Looking to upgrade my gear

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So I started with (in August) and am still currently using a Kangertech Evod2 dual coil 1.8 ohms, with a 650 mah battery. I'm really interested in upgrading my gear and finding something better. Any suggestions on what to look at? I don't even know where to start. I bought my Evod2 in a starter kit. When you first made an upgrade, what was it? Do you wish you had gotten something different, looking back now? Being experienced, what would you recommend?


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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2014
You could choose this. That would be an epic vape. :)

Then again, you could buy the watered down version.

30w iStick (or 30w MVP) and a Nautilus BVC.

or even more watered down.

20w iStick (or 20w MVP) and mini Nautilus BVC.

The choices are endless.... from 5 watts of morning mist to 100 watts of raging geyser. :)

But it would be money well spent........


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2015
Denton, TX, 76209
I have been through a lot of different versions, Kanger Mini, Kanger Aero, Carto's, RBA's, Picked up an Aspire Atlantis last month and I'm home! Whole thing was under a $100 bucks, I already had batteries and chargers from an old mech and VAMO2 so maybe more for someone with none of the extras, but dang the flavor. Twice as good as any other tanked system I've tried. Nods head to Sparkky (Haven't tried the Kanger sub)
What are you expecting from the upgrade, more flavor, vapor, battery life. What you are currently using is pretty good. A 650 would never get me through a day though. Istick 30 with an aspire maybe?

I'm fine with the vapor. I mean, I would love to blow out a cloud like a geyser, but that's just for s***s and giggles. More flavor would be nice. I'm happy with what I have, overall though.There's just so many options and they're all so pretty. I just didn't know if I'm using something that I think is good, but really there's better out there, ya know? As far as the 650 battery, the starter kit came with two mouth pieces, two clearos, two batteries, etc. It's two vape pens. I usually have the tanks set up with different juices and their mouthpieces, and just switch the battery to which juice I'm using, and charge the other.

I'm leaning towards looking at bigger tanks and bigger batteries. I work 6 months out of the year and I'm off the other 6. It's a seasonal job. I'm about to go back to work and be in a truck all day and I would really like to have a battery that can last me a while, but more importantly, a tank that I don't have to refill too often. Also, something really durable. I've noticed that I drop my Evod a lot. :nah:


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Jan 10, 2015
I tell you what once you upgrade you will have the ability to go any route. Get something you can grow with. Like for myself I have a Sigelei 150w im running Marquis RDA and I love it if im on the move ill slap on my Atlantis. Like I say get something nice so you have plenty of room to grow. GL on you upgrade journey.


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Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
Hey mate!

There's some decent recommendations above, with the caveat that you really don't need 50w for the subtank, most will use it between 15-25, so if your budget says 30w the istick 30w or ipv mini are decent choices. Depending on how much you vape, you might be interested in the subtank mini too.

The other three options in that category are the Joytech One, the Atlantis, and Delta. All have different pluses and cons and you should check out reviews in case one makes you fall in love... but I'd avoid the Atlantis.

The subtank is just a better tank all-around, though some feel it might look a little too "functional." It's considered to have better flavor, vapes better at lower wattages for bettery battery life, and it uses organic cotton coils.

Right now, the Atlantis is using fiberglass/ceramic fibers in their coils, and after the hullabaloo has said they'll switch to cotton but haven't given an ETA and who knows if there'll be issues. If you're curious about this, you can read more about it in this thread:



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Mar 23, 2011
Pittsburgh PA
I just want to point out as someone who has been vaping for 5 years on... It's a lot like ....... You are always chasing those bigger more flavorful clouds. And the moment you think you are happy with your setup, they release something new and shiny and you are sucked right back in.

Best advice is, just get a better battery, eleaf 50 or an IPV2 or 3 and save yourself a few bucks in upgrading again for awhile. As for tanks, I am not really sure sub ohm after your current setup is the next best step, but it isn't a bad option and the Kanger Sub ohm and Aspire oens are easy peasy fool proof methods. There are the Aspire Nautilus or Nautilus mini with the BVC coils are good too. I use the mini daily for on the go vaping.

I have personally given up trying to have the latest and greatest in trends of the vaping community. It is just far to costly and cost was another of the reasons I quit smoking other than health. I mainly use a IPV2 and a Kayfun 3.1 or the Nautilus mini. But I did just order a Kayfun 4 because I haven't bought anything shinny in awhile.


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Mar 20, 2014
What is your budget??

I started out with the kanger evod kit and quickly moved to a vision spinner battery and a protank 2 mini, then a vamo v5 and protank 2, several mechanical tube mods and kayfuns, high wattage box mods, drippers, etc, etc, etc....

I quit buying gear when I coughed up the $$ for a LP Reo Grand. About a month later I bought a second one and I haven't bought anything but juice sense. IMO... they are the best mods out there. It's a dripper that doesn't require dripping. The Reo is a bottom feeder mod and it holds a 6 ml bottle of juice. If rebuildable atty's aren't your thing you can always top it off with a BF cartomizer.

IMG_0568.jpg Reo Grand_Helios.jpg
Hi Samantha! I also started with an Evod2 and am still pretty happy with it, although I've also bought some new devices. There is a big difference between someone who is just trying to quit smoking and someone who is wanting to enter the hobby. If you're just trying to quit smoking and know you won't get sucked into the hobby, I have some suggestions. If you're planning to go big into the hobby, the suggestions others have given are good but way above my level of participation.

I stepped up to the Kanger EMOW. It is my most trouble free device of everything I've bought so far. Aside from liking the way it feels in my hand, it delivers much tastier vapor and has a decent tank size and battery. I'm almost 3 weeks on the same coil which is hard to believe. It has 3 adjustments for the power so you can experiment with that on your flavors, and it has an air adjustment. Love the appearance and the way it feels in my hand. Sleek, shiny, great taste and vapor.

After that, I bought the Joyetech Ego One (the smaller one) and I love it.It's a little higher maintenance and the refills can be messy because sometimes the coil sticks to the head when you open it and has to be reset, but loads of vapor and flavor. No adjustments on that one except the air holes. I would rather have the larger one for more juice volume and bigger battery, but the small one is super stealthy and that's what I wanted. It hits faster than anything else I have.

At the same time I bought the Eleaf Mini Istick. I like it a lot too. You'd have to choose a tank for that one. I have the Aspire Mini Nautilus and it's working great. The box shape is kind of weird getting used to but that's just a personal preference. It also has an air adjustment and buttons to raise or lower the power. There is a display that will show how many seconds you're holding down the power button every time you take a hit. Kind of annoying but it's point is to warn you when you're approaching 10 seconds which I think shuts down your battery or slaps your hand. It will also tell you the % of battery remaining. I really could do without the feature.

TiaVapes has some great videos reviews of gear on youtube if you want to see a female's perspective.

K Stub

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Jan 16, 2014
Lone Tree, CO
Hi SmanthaSmiles, I started w/ an Ego also, and quickly upgraded to a Vamo V5, which I've been using for about a year. I can use all the same tanks that I had for the Ego (mostly Evods, although my faves are the Anyvape Davide Mini's), and you get much more vapor & flavor than from the Ego. Hope that helps! Congrats on quitting the stinkies!!!!


Full Member
Jan 20, 2015
I started with cigalikes for 6-8 months (V2 Cigs) and made the jump to the iStick 20w with the Kanger Genitank, & just bought the Nautilus Mini 2 weeks ago. The battery life is great, for me at least. I consider myself a chain vaper, my iStick lasts me around 1 1/2 to maybe 2 days. However if you look into the iStick, I recommend getting the 30 watt as opposed to the 20 watt due to the threading issues which I am currently experiencing myself right now. They have upgraded the threads on the 30 watt iStick, so no worries for broken threads so to speak. And with just getting my Nautilus, I honestly wish I would have just bought that tank in the first place, juices taste absolutely amazing with the BVC coils and handles chain vaping like a champ, compared to my Kanger tanks at least. But needless to say, I love this device.

Good luck on choosing! So many choices out there :)


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May 10, 2014
Hays KS
I personally would suggest a kanger sub tank, the fullsize, mini, or the nano. Mostly because these tanks are a great deal. They come with a rba section if you want to start rebuilding your coils in the future, but also have changeable coil heads that I'm sure your failure with. I think these are just around $50 and come with a bunch of goodies. It's a solid deal.

The aspire nautlis full size, and mini are great. if you get one of these I strongly recommend getting the bvc coils.(bottom vertical coils. Better flavor)

The aspire atlas seems to be pretty popular to but I don't know too much about it I'd suggest looking this one up.

An ipv mini 30 watt, there is a ipv mini 70w coming out soon, The Istick 30w's/40w's/50w's are pretty popular, small, and effective. I've heard good things about the sxpro mini and the new vamo mods.

I ordered my ipv mini from elev8pe and used a coupon code "Jan15" to get the price down to $46 and I believe the shipping was free.

If price is not an issue I'd high recommend a hana mod dna 30 or 40. They are just awesome, look great, have some sweet features like temperature control but you'll have to rebuild your own coils with pure nickel wire to be able to use the temperature control feature. It basically means you'll never get a dry burnt hit again.

I hope I helped.

Whatever it is you buy I just hope you do some soild research on what you want and make sure your using a reliable and safe vendor. Happy vaping! :D
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