Mech mod disfigures a e-cig user, sad.

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ECF Guru
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Jun 14, 2012
Hi fan. Yes, but regulated mod fire buttons typically aren't on the base like mech's are, and so normally not resting the mod on the fire button. Mech's are by design resting on the firing button. So here again mech's a far more dangerous device to use than regulated mods.

True, you are 100% right and it happened to me, ONCE. Long story short version, I was vaping, someone yelled my name for help. Sat there autofiring for 30mins/

Call me stupid lucky, but other than it buring off a tank of liquid, and atty being being real hot, nothing exploded or caught fire. If this happens again, I might not be so lucky.

Because no one or anything got injured or caught fire, who knows the reason. Maybe it was the MOD being well designed, or the atomizer not running out of liquid, or the atomizer being so thick and of stainless steel and no delrin or plastic parts. WHo knows, but Im not going to experiment.

Now I always take the mod with me or take the extra seconds to turn the button/ switch OFF.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
I enjoy using Mechs - and my Regulated Mods.........Smartly. Following Design perimeters. These include Battery selection and Safe practices.

*sorry in advance to any I upset*

Watching the Video, I was somewhat looking for the recorder in the Garage to post Clouds on YouTube.
I've watched pages of Cloud chasing Videos on twitter links - it is a hot Selfie Fad.

Mod is solid, though we have had the Bottom Venting discussion.
Separation took place at the 510 Cap so force of release was directed to the face.

Battery........unknown, but even an IMR can build pressure if it can not Vent while going catastrophic.

Tank is definitely a TFV4
Coils looks to be TF-Q4 Quad-coil .15ohm 40w-140w capable

* REGULATED mods are designed to STOP firing if a battery is dipping critically low.*
Mechanical depends on the USER to recognize all conditions.

Getting a bit tired of all the - Didn't know any better - from abusers.

If a dummy like me can figure it out.................:facepalm:


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Jan 7, 2015
Mad City, WI. USA
Such a good thread don't know where to start.

I have a friend that want's to quit smoking and start vaping, he wants me to help him get set up the first thing he says is I want to blow big clouds :shock:. I think that is what most of the new vapers think when they want to start vaping.

I really think the stores need to be smart and try to inform the new buyers on safety of the equipment they are purchasing. If more or all of the stores did that they would make more of them repeat customers. To do that the store owners really need to train the people they hire on safety.

I honestly think all of us here would never put a TFV4 running the triple or quad coil on a single 18650 mech mod. We know it's trouble waiting to happen. It's the sales people at the stores that need to figure that out and not to sell the first time buyers the newest most expensive equipment they have. Not to mention none of the B&M stores in my area carry good quality 18650's it's all re-wraped over rated junk. You would think any good store would carry quality batteries.

OK lost my train of thought had a phone call that interrupted my writing, so for right now that is my :2c:


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
Hi fan. Yes, but regulated mod fire buttons typically aren't on the base like mech's are, and so normally not resting the mod on the fire button. Mech's are by design resting on the firing button. So here again mech's a far more dangerous device to use than regulated mods.

I have used mechs for 3+ years and only once had an issue of one trying to fire under it's own weight, and it was because I put the switch back together incorrectly.


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May 10, 2015
Off topic warning as well.

OMG girl, I have a joke going that I tell people if my house caught on fire the Zojirushi would be one of the things I grabbed as I headed out the door. I like it THAT MUCH. Japanese technology is great, and I use mine for all kinds of rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, etc. Love love love it and now everyone in my family has one due to me buying as gifts over the years

Speaking of which, any japanese PVs out there? I would probably purchase.

I'm sure you have heard of them but the vector is a brilliant japanese rda. Not heard of any mods though.


Vaping Master
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Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
I try to stay away from these threads because my :2c: doesn't seem appropriate when someone gets injured so please correct me if I am wrong.

The bottom line is that running the TFV4 on a single 18650 mech was destine to have an issue. The battery drain with a triple coil would have taxed any battery pretty quick.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
Seriously, what is the advantage to a mech mod! please don't say simplicity, my Sigeli 30w is as simple as it gets Please tell me why it's better! If it's gonna give me a better vape than my IPV4s please tell me & I'll get dressed (I'm in my comfys) & I'll go buy one right now!

For some of us it is the power output, very few regulated devices have DC output, and it does change the vape. Also no chips to fail, a mech when properly used and taken care of will outlast any regulated device.


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Oct 27, 2015
Santee,San Diego
For some of us it is the power output, very few regulated devices have DC output, and it does change the vape. Also no chips to fail, a mech when properly used and taken care of will outlast any regulated device.
Thank you for your answer!:wub::hubba::vapor:
Do you think a safety device would effect the performance of your mech mod?
If so, How?


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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
Thank you for your answer!:wub::hubba::vapor:
Do you think a safety device would effect the performance of your mech mod?
If so, How?

The kicks work for some people, and will change the way the power output and can cause a cell to drain faster.

The things like the 2 cent fuses can help, unless you use something like a genny that you have to check for hot spots. Any hot spot or short no matter how minor can cause one to pop. Meaning they are worthless for the time with the most risk, so I personally never saw the point in using one.
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
It all boils down to safety. Any cell can vent and any device can fail.

We have had regulated devices on the market that caught fire if they fell (few years back thankfully), devices that auto fired, and chips that are/were unproven and unsafe. We have also had mechs that were made without vent holes, or with other features that are unsafe.

This is where educating yourself on what you chose to use is so important, it shouldn't be a mech mod vers regulated debate, it should be what was unsafe and how do we correct it. Yes most of what is making the news at this point is mechs, but that is just right now, if you look back you will find many more egos and ciglikes than mods, most of which was due to unsafe charging.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Not really buying in on the whole numbers thing. I am more of the belief it would not matter how many people were using them as long as the battery limits were respected and not being pushed to and beyond their limit. When users were not vaping at super sub-ohm levels or using pseudo-hybrid mechs (I can only speak to 2011-12 some of 13) mech mods were not exploding (like they are now).

...another thing I have been wondering does no one use a kick or safety fuses anymore?

1: When 1000 people are using something and you get an incident once in 10 years
when 100,000 people start doing it you get an incident once a month.

2: I use kicks.
But nowadays the trend is to use high wattage, there aren't high wattage kick modules;
if I wanted to vape high wattage mobile, I'd have to fit a high wattage chip from a regulated mod into an 18650 battery tube and mod my own kick.

But yes, a lot of new people are running low ohm coils, plus there are the prefab low ohm coils like the nickel coils intended for tc mods.


ECF Guru
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Jun 14, 2012
I try to stay away from these threads because my :2c: doesn't seem appropriate when someone gets injured so please correct me if I am wrong.

The bottom line is that running the TFV4 on a single 18650 mech was destine to have an issue. The battery drain with a triple coil would have taxed any battery pretty quick.

Well, its not necessarily that it cant.... but if you do , that means a few puffs and the battery is ready to switch out. Which is very annoying.

So if this is the style of vaping one likes, then YES, definitely it would be safer and more enjoyable to have a regulated device with 2 or more 18650 so you can actually go thru a tank or a few mls of juice.

SO we can go and argue or discuss which is safer till the end of the world or one of us has our choice of device blow up in our face...

We need and should have the right to vape how we like and keeps us off cigarettes. We need to be respectful of each other and not expect everyone else to vape like "we" do. Again the moral of all these stories is do your research, know what might happen, and can happen. NEVER leave any device on or unattended, NEVER even if there are no "children" around.

If people continue to do stupid things and rely on "someone" to keep us safe then things might end up like that movie "Wall-E" where all of us end up useless blobs and get to "no brain" the rest of our lives. We wont be able to get that dream car because someone says its killing the earth. We wont be able to do so many things that we enjoy doing because someone says its bad. Could you imagine not having the right to get that giant cola when you want. Or get a hamburger or anything, because if it ever had a face, it might be outlawed.

OK got off topic, but we have to start thinking as all vapers as "US" instead of pointing fingers. So if someone asks what are you doing? WOW, thats cool, I should start vaping, I want giant clouds, dont talk them out of it, just advise them, that they need to get a bit of knowledge because smoking kill, but its a slow gentle death, Vaping can do the same if you dont take precautions and get reliable devices suited for our style of vaping and not just the cheapest that works most of the time.

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Thank you!
What's the advantage of a hybrid mech over say a mech with a spring loaded 510?

Hybrids are the safest of mechanicals because they have a dedicated atomizer, no 510 threads, and there is no way to use the wrong atty.
The advantage is direct connection-less chance of voltage drop.

I think you mean "hybrid look" mods.
These mods have direct atomizer-to-battery connections to provide a sleek hybrid "look".
They are more dangerous to inexperienced vapers because there is a possibility of a short if the wrong atty is used.

Know your gear.
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