I just killed a moth...

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The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Yeah, I know bugs have their place in the ecosystem (other than fleas... no idea what purpose they serve... karma, maybe), but if they're in my house, they are fair game, and will soon be DEAD bugs. Moths eat holes in your clothes, and their larva attack plants. The only good moth is a dead moth!!!


Fleas can be fun. Their outer shell is hard, but their insides are soft. When exposed to direct high heat, like a candle flame, they pop like popcorn. Just saying...

Funk Dracula

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Jun 7, 2013
We have these other little villains down here, called "Brown Recluses"... if they bite you, you get that "skin eating" infection, or whatever it is; their venom kills the tissue it infects, and it spreads. And they're fast little buggers, they're also sometimes called "Brown Racers."

I suffered a Brown Recluse bite: NOT FUN. Bugger was hiding inside a pair of pants I put on, and got me on the thigh. The ordeal left a scar on me that looks like an old bullet wound. Pretty damn thankful the little bugger didn't make it further up my pants, right??? :D


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
We don't have any dangerous spiders up here and I never kill them in the house, though my dog does get them if they venture into her snout space. Yellowjackets OTOH can be dangerous.

We have a patch of land between our house and a creek out back that is municipal land but I scythe the grass and weeds a few times a summer so we don't lose sight of the creek. Couple of years back there must have been a yellowjacket nest on the ground that I disturbed. I got stung once and backed off for a few minutes. Didn't see any more and thought it must have just been one of them. A couple of minutes later I was swarmed and they were stinging me as best they could. I got 60' away to the back yard as quick as I could and they followed me, still stinging. I had to kill them to get them to stop. Luckily I had on gloves and a hat which really helped.

I think I got stung nine or ten times. I got the phone and sat down for a half hour just in case I reacted and had to call 911. I was fine but I'm more careful now when I work back there and I know where there's one there are probably going to be more.

Actually they commonly nest *in* the ground, especially on hillsides, and near creeks or other bodies of water where there's a 'bank'; at the last place we lived, we were yanking out some really old ground-hugging juniper, and it had a considerable root system. In the course of pulling/digging those roots out, my husband encountered a nest, and they got him pretty good - he does a lot of yardwork, so he gets stung by those little buggers a lot, but this time, he was wearing loose-legged long shorts, uhh, commando... and take a wild guess where he got stung? :facepalm: So now when he goes out to do yardwork of any kind, he puts on jeans and boots, with the jeans tucked into the boots! :D

Since I started doing gardening stuff about 15 yrs ago, I've gotten over my own phobia of stinging things -- my husband told me that my dancing around hollering was just entertainment for wasps, and that does seem to be true. :D But, also at that last residence, there were a lot of black "mud dauber" wasps with nests in the carport ceiling. I was sitting out there one day (smoking of course, that was my smoking area!) reading a book, and one of those wasps flew straight down, went right over the top of my glasses and ran smack into my face -- right on my eyelid! Naturally it stung me, I think it was as surprised as I was. Should have seen me plastering my face and eye with wet baking soda! Which apparently worked; it didn't swell much at all.

But I mainly hate yellowjackets because unlike other stinging things, they WON'T just leave you alone if you leave them alone; they're the nosiest buggers on the planet, always have to come investigate what you're doing, and WILL NOT LEAVE!



Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I suffered a Brown Recluse bite: NOT FUN. Bugger was hiding inside a pair of pants I put on, and got me on the thigh. The ordeal left a scar on me that looks like an old bullet wound. Pretty damn thankful the little bugger didn't make it further up my pants, right??? :D

No kidding -- see my last post, about where my husband got stung by yellowjackets! :D

The landlady of that last residence of ours encountered a brown recluse while cleaning out an attic at one of her other houses; apparently she sat on or near it, and it got her right on the sitter -- she lost about a quarter of her buttcheek from the infection!



Supreme Overlord of Everything
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Jul 29, 2014
Houston, TX, USA
Fleas can be fun. Their outer shell is hard, but their insides are soft. When exposed to direct high heat, like a candle flame, they pop like popcorn. Just saying...

I knew there was a reason I liked you, Occy..... you're as mentally twisted as I am... 8-o


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Here are some fun threads discussing mosquitoes and bees/yellow jackets...

As for me, I have a large plastic container that I use to catch insects that find their way into the house.
I catch about 95% of them, including a number of bees and at least one black widow.

But woe to those that manage to evade my plastic container, for my wife will kill them without hesitation.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I'm sitting here enjoying the sound of the crickets and watching my show and a moth managed to make it in my mancave. It was flying around my desk in front of me so I threw a huge cloud at it, it then landed and was walking around so I decided to re drip and blow through my drip tip so a cloud of non inhaled vapor would wisp around it, and what do you know, he stopped moving. I think I just found my new bug zapper. I think I need to go to sleep.:evil:

Edit: after some time has passes he is back alive.

Moth to Saywhat: "Whoah maaan, gimme some more o that!"
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