set up.


Senior Member
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Apr 5, 2015
Thanks everyone. 62 minutes doesn't seem like a lot to spread out thru the day.

One more question in this thread I have. Where can I buy juice that has AG instead of PG in it? I read that PG is not good for cats and I have cats. The vape shop around the corner from where I live mixes to order and I can get AG juice there, but is there any online venders that use a AG mix?


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2015
Omaha, NE, USA
I almost got the istick 50, may still get one in a few weeks. I don't want to be carrying spare batteries in my purse to have to change out, that's why I was looking for something that would last for a few days.

The iTaste MVP V3.0 is also a nice high capacity battery, probably larger than the iStick 50 though.


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2014
Perth , Australia
Thanks everyone. 62 minutes doesn't seem like a lot to spread out thru the day.

One more question in this thread I have. Where can I buy juice that has AG instead of PG in it? I read that PG is not good for cats and I have cats. The vape shop around the corner from where I live mixes to order and I can get AG juice there, but is there any online venders that use a AG mix?

Probably some but none that I've come across.
its just Vg with distilled water added to it.
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