Mike n Tibs DNA Mods!

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Jul 30, 2015
Rhode Island
Wondering if anyone has insight. Keep in mind prob don't wanna void warranty but I recently got a Wismec dna200 and put in my 3 new hg2's and charged via usb to test its charging. Charging stopped at 84 percent due to one cell reading 4.19 and 2 cells reading 4.09 via my dmm. Now u think if I charge via my external charger so there even then install them this might correct itself. Everything else is working great with the mod. Just wanted to kno if it's most likely poor balance connections or what. Thought the dna would compensate for the imbalance and there's no issues with cell voltage accuracy. But maybe one of my batteries was so much more charged upon installation that it couldn't catch up.

Mad Scientist

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May 11, 2013
Smokestack, PA, USA
Wondering if anyone has insight. Keep in mind prob don't wanna void warranty but I recently got a Wismec dna200 and put in my 3 new hg2's and charged via usb to test its charging. Charging stopped at 84 percent due to one cell reading 4.19 and 2 cells reading 4.09 via my dmm. Now u think if I charge via my external charger so there even then install them this might correct itself. Everything else is working great with the mod. Just wanted to kno if it's most likely poor balance connections or what. Thought the Dna would compensate for the imbalance and there's no issues with cell voltage accuracy. But maybe one of my batteries was so much more charged upon installation that it couldn't catch up.

I've had a similar situation with brand new lipo. On second charge, it was better. I can only guess at why it's doing that but in any event, try using it to "break in" the new batteries and cycle them at least a few times before drawing any final conclusions.


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Feb 21, 2014
montreal qc canada
Here's my contribution to this thread. It's my first TC device and I'm still waiting for the mailgirl to show up with the SS, titanium and Ni200 wire I ordered. I know I'm late to the party with TC, my excuse being I thought it was all a gimmick at first. Well that's been proven false so I'm going for it now and really looking forward to it.


Special thanks to ECF member laurie9300 who helped me with advice and tips, encouragement and above all else the inspiration to begin working with acrylic.

And of course Mike Petro, thank you for the opportunity to pick up the DNA40 board.


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Mar 11, 2014
Elizabethtown, Kentucky, United States
Here's my contribution to this thread. It's my first TC device and I'm still waiting for the mailgirl to show up with the SS, titanium and Ni200 wire I ordered. I know I'm late to the party with TC, my excuse being I thought it was all a gimmick at first. Well that's been proven false so I'm going for it now and really looking forward to it.


Special thanks to ECF member laurie9300 who helped me with advice and tips, encouragement and above all else the inspiration to begin working with acrylic.

And of course Mike Petro, thank you for the opportunity to pick up the DNA40 board.
Very nice work! What is it made out of and how did you do it?

Sent from The Truck O Shop


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Feb 21, 2014
montreal qc canada
Thanks for the kind words guys. The enclosure is made out of 4.5 mm acrylic or plexiglass, take your pick. I picked up a 2 foot by 4 foot sheet of the stuff and set to work. Sounds easy? Not!!! A huge learning curve for me and I know my way around a wood-working shop. There's plenty of YouTube vids on ways to cut it, polish it, bend it, but what helped me the most was a build guide by laurie9300 who did this with a DNA200. When I saw it I was hooked and decided it was something I had to try out for myself. After a gazillion failures I finally came up with something I was satisfied with, persevere, persevere, persevere. And with every failure something was learned and my confidence grew.:)

Here's a link to laurie's build guide...

DNA200 by laurie9300.pdf


Vape Geek
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Feb 22, 2013
Newport News, Virginia, United States
While you might save $20 on the purchase....
  • What is the resale value/reputation of a Mod with a 2nd tier Chinese board vs a DNA200 or a 1st tier Chinese product
  • If you run into problems, where will you obtain support?
  • If the board is bad, or DOA, or you destroy it with a bad solder job, will it be replaced.
  • What community support and user forums are available that specialize in the board?
  • Is it firmware update-able, and if so how often are firmware updates available?
Unknown parts have cost me far more time over the years than I ever saved on the front end.

But then I guess it depends on what your market is, ie are you selling economy devices and dont care about longevity, or are you selling something that you want to be proud to put your name on?


Vape Geek
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Feb 22, 2013
Newport News, Virginia, United States
I get all of that Mike. Im only buying one board to give it a try. I could build it for 50$ and sell it for 100$ in my market. Not bad for 160w. I won't sell it If the reviewer finds issues with it. I'll keep it for myself and use it as back up to my DNA200 lol
No problem, just explaining why "I" am not tempted, as you asked. For me, its just not worth the $20 savings to even experiment with until it has earned a reputation.


Vape Geek
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Feb 22, 2013
Newport News, Virginia, United States
I have a question for you all. I have a DNA40 board obtained in the round 6 co-op. Would anyone know if this has the resistance lock function? Many thanks people. :)
Yes, to the best of my knowledge, that batch of boards did have "Atty Lock".
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Resting In Peace
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Jun 12, 2012
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Until there's a review, it's a pig in a poke. Features are a question, not to mention quality, reliability and support. Yeah, DNA chips are more expensive, but they do perform as advertised. The quality goes in before the name goes on.
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