How did you quit smoking?

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I am not sure I have quit. I certainly did not intend to when I bought my eGo Twist three weeks ago. In fact, the next day I bought two packs of cigarettes. I was trying vaping as just another way to enjoy nicotine. While I still like smoking, and will probably always have the occasional cigarette (I only was smoking about 5 a day anyway, and not every day), I have still not finished that first pack, and the second remains unopened. I will probably throw it in the freezer. I like being able to vape all day, indoors and out. I enjoy the variety of flavors. I have fun seeing where I can stealth vape. I have found that, although part of my goal was to increase my nicotine consumption without smoking more, I like lower nicotine juices: 6mg being about perfect. Smoking was, and remains for me, a pleasure, but vaping has put the fun back in it. It is like the days of going into a good smoke shop and trying out different cigarettes from all over the world, something I have not done in a long time (no good smoke shops in the area, and the cost gets to be too much).


Moved On
Apr 8, 2014
Which time? :laugh:

THIS time, the most recent, I bought an eGo clone starter kit (2 batteries, 2 clearos) and a couple of juices I liked from sampling, and a pack of analogs (different stores). It took me a few days to get through the analogs, smoking one in the morning, one after meals, and so on, and I just didn't buy any more. I DID, however, buy more tanks....a better battery....and a lot more juice flavors. It's been two days shy of a month now, and this has been the easiest 'first month' of any I've attempted. I have very high confidence.:2cool:
I also accidentally gave up smoking.
Had no intention to stop. A friend gave me one of the joyetech set ups and a couple of bottles of juice. I spent the weekend trying all the juices and totally forgot to smoke. So I just didn't bother anymore. Upgraded to aspire BDC and Evods. And happy there. Still using the original batteries. It's been 4 months now. Might get a dripper at some point, just so I can try more juice, but I am not so much into the hobby side of it, I just want to fill up and go, so I am happy with clearos. I have added a mini pro tank and an itaste vv battery. But I keep going back to my Evods.
It was a doodle. So easy.
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