Manufacturers/Suppliers: What's in your cartridges?

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ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2008
Bristol, UK
NerdyCinderella said:
sanneke said:
The way I see it, less fiber will hold less liquid.
More fiber holds more liquid.
RatInDaHat said:
if you take all the packing out of a cart, i guarantee it will contain more liquid when full than if there is fiber in there.
How about thinking of it like this:
Take 2 sponges, 1 twice the size of the first. Which one will hold more water?

Cinderella, I'm afraid you're wrong there.

Vc= Volume of contrainer
Vm= Volume of liquid
Vf = Volume of fiber

At maximum capacity,
Vc = Vm + Vf

The way to maximise the volume of liquid in a container is to have nothing in the container. Liquids are not compressable.
In other words, if you have a sponge that 100cm^3, it won't sock up less than 100cm^3 of water.

So the more fiber you have in a cartridges, the space there is for the liquid itself.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
he he he.. a bigger sponge will hold more liquid than a smaller sponge but not when compressed to a similar size.. it will hold less.. a sponge will only hold so much liquid.. too little sponge in a cart wont hold as much as a cart nicely filled with uncompressed sponge..

so the sponge in the cart has to fill the cart but not be overly compressed.. packing more sponge in a cart will not under any circumstances hold more liquid.. nicely full but not compressed is the ideal..

i think these things are machine filled.. the hard bit looks to me like melted wool (plastic/polyester) material.. i think its part of a hot injection process caused by the method used to get the wool (plastic foam) in the carts..

my e cig pipe carts dont have the hard bits.. the minis and classic carts do.. the pillbox 901 mini carts i have dont have it either..

whilst it does make it harder to get the wool out of the carts i dont think it has any other downsides.. lets just assume until proven otherwise the stuff is nasty cheap horrible plastic stuff the same as in any cheap pillow..



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2008
Gotham City
sanneke said:
That's okay Cindy.
iStrong explained what I was trying to explain....... :lol:

Thanks sanneke - lol

trog, what would we do without you!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
a pic of some e-pipe foam.. i still think it parts of a hot injection process but aint sure.. what makes u think its silicone adhesive quirky.. ?? i would like to see how the things are made..

ignore the little brown bits.. its contamination off my workbench..



ps.. the forum software has cut the pic in half its twice the width in reality..

link to full size image..

i am gonna try melting some without direct flame..


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
a pic after melting.. it looks very similar to some pillow stuffing i did the same with..

the e liquid combusts before the filling fully melts.. i dont know the exact temp cos i never measured it.. to put into meaningful terms lets say it would combust if dripped onto a hot car exhaust.. so dont chuck a bottle on yer car engine.. he he



ps.. that whats left of pipe cart..


Moved On
May 28, 2008

well I used some of materials I have in the house here.

I showed a pic here on this forum earlier.

I tried to set it in fire.
But it would not take, until I realllllly put the flame under it.

I like the material I have in my house better than what they use in China.

But................I think we're getting a little too concerned here, we're not setting a fire to our cartridge when we smoke with an atomizer, not what so ever.
I think this is getting a litle out of control.

I know that Ludo smokes what we smoke.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
sanneke said:
But................I think we're getting a little too concerned here, we're not setting a fire to our cartridge when we smoke with an atomizer, not what so ever.
I think this is getting a litle out of control..
Oh, absolutely. I'm curious whether the Ruyan filler really is any different, but I'm not especially worried over the filler.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Yes, please set fire to the "silicone" fiber. I'm interested to know if it's different from E-Cig's material. I am certain E-Cig uses polyester -- exactly the same stuff in your local pet store used for fish aquarium filters.

And you don't have to BURN something to get vapors. Ever see smoke begin long before an object bursts into flame from a heat source? As a reporter for many years, I've watched houses next to a burning one start smoking -- but they weren't yet on fire. With e-smoking, we are pushing fiber up against a 400C heat source. And users are reporting "burnt" tastes. That's enough to warrant at least SOME degree of concern that the taste might originate from particulates in the vapor. If it's polyester in our cartridges, a lot of concern.


Moved On
May 28, 2008
TropicalBob said:
Yes, please set fire to the "silicone" fiber. I'm interested to know if it's different from E-Cig's material. I am certain E-Cig uses polyester -- exactly the same stuff in your local pet store used for fish aquarium filters.

And you don't have to BURN something to get vapors. Ever see smoke begin long before an object bursts into flame from a heat source? As a reporter for many years, I've watched houses next to a burning one start smoking -- but they weren't yet on fire. With e-smoking, we are pushing fiber up against a 400C heat source. And users are reporting "burnt" tastes. That's enough to warrant at least SOME degree of concern that the taste might originate from particulates in the vapor. If it's polyester in our cartridges, a lot of concern.

So BOB are you still e-smoking?


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ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
TropicalBob said:
Yes, still e-smoking. Using according to directions. I want my wife and children to have one hell of a large settlement in the lawsuit they bring against the manufacturer.

its gonna be a bit difficult proving exactly what finished u off bob.. the e smoke.. the snus.. the real tobbaco pipe or any other nicotine delivering system u use on a regular basis.. :mrgreen:



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I understand. We'll make last year's medical x-rays, etc., Exhibit A, then go for an out-of-court settlement like everyone else! ;) I'm kidding. :roll: Yes, I e-smoke. No, I don't think the health aspects are fully known. Yes, I accept them because I'm an addict. But the rest of what I do has a proven safety and health record to view. E-smoking doesn't. So I'm a gambler ...
TropicalBob said:
I understand. We'll make last year's medical x-rays, etc., Exhibit A, then go for an out-of-court settlement like everyone else! ;) I'm kidding. :roll: Yes, I e-smoke. No, I don't think the health aspects are fully known. Yes, I accept them because I'm an addict. But the rest of what I do has a proven safety and health record to view. E-smoking doesn't. So I'm a gambler ...

How much you got? Can I be your kid? :p


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
squeezes said:
That pic posted by sanneke has changed my mind :eek: I thought cores were made of processed cotton :oops:

Inhaling burned plastic -any kind of it- is worse than tobacco for sure. Without any knowledge about chemistry, I'll try natural sponge at times combined with plain "old" dry smoking. I suppose it has be less harmful than smoking any kind of burning plastic.

hey did you ever try that natural sea sponge in the filter? did it work out? i hope you were careful to buy an unbleached sea sponge if you did, cause they bleach some of them to make them more attractive. i just read that somewhere and thought...oh no i hope s/he didnt....any please tell us your results...i do think that the fibre is dodgy. loose strands are always falling out.

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