Im about to give up...

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Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
So recently i started to vape
and i have this huge problem!

i started off with some kinda ....ty equipment and it gave me really burnt taste and dry hits
so i decided to invest in some better things. i bought the SMOKtech Tumbler tank along with some 50/50 PG,VG Mixes
and it started out just brilliant. i got great taste and amazing throat hits and everything

after vaping on it for about 2 hours when i drew and held down the button it started to like make noises when i drew and it was like a resistance when drawing. i tried to draw harder and i got alot of juice in my mouth.

I decided to clean every part and refill the tank and give it another go. it again started just great but after a couple of hours of vaping it did the same thing again. its slurping when im taking draws and i get juice in my mouth.

So please, Please im begging you guys!
if you know any fix for this i would appreciate a quick answer couse this is really bothering me and im thinking of quitting...
i have a eGo-T batter(900mAH), SMOKtech Tumbler Tank!

Thanks for reading!


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Nov 30, 2012
So the tumbler tanks aren't all that great. Used em', they are now catching dust. They don't suit my taste.

Look into a pro tank 2/carto tank/vivi nova/iclear's/aspire BDC's they will all change your view on vaping, they are great. Don't give up! Don't be a quitter!!! All of us went through trial and error to find our 'ideal' vape.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
So the tumbler tanks aren't all that great. Used em', they are now catching dust. They don't suit my taste.

Look into a pro tank 2/carto tank/vivi nova/iclear's/aspire BDC's they will all change your view on vaping, they are great. Don't give up! Don't be a quitter!!! All of us went through trial and error to find our 'ideal' vape.

I've watched alot of youtube videos about them and all of them seem to more or less like the Tumbler tank! :/
Its so weird... I dont really have the money to actually buy new tanks all the time as i currently have no job or income!

Thanks for the answer though!
Really hope someone has a fix for this!


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
I tried the tumbler tanks and wasn't impressed. All I taste is plastic. I really like bcc's (bottom coil clearomizers). I use Discount Vapers brand of bcc and they work amazingly well and are crazy affordable. I've had no problems with gurgling or burnt taste with them. DV BCC Clearomizer

Okay so according to everyone's own experinces the tumbler tank isn't very good at all?
im so dissapointed i feel like throwing away my vape kit....


Super Member
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Aug 5, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
I tried the tumbler tanks and wasn't impressed. All I taste is plastic. I really like bcc's (bottom coil clearomizers). I use Discount Vapers brand of bcc and they work amazingly well and are crazy affordable. I've had no problems with gurgling or burnt taste with them. DV BCC Clearomizer

Yeah! Plastic! I loaded one with a nice pear juice and it just had this undercurrent of unpleasantness. The juice was new so I figured it needed steeping. A week later the tumbler had cracks all in it. Threw it all out. Haven't gone back to the juice yet though.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 1, 2013
...after vaping on it for about 2 hours when i drew and held down the button it started to like make noises when i drew and it was like a resistance when drawing. i tried to draw harder and i got alot of juice in my mouth.

I decided to clean every part and refill the tank and give it another go. it again started just great but after a couple of hours of vaping it did the same thing again. its slurping when im taking draws and i get juice in my mouth.

Sounds like flooding issues - search ECF for "ProTank flooding" (same BCC coil set-up) for lots of solutions. Personally, I'd blow-out the tank upside down (like holding a trumpet, but more vertically) for a quick fix.

For a more permanent fix, you might try adding an additional flavour wick on top of the coil.

Hope this helps


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Nov 23, 2012
Okay so according to everyone's own experinces the tumbler tank isn't very good at all?
im so dissapointed i feel like throwing away my vape kit....

Before I really got into rebuildables and filled my drawers with silica, mesh and wire, I learned to keep a few boxes of standard cartomizers (or just a few standard 510 atomizers) off to the side. I had been using an eGo-C, and it was hit or miss with the atomizers... when it worked, it worked amazingly good, but when I had a day where I just "couldn't get it right", I put it to the side and filled a cartomizer, or dripped. Was the vape as good? No way, but it satisfied me and eased my frustration.

Now I have my gennies and Kayfun, but I still have days where I just "can't it right", whether the wicking is off on my Kayfun, or I can't get rid of hotspots on a genesis, and man does it frustrate me! But that's why I always keep a dripper to the side. It's foolproof and always works, and it eases my frustration. :)

Backups are always important, especially when you're just switching to vaping!


Ultra Member
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Feb 4, 2013
Paulden, Arizona
Haven't used them myself, but maybe when your juice goes down to a certain level, THAT'S when you start getting "juice suck"? You could also be vaping a juice that gunks up your wicks, usually that's the darker liquids or high VG content (someone correct me if I'm wrong on VG, brain fart in effect :?:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
Okay so according to everyone's own experinces the tumbler tank isn't very good at all?
im so dissapointed i feel like throwing away my vape kit....

There is not a single person on this forum that wants you to give up. no one wants to see that. we are like some sort of strange family here and we want to be supportive. please stick with vaping because you will find an atty that you will love and you will be so glad you didn't throw in the towel. It can be frustrating and disappointing at times but we all have to go through that. you are not alone


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Jan 6, 2009
NE Texas
I am not familiar with the tumbler since I have never used one but after checking it out is doesn't seem to be much different than most other bottom coil clearos. Here is a couple of thoughts and a link to a review of the product. Being a new vapor we all have to learn how to vape to make our particular devices work as intended. First off make sure that your coil assembly is screwed down tight. When you draw on your device don't pull on it like you did a cig. You don't want to create so much negative pressure in the tank that it pulls more juice into the chamber than your coil/wick setup will vaporize and cause flooding. Check the way you hold it during a vape. I know that when I first started I found out that I would press my fire button with my middle finger and my index finger rode along the bottom of the clearo blocking an air passage. That creates negative pressure. What is your coil rated in ohms? The review says it comes in 2.0 2.4 and 3 ohms. If you have a 3 ohm coil setup then your battery may not be getting the coil hot enough to vaporize the amount of liquid that is entering the chamber. The main thing about vaping is yes it will be finnicky???? if that is a word but through trial and error you will find the way to make your equipment work and once you do you will be so proud your not smoking cigs any longer. Everyone is pulling for you here so don't give up.
Review of the Smok Tech Tumbler Tank Clearomizer- A surprise? - YouTube


Moved On
Oct 10, 2013
Kansas City, MO
Not a big fan of Protanks. Had a couple of PTII's and a mini. They work great when they work but required a lot of troubleshooting for me. I graduated to the iClear30S which required minimal maintenance. Then, most recently, to a carto-tank (as of yesterday). It gets pretty enjoyable when you find things that work well for you. Trust me, my experimentation to find something effect was expensive, but compared to the cost of clinics and prescription medicines due to reoccurring sinus, lung and throat infections, it's waaay cheaper. This year of vaping has resulted in no visits to the clinic. I haven't even had a cold. First year in many and the only thing different is that I'm getting my nicotine a different way. :)

mare ze dotes

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2012
Like before said. Please don't quit. I had a rough start too. Now I am 13 month vaping,and using relatively simple easy inexpensive equipment. Just have to find what works for you.
nother point may be that vaping is different from smoking in the way that you would take a draw. I had to learn how to vape satisfactorily.


Ultra Member
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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa
I tried the tumbler tanks and wasn't impressed. All I taste is plastic. I really like bcc's (bottom coil clearomizers). I use Discount Vapers brand of bcc and they work amazingly well and are crazy affordable. I've had no problems with gurgling or burnt taste with them. DV BCC Clearomizer

Hey, thanks for the link to the clearomizers. I just ordered 4 of them! You said how much you like them, and they get lots of 5 star reviews! I'm on a fixed income budget, and you sure cannot beat the price.
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