I think it's time to upgrade.. I can't do this anymore.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I bought a eGo twist 1000mah in April and don't get me wrong it gets the job done, but I really want to upgrade. It's starting to fail on me sometimes. The button doesn't register clicks sometimes. My cheap $8 tank is falling apart and my drip tip is getting beat up (I dropped it on the tip.) I have my heart set on a provari mini with a pyrex glass tank and a new drip tip. But then for the price of at least $300 I can get into mechanical mods with a rba.. Should I get the provari set up or jump into the mechanical?? I heard mechanicals hit amazing but it seems like a lot of work and I am a pretty heavy vaper. Should I just go the provari route and get a mechanical in the future?? Input would be much appreciated, I am about to spend a ton of money on a device and I wanna make sure I spend it on something I wont regret. Thanks!


Senior Member
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Apr 12, 2013
Why not try something like a Vamo and Kanger Pro Tank? It will work out much cheaper than a Provari and do the same job, you can experiment with RBA`s (such as AGA-T+ or RSST`s) with it and if you get on then make the financial leap to a Provari with the Vamo as back-up.

What ever route you go down Provari/Vamo or mech mod you will need decent batteries (with back-ups) and a decent charger.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I was thinking about a VAMO but I mean if I'm already at the vape shop which is almost an hour away with my money might as well get something I'll be truly happy with.. I have heard provaris are built like tanks! as for the protank I have a whole stockpile of boge cartomizers (they were on sale :p) as for back ups, is an eVic a decent back up battery?

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I much prefer my ProVari to my Vamo, for it's consistency, build, one button menu, visibility of the screen and the location of the button. That said, I vape the Vamo too, but I vape all of my mods in rotation (I don't like screwing tanks on and off). My $1 (adjusted for inflation), is to check out the Sigelei Zmax if looking for a mid-range priced tube mod.


Senior Member
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Apr 12, 2013
As it seems you have plenty of cartomisers and you want pyrex then there are plenty of pyrex carto-tanks out there, all you need is a carto-punch :)
An Evic seems like an expensive back-up to me, for many it`s their primary device!
But it`s your money, personally I just have a another Vamo as back-up ( I can buy 4 or 5 of them for the price of a Provari) and a couple of Ego`s as back-ups for the back-ups :D


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
Just my two cents, if you can afford the provari, but are unsure if you want to go that route or the mechanical route, get the vamo for vv/vw and a k100 for a good mech. Try them both, see which you prefer. It will still be cheaper than the provari and no matter what you decide later you then have 2 good backups.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2012
I have 2 of the vamo, also the zmax and a provari. They are all good with the provari having the best build quality. Personally I prefer the looks of the zmax. If the vamo had been out when I bought the provari I would have started there and worked my way up. As far as go to equip I prefer the vw vamo and the menu system is easier for me to use. I rarely have to change settings.
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