How long did it take you to give up the cig style

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Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Started with the Blu....which lasted for me about a month. Then we went through 3 more types before we got our eGos. Only then did we end up going for mods. I finally quit smoking when i got my first bottom fed juice mod. So between the Blu and when I actually quit smoking? 6 months. It was only a month for my husband. Go figure. :)


Super Member
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Jan 10, 2010
Louisiana USA
I dropped the habit the minute I took my first vape of a volcano. Hadn't smoked for 4 months and then went to Iraq and started back up, no excuse just started back up. Now I'm in Afghanistan and back on the VapeWagon for about a month now.

I think it's a social thing, I couldn't get anyone in Iraq to make the move with me but here all the smokers I work with have made the switch.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Brooklyn, MI
I started with an M-401 type ecig for less than two days. Got some 901 stuff and spent a few weeks charging 901 batts. I had a home made box mod and a DSE 905 in less than a month.
I went through several 3.7/6V mods before I got a 5V mod (GLV). I thought THAT was the ultimate until I got a variable voltage mod (Buzz). What's next?


Ultra Member
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Sep 19, 2010
Canandaigua, NY
I used the 510 for two months and switched to the Riva in December because of terrible battery life.

Then I tried a 3.7 box mod with a LR atty and fell in love with twice the vapor production:) I have a Madvapes 5v passthrough and AC adapter coming in the mail and can't wait to try a 5 volt vape! I like the hotter, heavier vapor the higher volts give you.



Full Member
Apr 7, 2010
Call me easy, but I never gave up cig style. I knew on that first pull I took from a blu 10 months ago that this was going to be enough for me. Well... not the blu, but the style. I've tried 901, 501, kr808d1. I'm trying Smokestik now, which I'm liking a whole lot and have a Maxx Fusion on order. For unknown reasons I haven't even been curious about mods yet. Maybe that's still in my future.

For now I'm analog free for 10 months and never going back. I do hope that one day, tptb will allow these products to be marketed as stop smoking aids. I smoked analogs for 40 years. In my last 10, I smoked 3 packs a day. One puff on a Blu and I became an accidental quitter.


Ultra Member
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Nov 20, 2010
Residing in Henniker, NH
Started off with an eGo from Cignot, quit analogs in two days with that and went to a CT. Vapers meet about a week or so later.
I met many great people like Kev,Ares,Big Buyer and purchased my first mod from him
{COV} at the meeting.
So I went from an eGo directly to a Leo,Wetbox and a 5 volt "Tilt"!
I now use my Provari,Phidias, Buzz,Reo Grands and Leo everyday
and I love all my little mods!
So thanks to all the mod makers for providing me with great beautiful and useful products!
I didn't have any problem going from a cigarette style to a box type mod at all it never made a difference for me. All I wanted to get out of vaping was to continue the oral fixation
{hand to mouth thingy} and to not get withdrawals if I was going to have them at all.
So for me the style really didn't play much if any part in it.
Thanks guys for making all the great mods we use!
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