Israel passes a new law against smokers

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Senior Member
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May 7, 2012
Since flavored tobaccos are widely in use in Israel, especially due to the popularity of Shisa/Hooka/Nargila usage, very often seen abused by high school kids, they decided to ban out completely any flavored tobacco, and stop selling cigarettes that have a picture of a fruit on their box, so people wont even think to associate the healthiness of fruits with the tobacco in it.


Super Member
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Jan 10, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Oh, give me a break. As if adults don't have functioning taste buds. Just because it is fruit-flavoured, it is necessarily aimed at kids? That's ridiculous.

I think the way they think is "it only appeals to kids if its flavored and adult smokers only smoke because they're addicted and don't actually enjoy the taste therefore the only purpose of flavored tobacco is to get kids hooked". Yeah, FSPTCA has really proven that one right in the past 3 years, right? ANTZ who never used any tobacco also believe that tobacco in and of itself always tastes bad if it's not flavored so if they ban the flavors nobody will start because it tastes bad.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 19, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Funny that when I smoked I always looked for the Balkan Sebrini's in the white tin- this was before fall of the Soviet Union- they don't have those anymore. My friends would say they smelled horrible and even smoker friends who tried them about gagged....but to me, they tasted So Bad that they were WONDERFUL!!!

Makes me wonder if they do away w/ flavors everywhere, what they will do about the subtle tobacco flavors like RY4, etc. Personally, I like a variety of different tobacco flavored e-juice and am not a fan of fruity or bakery juices but I still am not in favor of any bans what-so-ever. Whatever keeps someone off of cigs is what they should be allowed to do.

Added: You know, there are parallels here to liquor drinks. Personally, I'm a Scotch guy and whatever scotch tastes the most like a bitter inside of a pine sap coated barrel is the drink for me- I guess I'm a purest in some sense, but what about those flavored liquors... Midori for one- a melon liquor is my wife's favorite- she mixes it with lots of stuff but w/ sprite is really nice. Well, drinking alcohol leads to illness and about 1/3 of all auto accidents in the U.S. have alcohol involvement. Under-age drinking and auto accidents are one of the worst. So, with that logic, (sarcasm intended), there should be some legislation to ban flavors from alcohol- For the Children!! After all, if it could save just one child it would be worth it!! Yeah- right! :roll eyes:
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Full Member
Mar 29, 2012
Oh, give me a break. As if adults don't have functioning taste buds. Just because it is fruit-flavoured, it is necessarily aimed at kids? That's ridiculous.
You hit it right on the nose for me. I was telling my husband this the other night after reading some comments on an article. The comment was something along the lines of, "What adult in their right mind would want to use bubble gum flavored nicotine anyway?" Well, our 28-year old daughter, for one! She vapes grape bubble gum like a fiend, and I'd much rather have her do that than smoke. If they think flavoring entices kiddos, slice off their taste buds (yes, before you have a heart attack, I'm joking), but let us ENJOY being off the cigarettes! We don't lose our taste buds when we turn 18. Heck, I'm just beginning to really enjoy my sense of taste again. Let me enjoy it! In short, stop taking away the freedom of responsible adults who are trying to do things right. We take responsibility for our habits/hobbies/happy times. Stop punishing the good guys/gals. If they don't like the idea of flavored nic juice, they're welcome not to use it. Just wish they'd get their collective nose out of my business and keep their collective fingers out of my pocketbook. Government, grrr! They can have my daughter's bubble gum e-juice when they pry the bottle from her fingers. They'll have to go through me first, of course. Yeah, I'm preaching to the choir, I know but it really is frustrating. Nice to have a place to come to where people understand.


CASAA Activist
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Well, mothernyx, their logic [sic] goes like this: Non-smoking kids who like the flavor of bubble gum will take up use of an e-cigarette because that makes more sense than buying an actual piece of bubble gum.

After enjoying this pleasant flavor, they will "graduate" to yucky-tasting burned tobacco cigarettes that cost a lot more, make you cough, and can't be used (even stealthily) in most places because folks can tell instantly by the smell that someone has been smoking. Yup, lots of advantages [sarcasm] to switching from e-cigs to smoking. Duh?


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
Well, mothernyx, their logic [sic] goes like this: Non-smoking kids who like the flavor of bubble gum will take up use of an e-cigarette because that makes more sense than buying an actual piece of bubble gum.

After enjoying this pleasant flavor, they will "graduate" to yucky-tasting burned tobacco cigarettes that cost a lot more, make you cough, and can't be used (even stealthily) in most places because folks can tell instantly by the smell that someone has been smoking. Yup, lots of advantages [sarcasm] to switching from e-cigs to smoking. Duh?

I agree. I think it's RJ Reynolds that targets 3rd world countries and entices kids to take up smoking. That company needs shutdown. China is another country that totally mindboggles me. They are the leaders in the ecig industry yet majority of their population still smokes. Why? Because an ecig kit is expensive in comparison to an analog. Last I read, an analog in China is about 3.5 cents USD. You would think that their government would do a better job at protecting their healthcare system so it doesn't cost the government so much.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
I agree. I think it's RJ Reynolds that targets 3rd world countries and entices kids to take up smoking. That company needs shutdown. China is another country that totally mindboggles me. They are the leaders in the ecig industry yet majority of their population still smokes. Why? Because an ecig kit is expensive in comparison to an analog. Last I read, an analog in China is about 3.5 cents USD. You would think that their government would do a better job at protecting their healthcare system so it doesn't cost the government so much.

Part of the issue may be that, actually, the government is the major stakeholder in cigarette sales, not the tobacco industry. See:
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Da Catt
ECF Veteran
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Mar 8, 2011
Upland, PA
Just an FYI:

From Tobacco Control (2007)

Investigating cigarette affordability in 60 cities using the cigarette price-daily income ratio

"Results: Cigarette affordability in most of the surveyed cities remains high. There is a tendency for cities with high income economies to have a high level of cigarette affordability. Most of the cities in Western Europe and South and North America have high cigarette affordability, whereas 66.7% of their counterparts in Eastern Europe have medium cigarette affordability. In Asia, all cities with high cigarette affordability belong to the group of upper middle to high income economies, except for the Philippines. In Africa, Johannesburg and Nairobi have high and medium levels of cigarette affordability, respectively."

ETA: Cigarette Prices - Home
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
hairball wrote:

I agree. I think it's RJ Reynolds that targets 3rd world countries and entices kids to take up smoking. That company needs shutdown.

Except that RJ Reynolds doesn't sell any tobacco products outside the US, Reynolds signed the 1998 MSA with 46 State AGs agreeing not to market to youth, and Reynolds was the first large US tobacco company to advocate tobacco harm reduction.

It would be helpful if people checked the facts instead of posting opinions based upon ignorance.


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
That's the problem, Bill. People think they do have "the facts" because it came from a trusted source - the "unbiased" media reporting what the "unbiased" public health groups, anti-tobacco groups and FDA told them was "fact." Therefore, many people are just now having their eyes opened (because of witnessing the bias and untruthful e-cigarette reporting) that the media pretty much just parrots the prohibitionist propaganda. Others will learn eventually or just turn into prohibitionists themselves.
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