Hi... my name is...

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Full Member
Mar 1, 2011
Western Pennsylvania
.... Kraylen.

So.... finally decided to start posting.. .this could be a good or bad thing for some.. hah

I'm a 28 year old psychopath.. I'm into awesomeness.... I like to create ecosystems in my garage so I can play god and clone animals... and stuff... Um... I like long parks in the walk... I like pretty things.. and bright things.... and weapons.

I've smoked cigarettes since I was 12... heavy smoker... switched to an e-cig recently... it sucked.. got an Inferno.. its dope... happy with that... been on the e-liquid binge... killed a pass through battery... made me sad... got mad at CS.. made me smoke... smoking made me mad... ahhh.. so yeah.. I gotta get a new pass through and some back up batteries... I got a grip of liquids to mix with this afternoon,so I've been a madman in my lab today.

Uh... anything else you want to know? ask something dead.



Your U-Tube channel kicks .....

See what I did there?

Back to youtube The beginning of the chalice coral propogation vid. I see some serious-looking nippers and a razor blade thingie.

Need I worry?

And welcome to here.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Miami Beach, Florida
:) Hi... my name is...

.... Luka.

So.... I live on the second.. .Yes, I think you've seen me before.. hah

I'm a 38 year old valet.. I'm into mediocrity.... I like to breed rabbits in my garage so I can make stews and fur coats... and stuff... Um... I like long walks off short piers... I like pretty things.. like "The Precious".... and Nutter Butters.

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