Mech mod disfigures a e-cig user, sad.

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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
How about adults take responsibility for their own actions.

I agree shops are more often than not staffed by horribly educated employees, but when you reach adulthood, your decisions are really own responsibility.

The first poor decision is an adult trying to "look cool".

You can build your atomizer as high as you like, but put the wrong atty on a SMPL and you'll have a serious problem.

It's not resistance. It's education.
And a dose of common sense.

I disagree with putting that much responsibility to understand the technology on the buyer Bad Ninja. The way most reasonably advanced (don't know if 'advanced' is the right word here, but I couldn't think of a better one so I stuck with it) societies work is if too many people get hurt by a product for too long, that product generally eventually gets regulated in some manner to make it safer. I don't have an issue with that. I don't want to need to understand the technology of all the things I buy to the point that I can tell what is dangerous if I make a seemingly trivial mistake and what isn't. I also don't want to have to be licensed to be able to use for example a PV so that I and the people around me are safe, like how it's done with cars today.

Commercial products need to be safe enough so everyone with minimal knowledge can operate them safely. vaping is marketed today to anyone over the age of 18 with no other requirements unless the retailer decides to add some. That will only last without some kind of regulation as long as not too many people get hurt.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Flashlight explodes in Lakewood man's mouth

Flashlight explodes in Lakewood man's mouth

Flashlight explodes in Colo. man's mouth

Man who put a flashlight in his mouth suffers terrible burns

Man Killed by Cellphone Explosion

Teen Struck, Killed While Texting ID'd


Yup, nothing is completely safe. OTOH, there are a heck of a lot more flashlights and cell phones out there than PVs. Plus, no government or industry is trying to regulate those.

It sucks, but it is what it is.
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ECF Guru
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Jun 14, 2012
Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry the guy got hurt, but....
The rig he had was not for toodle puffin'. He was after 'the clouds man'. Stuff breaks when you go for the 'world's record'.
Again sorry he got hurt, but he was an accident looking for a location.

Me too. I was hoping no one thought Im a heartless person. Im one of the most empathetic people I know and stupid for it. Its not a happy life when youre a bleeding heart.

Like I was trying to say in one of my posts, if you want to fill a room with one puff and run 300watts on a .3 resistant atty, you have the right to do it.
BUT, make sure you are buying the proper device for your style. READ, READ etc. See what others who vape like you want are getting.

You DONT need to spend 500.00 and be on a waiting list for months to be safe, the cost of a MOD doesnt necessarily make it safe. The same goes for economical MODS, because its cheap and made in a certain country does not mean you are kissing a grenade.

Just research, check the reviews see if it suits your wattage, resistance needs and above all YOUR comfort.

and for those sick of me and my views or "feelings" dont worry this is my last post in this thread unless someone specifically wants my opinion again :)


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Seriously, what is the advantage to a mech mod! please don't say simplicity, my Sigeli 30w is as simple as it gets Please tell me why it's better! If it's gonna give me a better vape than my IPV4s please tell me & I'll get dressed (I'm in my comfys) & I'll go buy one right now!

IMO mech mods are not better, they are just different with their own pluses and minuses compared to regulated mods.

I appreciate and use both.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
IThe bottom line is that running the TFV4 on a single 18650 mech was destine to have an issue. The battery drain with a triple coil would have taxed any battery pretty quick.

The TFV4's triple coil head has a 0.2 ohm rating and the quad is 0.15. I'm running a triple coil build at 0.18 ohms in a single battery mech mod right now. I'm comfortable with that.

Problems happen when bad batteries get in the mix. Most people who have been around here for a bit know about counterfeit batts, about known good battery suppliers and which batteries to pick for what they're doing with them. Good batteries should not vent violently. Also, it doesn't matter what resistance the atty is if there is a short and any setup can have a short. The only thing that will save you then is if you reaslise it quickly, or the battery vents safely.
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Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
Anavidfan, that's what I thought and it wasn't a criticism just more of an observation. It's the old saying right tool for the right job.

The only reason I mentioned it is because the media either isn't knowingly reporting that it is not the recommended or safe way to use the device combined.


That or they don't have the knowledge which I believe is more important. For a split second I thought about e-mailing them that it was really improper use of the two devices combined but that wouldn't be nearly as exciting to report.

If I had to bet the battery was pushed, more then a couple puffs were taken or one was just a little to long.

And Ryedan, I enjoy using both myself but I don't build below .5 and I switch my batteries fairly often.

And I buy quality batteries from a trusted source.


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Feb 11, 2010
Sycamore, IL
I truly do feel for this man and hope he heals well. Can we blame him? Yes and no. If you are stepping into a market you usually do some research. Can we blame the vape shop? Yes and no. (all subjective morally or otherwise) If someone is just getting off of cigs you start them with the small gear, ego's, cigalikes...etc.
From his own mouth he said he had no idea of the danger and I suspect he probably let the shop keeper know this. Poor self educating, and also poor educating from the shop(s) he went to is certainly part of the cause and blame.

I am as cautious as I can be, I have never built lower than 0.4Ω and mostly around 1Ω I always double check my math at any rate. Do I know there is *STILL* a risk? Yes, but with a regulated device with an easy detachable magnetic side door and using IMR's, Ohm meter for double checks, And never over stressing the batteries I feel I am as safe as I can be. An accident could still happen, but I will not blame the device. Devices don't, "blow up" Batteries blow up and it's usually a really poor mod design for venting that helps. A poorly designed device that does not take into account expanding batteries and poor engineering with vent holes is just plane BAD engineering. Full side holes, bottom holes, battery terminals with positive on the bottom and also opposite your face. It doesn't matter how many precautions you are given, things can still go wrong.

Education and ignorance, both can be lethal in the right doses.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I truly do feel for this man and hope he heals well. Can we blame him? Yes and no. If you are stepping into a market you usually do some research. Can we blame the vape shop? Yes and no. (all subjective morally or otherwise) If someone is just getting off of cigs you start them with the small gear, ego's, cigalikes...etc.
From his own mouth he said he had no idea of the danger and I suspect he probably let the shop keeper know this. Poor self educating, and also poor educating from the shop(s) he went to is certainly part of the cause and blame.

I am as cautious as I can be, I have never built lower than 0.4Ω and mostly around 1Ω I always double check my math at any rate. Do I know there is *STILL* a risk? Yes, but with a regulated device with an easy detachable magnetic side door and using IMR's, Ohm meter for double checks, And never over stressing the batteries I feel I am as safe as I can be. An accident could still happen, but I will not blame the device. Devices don't, "blow up" Batteries blow up and it's usually a really poor mod design for venting that helps. A poorly designed device that does not take into account expanding batteries and poor engineering with vent holes is just plane BAD engineering. Full side holes, bottom holes, battery terminals with positive on the bottom and also opposite your face. It doesn't matter how many precautions you are given, things can still go wrong.

Education and ignorance, both can be lethal in the right doses.

Gee; did the guy know he was "stepping into a market" and needed to do some research?
Well whatdayaknow the guy bought a Sigelei; you'd think he started off on the right track, but guess what, we still don't know what BATTERY he put in that mod.
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Feb 11, 2010
Sycamore, IL
I appreciate your insight @edyle . But him owning a Sigelei doesn't mean he knew risks, battery or not. It's all inclusive with education or ignorance on both sides.

Us knowing wasn't the point. It was him or his shop knowing. We can know all we want to, it wouldn't help him any. And down the road as this unfolds I imagine we will learn a lot more.
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NOVA jon

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Aug 28, 2014
Northern virginia
I'm inly a little over a year into vaping and am still learning. I, however, did my research, joined here and read as much as I could asked soooo many questions, to the point where I probably became quite the PITA!!

When I did make purchases, they were well informed and done with confidence in the knowledge that what I was using was well within my operational comfort range.

That's just me but I enjoy my life and prefer it with all my digits and all of my face, not that it matters to anyone other than my wife and family, but why would anyone not do their due dillegence when it comes to something like this with inherent dangers??!! Boggles the mind.....
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Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway
So even an experienced mod user can make a mistake?

That is an obvious fail to any 'experienced' mech user and does not cause any more problems than a little hissing/vapor from the atty, followed by unscrewing the button, cap or atty. It's no big deal.

Even as a regulated user, you should be prepared to cut the electrical circuit if your atty fires without you pushing the button. It may happen. It has happened to others. It may happen to you. It's no big deal. Difference is - if it happens to a mech, you simply correct the (user) error. If it happens to a regulated mod, it's faulty and you replace the mod.


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Oct 27, 2015
Santee,San Diego
Ok everybody bear with me while I explain my point in all this. So I work for a company that manufactures suspension systems for trucks and Jeeps. We have had to add safety devices to all our machines to prevent injuries that I had never seen in 30 yrs. of being in the industry. Injuries that haven't happened in the 12 yrs. that I've worked for the company. We found that we had to add these devices even if the people were trained because the people weren't focused on what they're doing. I was resistant to these devices until one saved two fingers on my right hand. that was five years ago! I had always been in favour of training people how to be safe and pay attention to what is going on around them & not so much about devices until then. I was always sure that I paid attention and was aware of the dangers around me. Heck I had been a machinist for 25 yrs. & still had all my digits. Until that moment 5 years ago. Literally 2 seconds of distraction almost cost me my perfect record. Are these devices a pain in the buttocks? Yes! Do these devices slow me down? YES!! Thank God they are there!!!! So the whole point of all of this is; Is keeping your "SIMPLE", "RELIABLE" mech mod more important than the possibility of hurting you or anyone else? Will the safety features really cause your device that much less reliable? Don't most of you have multiple devices? Is it worth the possibility of losing the choice of being able to buy your favorite device because the media plays up the injurys & doesn't tell what really caused them?
To me I would like to decide what safety devices should be on mech mods than have any gov't agency mandate them!


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
Ok everybody bear with me while I explain my point in all this. So I work for a company that manufactures suspension systems for trucks and Jeeps. We have had to add safety devices to all our machines to prevent injuries that I had never seen in 30 yrs. of being in the industry. Injuries that haven't happened in the 12 yrs. that I've worked for the company. We found that we had to add these devices even if the people were trained because the people weren't focused on what they're doing. I was resistant to these devices until one saved two fingers on my right hand. that was five years ago! I had always been in favour of training people how to be safe and pay attention to what is going on around them & not so much about devices until then. I was always sure that I paid attention and was aware of the dangers around me. Heck I had been a machinist for 25 yrs. & still had all my digits. Until that moment 5 years ago. Literally 2 seconds of distraction almost cost me my perfect record. Are these devices a pain in the buttocks? Yes! Do these devices slow me down? YES!! Thank God they are there!!!! So the whole point of all of this is; Is keeping your "SIMPLE", "RELIABLE" mech mod more important than the possibility of hurting you or anyone else? Will the safety features really cause your device that much less reliable? Don't most of you have multiple devices? Is it worth the possibility of losing the choice of being able to buy your favorite device because the media plays up the injurys & doesn't tell what really caused them?
To me I would like to decide what safety devices should be on mech mods than have any gov't agency mandate them!

While I can not speak for all mech mods or all users, for me I have some safety in what I use. As I also use rba's, 1 tank and the rest drippers, and anyone who did their own coils back when we used 32 gage wire can tell you, if anything at all is not right that coil will pop.

It was a safety in a set up that had no safeties. I still normally do not wrap with anything bigger than 30 gage, and pretty much same thing. Thinner wire pops as soon as there is a short or hot spot, also some mechs like my reo has a spring that will collapse if it shorts.


Vaping Master
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Feb 16, 2013
Cold Norway

Going by what we 'know' from the article: A battery capable to "explode in an instant" may "explode in an instant" no matter where you stick it. Be it a flashlight, an electric bike, a toothbrush, a powertool a computer or a vibrator. The problem here is not mechanical mods. It's lack of knowledge and blatant abuse of batteries. Regulated mods can be abused in the same way. Let me rephrase that: Mods are not abused. Batteries are. Mods are inert objects. It's what you stick in them that matters. Where you stick it is of less importance.

Keep in mind the vaping market has boomed (no pun intended :p) recently. It's a hot topic and a low hanging fruit for alarmist media desperate for clicks. Coupled with economic interests, vilification of anything resembling smoking and thinking along the lines of "Starbucks hates Jesus" - every accident is blown up as media headlines. I'm sure there are a lot more accidents in machining and manufacturing. As well as with people driving jeeps and trucks. Difference is, these accidents don't make headlines every time they happen. They make statistics. Should we ban jeeps and trucks because people crash them?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2013
United States

Going by what we 'know' from the article: A battery capable to "explode in an instant" may "explode in an instant" no matter where you stick it. Be it a flashlight, an electric bike, a toothbrush, a powertool a computer or a vibrator. The problem here is not mechanical mods. It's lack of knowledge and blatant abuse of batteries. Regulated mods can be abused in the same way. Let me rephrase that: Mods are not abused. Batteries are. Mods are inert objects. It's what you stick in them that matters. Where you stick it is of less importance.

Keep in mind the vaping market has boomed (no pun intended :p) recently. It's a hot topic and a low hanging fruit for alarmist media desperate for clicks. Coupled with economic interests, vilification of anything resembling smoking and thinking along the lines of "Starbucks hates Jesus" - every accident is blown up as media headlines. I'm sure there are a lot more accidents in machining and manufacturing. As well as with people driving jeeps and trucks. Difference is, these accidents don't make headlines every time they happen. They make statistics. Should we ban jeeps and trucks because people crash them?
No we should ban you I already posted that. The scheming of it all has me in hoots..

The Eciginator

Ultra Member
Jul 27, 2015
I just got a Nemesis and love it, but also will only use .5 ohm builds or higher and always sammies or lg's rated at least 20 amps. Also have a SMPL on the way, and with both I realize a bit more care and attention is involved in using and maintaining them. But I do wonder why the manufacturers don't just drill a couple of vent holes at the top?
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