Is there a better atomizer design?

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Full Member
Oct 17, 2008
Wichita, KS, USA

If you can, factor in a replaceable wick. Even if it does get a bit burnt up, if it can be replaced cheaply, so it's not a big deal.

Does the efficiency of the heating element necessarily make it easier to burn out, like a light bulb filament? It seems that the elements tend toward the light bulb side of the spectrum (burning through in open air), when we need them more on the toaster side. But...increase the size, you decrease the resistance of the element and now you need more power.

My next question would be what sorts of temperatures are needed, but that can be worked out pretty easily with some juice, a glass pipe and an infrared gun.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2008
Wichita, KS, USA
I thought I had posted, but it seems to have dropped it. Here we go again.

1) Try to figure in a replaceable wick.

2) Does efficiency require an element that is susceptible to burning in open air? If so, wouldn't it have to be beefed up a bit, therefore lowering resistance and requiring more power?

3) When I actually order/receive my first ecig I'll go to the head shop and buy a glass..uhh... 'tobacco' pipe, throw in some ejuice, and freebase with an infrared gun to check required temperatures, if anyone thinks it would be useful for these endeavors.
1) The replaceable wick is already in my idea, as otherwise it would make the vial hard to remove. Also, in theory, if the wick is properly saturated, it shouldn't burn either.
2) I don't quite follow what you're asking, but a light bulb is basically burning the filament in a low-to-no oxygen, so there is no oxidation. A e-cig heating coil is nichrome, I think. The chrome would prevent the oxidation, so it's a different story. Also, thicker wire is more stable and resistant, but requires more power. I have to do some math and figure the optimal temp vs. power consumption (thickness).
3) I remember reading that the temperature is about 220F, but have fun with your experiments.
Ok, the wire coil turns electricity into heat, and the heat is then transferred to the liquid in the fibers, thus making vapor. If there's no liquid, the fiber burns. If there's no fiber, then there would be no liquid and no heat transfer, thus burning the wire coil. When all three are present in proper amounts, the system works. Take away one, or dangerously lower the content of one, and the system breaks fast.


Full Member
Oct 11, 2008
What are peoples experiences of batteries? Do they only last a couple of weeks? If the battery and atomiser only last a couple of weeks, then your basically buying a new ecig every two weeks, that cant be right, can it?

Mine hasn't arrived as yet,but i think that about sums it up,2 new batteries and 1 atomiser evry 2 week,plus approx 14ml juice per week (for a 20 a day smoker).
So that comes in at about £20-£25 per week instead of £40


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2008
How about an atomizer with a bit of extra thread in it. That way you just use a little hex wrench or something and wind it whenever it starts tasting burnt. Here's a quick diagram modifying the cross section from earlier in this thread.
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ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Yes, this may be a good idea for the atomiser, we may ask my engineer to try in the future, but right now , we have used another way to improve the atomiser, and it can make very good vapour, we lower the resistance in the atomiser, so it is very easy to draw and makes good vapour. :thumb:

so when David are these new atomisers available and where do we buy these from


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 3, 2008
so when David are these new atomisers available and where do we buy these from

This atomisers are now only for the penstyle,and they are available now. you may go to my web to have a look, and the packing box is also half size of the ones before. help to save some shipping charge. ;)


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ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
Yes, this may be a good idea for the atomiser, we may ask my engineer to try in the future, but right now , we have used another way to improve the atomiser, and it can make very good vapour, we lower the resistance in the atomiser, so it is very easy to draw and makes good vapour. :thumb:
Right, you want to lower resistance 30-50% and use PWM with 100% duty cycle for the first say 500ms and then lower duty cycle to 70%. You get faster heat up time and if you take battery capacity into consideration you can have better vapor generation when battery is about to run out. Caveat is that it will probably turn into a small radio transmitter. The whole thing being inside steel casing should mostly eliminate that problem though.


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Aug 2, 2008
Seattle, USA
I have an idea for a better atomizer. Here's a diagram that gives some detail.


Here, you'll see a part of my new cart design. I would have pressurized carts with nozzles to pre-atomize the e-fluid. Also, the carts would come after the battery but, before the atomizer.

Once the vapor is released into the atomizer chamber, an extremely porous, possibly layered ceramic sheath will hold the e-fluid droplets. The Nichrome element is a very good and inexpensive idea for heating and vaporizing the e-fluid and I stick with it. But, instead of using that lousy cotton to hold the e-fluid (and thus that nasty burnt taste), the pressure cart would be separated completely from the heating element. The heating element would completely vaporize the already pre-vaporized e-fluid and then the vapor would be inhaled from the atomizer through an attached mouthpiece.

I can see some great benefits with the atomizer being set up like this. First of all, the heating element would not have any contact with anything that could burn. No more burnt taste. The Ceramic e-fluid vapor holder would disperse heat very evenly, ensuring a consistent vaporization and it would also cool quickly. The nichrome element, with a decent high-capacity battery, could be a lot thicker and thus last longer before any possible failure.

So, guys, what do you think?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
I have an idea for a better atomizer. Here's a diagram that gives some detail.


Here, you'll see a part of my new cart design. I would have pressurized carts with nozzles to pre-atomize the e-fluid. Also, the carts would come after the battery but, before the atomizer.

Once the vapor is released into the atomizer chamber, an extremely porous, possibly layered ceramic sheath will hold the e-fluid droplets. The Nichrome element is a very good and inexpensive idea for heating and vaporizing the e-fluid and I stick with it. But, instead of using that lousy cotton to hold the e-fluid (and thus that nasty burnt taste), the pressure cart would be separated completely from the heating element. The heating element would completely vaporize the already pre-vaporized e-fluid and then the vapor would be inhaled from the atomizer through an attached mouthpiece.

I can see some great benefits with the atomizer being set up like this. First of all, the heating element would not have any contact with anything that could burn. No more burnt taste. The Ceramic e-fluid vapor holder would disperse heat very evenly, ensuring a consistent vaporization and it would also cool quickly. The nichrome element, with a decent high-capacity battery, could be a lot thicker and thus last longer before any possible failure.

So, guys, what do you think?
Ifyou can pressurize e-liquid you wouldn't need any electronics. Spray bottles create aerosol you know... I think butane is typically used to create that kind of pressure and on a quick look inhaling it would not be safe. Oxygen requires too high pressure so that doesn't work. Helium could be fun... Not sure if spray nozzles could be made to make that small particles though. Probably but it might clog if there are impurities.

Actually there could be a little pump to create that pressure quite easily. Don't think there would be enough pressure to last one cig though.
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Senior Member
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Aug 2, 2008
Seattle, USA
Ifyou can pressurize e-liquid you wouldn't need any electronics. Spray bottles create aerosol you know... I think butane is typically used to create that kind of pressure and on a quick look inhaling it would not be safe. Oxygen requires too high pressure so that doesn't work. Helium could be fun... Not sure if spray nozzles could be made to make that small particles though. Probably but it might clog if there are impurities.

Actually there could be a little pump to create that pressure quite easily. Don't think there would be enough pressure to last one cig though.

One idea I had was to use a small refillable bladder and simple air pressure (like a manual pumping action of some kind) to maintain enough pressure to atomize the e-fluid. This could work with a simple piston assembly or some sort of screw piston to maintain pressure on the bladder. I haven't worked out the kinks but, the idea is sound.

Edit: As for clogging, most of us have very little problem, so far, with that. Most e-fluids are pretty clear and the ones that have traditionally caused problems are being sorted. One idea would be to incorporate the pressure cart assembly in the battery case and use a small piston, powered by the battery, to provide consistent pressure. See my idea for a new e-cig to see how this can be done. One thing that is a must have is a decent, high-capacity battery.
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