His and Hers mods/PV`s, anybody do it with their spouse?

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Sep 16, 2014
Nic`d Up in Oklahoma!
vaping of course. :?)
Anyone else able to dive into this with their other half?

Here`s our sigelei.


We got a few more, but these are the matching two. And the aspect ratio they have is just about the right representation. LOL.

OK, show me yours. :?)
I`m looking forward to it.:p


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Oct 29, 2014
I don't have pictures at the moment, but me and my hubby got into vaping at the same time and currently we both have iStick 50's. Mine is pink and his is silver :) I'll have to take pics later when I'm home...

The only thing we don't agree on is juice flavors. I like fruit and cream while he likes coffee, nut, and candy flavors. At least that means we don't steal each other's juices :)


Full Member
Dec 22, 2014
Regina, Sk. Canada
Wife and I are both running: istick 20w - hers - pink, mine - silver. IPV mini's - her's blue, mine black. IPV2S - both black. We have 16 Nautilus tanks - his and hers equally as we like to rotate through a number of different juices (as well as shiny tank syndrome :-{) and just got into RDA's - running Magma's on the IPV2S's currently. The thing that usually identifies them are different drip tips.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
My husband's very first vaporizor was the Standard ProVari I had won at a vape meet. He was neither a smoker nor vaper when he escorted me to various meets and vape shops. After a while he was beginning to feel left out and felt the need to have something in hand when going to these various locations. He did have the literature down pat and is well versed in vaping. So, he got my very first PV......which, of course, needed immediate replacing! He only vapes at night and an 18650 battery will last a month. :p

Just celebrated our 38th anniversary and hubbs wanted his very own "he got to pick out" PV rather than a power tool!.......Perhaps the battery won't last as long in this one. :laugh:


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Mar 16, 2014
Alpharetta, GA USA
My wife got me into this, God bless her! We have an assortment of equipment, and I have three sitting beside me now-- two Vapor Flask DNA 40's with Erlkonigins, and a IPV mini with a Rose, she keeps the ZNA and her Rose close to her most of the time! Always DIY juice, and several flavors. I just got her off the tobacco flavor onto a Honey Cheesecake...celebrating a year this week, smoke free!


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Oct 3, 2013
Houston, TX
Oh my lord someone went there. Lol I got a new to me car and did not want this new one to smell like smoke. So stopped in to the only vape shop I knew of at the time. Got an ego starter and loved it. Told my wife she could either vape in my car or nothing. So we got her an ego. Then I found this wonderful forum. And next thing I knew I just had to have a provari. Got one of those and loved it. She still liked her ego. I got freaked out over regulations so I talked her into a zmax. It worked like crap. Which I was glad of cause I was really wanting her to have a provari. At this point I had 2 provaris. Got her a provari and she fought it like crazy. Then we went to a vape meet and she fell in love with a prototype of the p3. Meanwhile as we waited on that to come out I got a vapor shark DNA. Then came her p3. I found a good deal on a vapor shark rdna. So ya we have all that with about 7 erlkonigin clones and a couple Kayfun 4 clones. She won't let me come within touching distance of her p3. She has enough tanks to rotate so she just hands me one and tells me to rewick it for her. Sorry no pictures. Can never get them to load from my phone. But there is my story. A family that Vapes together stays together. Today we have a graduation party to go to a town over. So what did she ask? Is there some vape shops out there we can hit? Lol she has really enjoyed it over the last year.
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