Mesh Dimensions for Griffin DID clone

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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
Oh and no wick hole. The tighter the better. You want a solid wick.

Indeed. And if you don't have the ability or desire to drill out the hole right now just put as much mesh in there as you can. I have about 60-65mm wide piece of mesh in mine right now and probably could've gotten another 5-10mm in there with the standard wick hole.

Oh, and feel free to do the same with your 325 while you wait on some 400. The exact amount may be different but follow the same idea; try to see how much you can get in there and make it as solid as possible. I just saw a video from user Jimi D the other with a solid 275 (I think) wick working really well, and he normally uses 500 and just wanted to try it since he had that 275 lying around.


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Sep 5, 2012
Long Beach
My understanding is that, without a wick hole, the fineness of the mesh becomes more important. Is that correct? The story I was told was that the means of pulling liquid up is different with a finer mesh packed tight than with a coarser mesh with a hole. Is that correct? If so, it seems 500 tightly rolled is preferred and I'll try and pick up some 500.


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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
My understanding is that, without a wick hole, the fineness of the mesh becomes more important. Is that correct? The story I was told was that the means of pulling liquid up is different with a finer mesh packed tight than with a coarser mesh with a hole. Is that correct? If so, it seems 500 tightly rolled is preferred and I'll try and pick up some 500.

Basically what it comes down to is, no matter the circumstances, assuming the same device: the more layers of mesh making up the wick the better the wicking will be, and a tightly rolled 500 mesh will always wick better than a tightly rolled 400 mesh wick, which in turn will always wick better than a tightly rolled 325 mesh wick etc. It doesn't matter if it's PG or VG or a mix. User BJ43 carried out tests in his 500 SS Mesh/Myth Busting thread that substantiated those claims. It's a fantastically good thread about genesis devices in general and a particularly good thread to read and follow when it comes to evaluating wicking methods and claims.

That doesn't mean there isn't room for other ways to make wicks. Ultimately, whichever wick works the way you want it to work is the best wick for you, but as far as SS mesh acting as a wick rather than a juice pipe in bottom tank RATs it basically boils down to having a wick as thick and tight as your device can manage using the finest mesh you can get your hands on.


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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
I had the same question on dimensions. I have 400 mesh. And the did clone.. 70mm x what?? Is a good strip of mesh..? I just dont want to waste any. Id like to just cut the peices to start. But dont know where to start in size

You just need the height of it to be enough to go from the bottom of the tank to about the top of the center post, and you can pretty much eyeball that. I'm guessing I usually make mine about 20-25mm in height. With the standard sized hole you might be able to fit 70mm in width, but that's probably pretty close to the limit. Depending how much mesh you have lying around and how precious it is to you, you may want to try your hand at 60mm or so the first time. Having said that, if you start with 70 and roll and roll and roll and can't quite get it to fit you can always trim a bit off.


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Jul 15, 2012
Costa Mesa, ca
i got a nice mesh at 55mm, its 400 mesh i got from zen site. 5 wraps w 32 kanthal.. but im getting nothing but burnt taste.. whats up w that? i oxidized the wick, but i almost feel like i wrapped the wick too tight, maybe theres no rrom for the liquid to move up. liquid is nlv 65/35 pg/vg

You just need the height of it to be enough to go from the bottom of the tank to about the top of the center post, and you can pretty much eyeball that. I'm guessing I usually make mine about 20-25mm in height. With the standard sized hole you might be able to fit 70mm in width, but that's probably pretty close to the limit. Depending how much mesh you have lying around and how precious it is to you, you may want to try your hand at 60mm or so the first time. Having said that, if you start with 70 and roll and roll and roll and can't quite get it to fit you can always trim a bit off.


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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
i got a nice mesh at 55mm, its 400 mesh i got from zen site. 5 wraps w 32 kanthal.. but im getting nothing but burnt taste.. whats up w that? i oxidized the wick, but i almost feel like i wrapped the wick too tight, maybe theres no rrom for the liquid to move up. liquid is nlv 65/35 pg/vg

Don't worry about having wrapped it too tight for juice to wick through the mesh; the aforementioned BJ43 did a test on that as well by looping some kanthal around an SS wick and then twisting it as tight as he could using pliers, and it didn't affect the wicking.

As far as you can tell are you clear of shorts and hot spots? What kind of resistance are you showing with your current coil?


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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
1.8 resistance. i dont see hot spots. maybe im too high. im at 4.1v

Yeah, that resistance definitely sounds right based on your set up and the fact you're not seeing hot spots. So that's good. I would indeed try bumping the voltage down for a bit. It can take a little while for a new wick/coil to break in, so it's probably a good idea to run a couple tanks of e-liquid through it at a lower voltage before bumping it up, and you'll likely notice the flavor improving as well as the coil and wick get some "seasoning."


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Jul 15, 2012
Costa Mesa, ca
u are right on.. i wrapped another coil in it, and its vaping very nice. i am finally seeing why people like these.. its at 1.9 and i have it at 3.8v... cant wait till its seasoned.. so pretty much as long as i leave the wick and coil alone, i can keep this setup for awhile right?

Yeah, that resistance definitely sounds right based on your set up and the fact you're not seeing hot spots. So that's good. I would indeed try bumping the voltage down for a bit. It can take a little while for a new wick/coil to break in, so it's probably a good idea to run a couple tanks of e-liquid through it at a lower voltage before bumping it up, and you'll likely notice the flavor improving as well as the coil and wick get some "seasoning."


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Aug 9, 2012
right about here, USA
u are right on.. i wrapped another coil in it, and its vaping very nice. i am finally seeing why people like these.. its at 1.9 and i have it at 3.8v... cant wait till its seasoned.. so pretty much as long as i leave the wick and coil alone, i can keep this setup for awhile right?

Yep! You might have to do some occasional tweaking as you change voltage and juice and things go through phases of build up and burn off etc, but it's entirely possible that same wick and coil, especially the wick, could be working just as well in 2 months as it is today...if you can resist the urge to try out a different mesh, or wire, or wrapping technique, or... ;)
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