Horrible chest pain and more

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ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
You don't get pneumonia from vaping. So let's scratch that one right off. If that one were true we all would have drowned... years ago. It makes no sense, especially if you consider vaping liquid is hygroscopic in nature. It draws moisture out of you - much to our aggravation - it doesn't put any in.

You can get reflux problems from vaping - or smoking if you are doing it wrong. In effect "gulping" your vape and swallowing it rather than inhaling it. => http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ecf-library/337017-inhalation-technique-e-cigarette.html Poor hardware and practices can contribute to the problem if you are getting liquids into your mouth and ingesting it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2011
Don't know others advice and not going to read it all.
Just read this and pay attention!

First - See and Pay attention to your doctors.
Almost 3 ears ago I collapsed in pain at work. This was after several attacks and me doing everything possible to ignore signs and assume whatever it was would pass on its own.
Even something that sounds simple like Acid Reflux can be Very Serious. Like special medications for Life serious.
Never once thought I had Heart Burn. Never had the symptoms most express.
Suddenly I thought I was having a Heart attack.
ER thought I had Gall Stones and ordered surgery for Gall removal.
Surgical Specialist locked over all the Data/test and opted for a bit of exploratory instead.(I agreed)

Turned out I had severe acid reflux disease. Lower esophagus severely damaged and 60% restricted. Surgan did immediate corrective measures on the spot.
Still needed a second surgery 45 days later to balloon expand it further.

Have been on medication ever since and no new occurrences.

Vaping can make your lungs feel heavy, for some. High Vg is thicker(Dense) but should not include any Painful experiences like you describe.

Listen and get better.
Best to you!

Yeah, chronic acid reflux isn't to be taken lightly and can cause lifelong issues. If your one that has frequent acid reflux see a Doctor now don't put it off. I never gave my frequent acid reflux a second thought. I would just grab a handful of rolaids each time it would get too uncomfortable. I am now on lifelong meds and need an Endoscopy annually to check on the progress of the disease. It's something that can be prevented if caught early.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2014
You don't get pneumonia from vaping. So let's scratch that one right off. If that one were true we all would have drowned... years ago. It makes no sense, especially if you consider vaping liquid is hygroscopic in nature. It draws moisture out of you - much to our aggravation - it doesn't put any in.

You can get reflux problems from vaping - or smoking if you are doing it wrong. In effect "gulping" your vape and swallowing it rather than inhaling it. => http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ecf-library/337017-inhalation-technique-e-cigarette.html Poor hardware and practices can contribute to the problem if you are getting liquids into your mouth and ingesting it.

I didn't say it WILL happen. I said it CAN happen. Inhaling any liquid vapor into your lungs can most certainly cause pneumonia.
i dont think you are crazy nor do i think you have heart burn or a heart attack. i recently started using a vapor cigarette as well and have experienced much the same thing you are describing. shortness of breath, light headedness, chest pain that goes up into my neck and head as well as a very accelerated heart rate 120 and up. i came into here to see if this is something that is just me or is there a connection to my e cigarette. do you use nicotine in yours and if so what mg do you use. im wondering if maybe that might be a part of the problem


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2014
McAllen, tx, USA
Hey everyone! I'm kind of new to vaping and had a few concerns and questions. So far I've been to the ER twice, for what I thought was a heart attack, and was released both times with "heartburn." It's really starting to annoy me that whatever is wrong with me keeps getting dismissed as heartburn. I've never heard of heartburn lasting for days or weeks. However, I've never heard of a heart attack lasting that long either. I'm going to call my doctor at the VA and schedule an appointment but I wanted to get some insight and opinions from you guys first.

First let me start with my symptoms because that list is long:
Sharp stabbing chest pain
nausea (no vomitting)
light headed and dizziness (no passing out or fainting)
sweating (palms and feet)

These were my symptoms when I went to the ER the first time. About 2 weeks later, it started again. Now the reason I wrote this off as NOT being heartburn, is because the 2nd time it happened, I had just woke up. I drank a few drinks of a Mtn Dew to take my thyroid pill, then that's when it happened. So I went to the ER and it was again wrote off as heartburn. Now after going twice, I still have symptoms and am debating going a third time. I still have chest pain, although it's not as bad as it was the first time. As I sit writing this, these are now my symptoms:

chest pain (not bad just uncomfortable) (shoots down my right arm)
body aches (kind of like when you have the flu)
slight sweating from palms and feet
exhaustion and tiredness (most likely because I have barely slept 4 hours a night in the last few days)
feeling weak (again like when you have the flu)

Now what my purpose is for posting here is that I'm trying to see if anyone vaping is having the same symptoms or anything. I have literally changed nothing in my lifestyle, other than the fact that I started using an e-cig. That's the only thing different. I've never had an issue with acid reflux or heartburn before, never had heart issues before. I just got out of the Army in January after 7 years, so I have been fairly healthy (working out almost daily since 2007). So let me give some information about my e-cig as well.

Brand is Criss-Cross (I think mine is the only one they make)
Juice brand is Criss-Cross as well (bought from a store so I have no idea about the PG or VG levels.

Here is a picture of the vape pen:
View attachment 374361

How long have you had acid reflux?
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I definitely would recommend talking to your doctor more. But I will say I have only been vaping about a month so im no means an expert but I did have times where I had the stabbing chest pains and I contributed it to the way I was vaping. Chain vaping and lots of hard deep lung hits. I noticed that if I eased up a lil on my hits the pain would go away after a day or so. I learned that you dont hit a vape like u do a cig. Maybe thats your problem as well. Wish u luck and hope it gets better
Could be GERD, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Could also be panic attacks- I've had both and both feel like a heart attack, especially panic attacks. A LOT of people go to the ER for a panic attack thinking it's a heart attack. And you don't have to have anything going wrong, life could be grand every single day- it's a chemical thing. I remember one where i was in a movie theater watching something funny, with my fiancee, had a great evening lined up, no worries, great day at work, bills all paid, absolutely NOTHING wrong in the world and BAM there it was..and a bad one. They come like that, but they go in an hour..Idk, best get to the Doctor, pronto.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2014
Rison, Arkansas, United States
I believe it is either acid indigestion or a panic attack or possibly both. They both came on suddenly and i am in good health. I have had both and using a high nic level liquid with surely cause one or the other to happen. I found a nice level at 12mg 50/50, and try not to chain vape. I suggest consulting your doctor anyways, just to make sure.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2014
i dont think you are crazy nor do i think you have heart burn or a heart attack. i recently started using a vapor cigarette as well and have experienced much the same thing you are describing. shortness of breath, light headedness, chest pain that goes up into my neck and head as well as a very accelerated heart rate 120 and up. i came into here to see if this is something that is just me or is there a connection to my e cigarette. do you use nicotine in yours and if so what mg do you use. im wondering if maybe that might be a part of the problem

Yes I used 24mg Nicotine. The e-juice was Criss-Cross brand, as well as the e-cig. I'm 33 years old and have never had anything like this happen in my entire life, until I had been vaping for 2 or 3 weeks.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2014
You may be allergic to 1 or more of the ingredients in juice. I would go to your doctor and tell him what's happening. He may be able to help your situation. And if not just don't do either. Every cig you smoke is 1 more that you do not need. Instead of vapeing have you tried the patch? I have heard mixed feelings on them. Some say they worked, some say they didn't. Start off with 2 weeks of 28mg patches, then 2 weeks of i think it was 24 mg patches, then 2 weeks of 17mg patches, then down to like 7mg. That's 6 weeks to get you a head start on quitting. I myself tried the patches and got to the 17mg level and started vaping and stopped the patches. They got me over the hump of the real bad cravings/withdrawls. After being smoke free for 1 year and 4 months I still get a craving for a cig. As they say once an addict, always an addict.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2014
You may be allergic to 1 or more of the ingredients in juice. I would go to your doctor and tell him what's happening. He may be able to help your situation. And if not just don't do either. Every cig you smoke is 1 more that you do not need. Instead of vapeing have you tried the patch? I have heard mixed feelings on them. Some say they worked, some say they didn't. Start off with 2 weeks of 28mg patches, then 2 weeks of i think it was 24 mg patches, then 2 weeks of 17mg patches, then down to like 7mg. That's 6 weeks to get you a head start on quitting. I myself tried the patches and got to the 17mg level and started vaping and stopped the patches. They got me over the hump of the real bad cravings/withdrawls. After being smoke free for 1 year and 4 months I still get a craving for a cig. As they say once an addict, always an addict.

I think I may have to go that route. This might be all in my head but seriously, I just smoked my first analog in 52 days and I feel about 50 times better already. Is that seriously possible that it could make me feel better that fast? I think you're on to something about being allergic to one or more of the ingredients. When I quit again I will try either the patches or the gum.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2014
I think I may have to go that route. This might be all in my head but seriously, I just smoked my first analog in 52 days and I feel about 50 times better already. Is that seriously possible that it could make me feel better that fast? I think you're on to something about being allergic to one or more of the ingredients. When I quit again I will try either the patches or the gum.

This bothers me, you went 50+ days of no smoking. Took me about 2 months after the patches and starting vapeing to get over the urges/craving. One of my quit coachs told me 1 very helpful thing. When you are having a craving direct your attention to something else, like read a mag/book. Make some food. Go for a walk. What you need to do is stop making excuses to smoke. We all go threw it. I have driven by my local store I bought from for years and look at it and smile and say "I won". You just need to get out of the rut and take ahold of your actions (Not smoking).

Don't get me wrong i smoked 2-3 packs of Marlboro Reds a day and chewed 2-3 bags of Red Man a week. Getting over these kind of addictions are compared to herion addics trying to quit. Those 5000-7000 chemicals/toxins in cig's are a b*tch to try and stop. But if I can do it so can you. 1 day at a time. Don't feel bad about having a cig and enjoying it, I mean that's what we all did for years right? It was my friend that got me through all the tough times (This happened I need a cig). At this point in my life it has gone from friend to my enemy.

Sorry for the long post but I thought I would share with you some of what I went through quitiing and staying off them.
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