Its here!! Where do the o-rings go?

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May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA
Hey reonauts! You finally pulled me in! I received my LP today!! I got the black wrinkle with a copper vein door... For some reason, I seemed to think I was getting all copper, but doi, it did say black wrinkle copper vein...which is not a problem at all! It looks and feels amazing! I actually think I like this better than all copper...I cleaned and clear coated the copper door, which is now drying.

I was patiently waiting for this all day. It turns out my regular mail carrier was sick, and his replacement had to do two routes today. Around 6PM he showed up, with no package! I asked him if he maybe forgot it in the truck, which he kindly admitted to and brought it by! WHOO...what a relief.... This was most most precious vapemail to date and was so, so worried about it getting here and getting here safely :) No problem though. It arrived super dooper fast (besides the long afternoon of heavy breathing and window licking :p)

So...helloooo new family! Hopefully this clear coat drys fast...also giving my RM4 a bath in soapy warm water...then its GO TIME!!

My question: Do I place an O-ring around the LP 510 base or "catch cup"? I think I remember seeing a video where someone did this... I can't seem to find the answer anywhere though. TIA!!



MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
Congrats and welcome to Reoville :toast:

We will, of course, need to see some pics (we're obsessive that way).

As for the o-ring, I put a small (thin) one in the catch cup around the 510 connection so that I can position the hole of my atty away from me (facing up when I tilt to draw). This little thing tends to save juice leakage. The o-ring (because it's squishy) allows you to twist the atty to whatever rotational position you like without the atty being wobbly.


Living sarcasm
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Oct 12, 2012
I put one on the catch cup, such as it is on a LP, the idea being to confine the liquid to a pre-determined path....i.e up!

It's not mandatory, but i find it will mitigate any leaks unless you really go mad and then tilt the atty. Those airholes in a RM4 are big when running duals and fully open.

Good call on clear coating the door - it's the only way i found of saving the copper finish. Depending on the product you used, the drying time can be a few hours to a day. I coated a full copper vein Reo and i let it dry for a full day before i used it, but i drowned it in polyurethane Miniwax.


Sloth Tonight

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Jun 25, 2014
yay B4F! welcome to the new family! Solid color - that;s what I got and I love it, may even get the second REO in the same color, mainly so I can hide the fact I got a second one from the misses...:laugh:

keep us posted on ho much you LOVE your new REO! be forewarned: sexual attractions to inanimate objects may have never occurred to you, until now :laugh:
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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
I only use the o-ring at the 510 connection like Papa and Super T described. I also use the 1.5's if needed. Rob has them listed on his site.

If my cap air hole is not lined up between the two post then I lightly sand until I get a good position in relation to the coil. This was described in a post by FilthyBeast yesterday I believe.

Congratulations on your new REO and joining the most amazing group on ECF.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA
Thanks guys!! I will post pics when she's fired-up and squonking! ;) Shouldn't be long... I used Rustoleum "satin" clear coat 2X cover fast drying... I barley used enough to cover it, but I think it will be enough to keep it's been drying for almost 2 hours and I think almost ready...


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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
The o-ring stuff and sanding applies mostly to the RM2. The RM4 is the Atomic clone and there are 2 airholes, but an AFC ring that allows you to cover one, for single coil builds or vary both for duals.


Y- yes you are very correct....that is what I get for reading to fast.

Thanks Sup T


Ultra Member
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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
Thanks guys!! I will post pics when she's fired-up and squonking! ;) Shouldn't be long... I used Rustoleum "satin" clear coat 2X cover fast drying... I barley used enough to cover it, but I think it will be enough to keep it's been drying for almost 2 hours and I think almost ready...

It is ok if it sticks to your hand that way you do not have to worry about it falling out when you


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2014
South Central PA, USA

How am I lookin? I got a 28ga 1.4mm ~0.8ohm single coil...tried to keep it high on the deck for the coil to get air underneath it..? Hopefully she's not too high though. I'm hoping squonking will shoot the juice up that to quick it..install battery and juice...and vape :D


Ultra Member
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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas

How am I lookin? I got a 28ga 1.4mm ~0.8ohm single coil...tried to keep it high on the deck for the coil to get air underneath it..? Hopefully she's not too high though. I'm hoping squonking will shoot the juice up that to quick it..install battery and juice...and vape :D

Give it a shot and let us know how it vapes.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA

How am I lookin? I got a 28ga 1.4mm ~0.8ohm single coil...tried to keep it high on the deck for the coil to get air underneath it..? Hopefully she's not too high though. I'm hoping squonking will shoot the juice up that to quick it..install battery and juice...and vape :D

Basically: Coil high-ish and outside for air flow, tail of wick long enough to touch the deck and pick up your squonk.
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