Mission Impossible: Changing the term "steeping" to "aging."

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Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Would you people kindly stop trying to derail my thread with all this analog stuff?

I told you that the term analog was going to be the subject of an upcoming episode.


On the topic at hand, I am gladdened by the fact that DVAP has illustrated that, as usual, I am right.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
All you have to do is start dropping the word Aging or Maturing into a few threads and the newbies will start copying it. As a newbie, we all want to fit in with our new found group of like minded people. Complaining about it in the General Section is too late. Go forth to the Newbie side. That is where change will happen.
This is true, but it's also where vaping myths can arise and spread.
I've seen it happen many times throughout the years.

There are still lots of people that think silica wick can burn.
And there are still lots of people that think vaping in the "red zone" is bad for some reason.

And then there is the misunderstanding of the whole "anti-freeze" issue.
And the idea that Big Tobacco has always been the ones who want to kill electronic cigarettes.
And the thinking that we only exhale water vaper.

To name a few.

That is why I have always tried to be the jerk that always tries to correct misinformation in the New Members sub-forum.
I understand people are only trying to help, but spreading myths is not how we get the real truth out there.


Nicotiana Alchemia
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Aug 26, 2009
On the topic at hand, I am gladdened by the fact that DVAP has illustrated that, as usual, I am right.

While illustrating that you were right in the initial post of this thread, when n=1, a representative sample is not present and the "usual-ness" of your rightness cannot be inferred.

The initial post excluded, you could be barking mad for all I know. :D


Nicotiana Alchemia
ECF Veteran
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Aug 26, 2009
The term that you are all looking for to describe the process of letting liquids sit around to achieve some ultimate state is thermodynamic equilibrium.

We can now summarily dispose of such terms as "steeping, aging, mellowing" and the like and call it like it is: We want our liquids to equilibrate.

And, as usual, I am right. :p


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Okay, I have a question.

All these boutique vendors BRAG about how they make your juice, fresh, and to order.
Apparently, you are paying a premium for this.

Then you get it and find out you're suppsed to let it age.

Why not just make the juice, put a whole lot of 'em on the shelf, and start filling orders......top making the customers wait, and then wait more after they get it?

Also, do the vendors KNOW exactly what the juice is supposed to taste like once steeped? Or do they test it freshly made? I always wondered if they realize that oh, 4 months down the line, their juice actually turns into "what it's supposed to be" and they knew exactly when that is, and how it tastes.

I ask this because one of the most popular "boutque" vendors told me a year ago that their juice doesn't need steeping. (I still have th email) yet every time I go to their topic area, all everyone talks about is *steeping*.

:lol: you can't make this stuff up, I swear.

All this say to me is that the marketing forces are trying to "mystify" something that isn't mysterious. At all. Just like making a casserole, it tastes better once the flavors meld.

But I do not believe that mixers KNOW that their juice is supposed to taste like X on day 58, and that on day 32 it only tastes like Y, and on day 148 it tastes like Z, AND THAT IS ALL BY DESIGN.


I'm sorry, but these are pre manufactured food flavorings they are using. (unless we are talking about NETs) and they are not at all that mysterious! or like mana from heaven, or anything
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Slightly mad but harmless
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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
Okay, I have a question.

All these boutique vendors BRAG about how they make your juice, fresh, and to order.
Apparently, you are paying a premium for this.

Then you get it and find out you're suppsed to let it age.

Why not just make the juice, put a whole lot of 'em on the shelf, and start filling orders......top making the customers wait, and then wait more after they get it?

I posted this in another thread, but the problem with that is the handful of customers that like the juice fresh out of the mailbox, the ones that prefer it to sit for a week, and the ones that won't touch it for two months. Everyone's got different tastes and needs, mixing and shipping is the best way to accommodate everyone.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
The term that you are all looking for to describe the process of letting liquids sit around to achieve some ultimate state is thermodynamic equilibrium.

We can now summarily dispose of such terms as "steeping, aging, mellowing" and the like and call it like it is: We want our liquids to equilibrate.

And, as usual, I am right. :p

And right along those lines DVap, leaving behind concepts such as steeping, aging and mellowing, I prefer to think of this process as entropination. My juice needs to entropinate. It has entropinated. Yup, that's my story and I'm ... ;)
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
All this say to me is that the marketing forces are trying to "mystify" something that isn't mysterious. At all. Just like making a casserole, it tastes better once the flavors meld.

Hmm, meld. You mean no thermodynamic equilibrium or entropination is involved?! It's just melding flavors?

Naaa, couldn't possibly be this simple LOL

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Okay, I have a question.

All these boutique vendors BRAG about how they make your juice, fresh, and to order.
Apparently, you are paying a premium for this.

Then you get it and find out you're suppsed to let it age.

Why not just make the juice, put a whole lot of 'em on the shelf, and start filling orders......top making the customers wait, and then wait more after they get it?

My guess: It adds flexibility in inventory management. Until you blend the ingredients, your inventory consists of... ingredients. Those ingredients can be used in many different flavors of finished liquid and in different nic strengths. But once you've mixed them, now you've got flavors that can't be unmade. That inventory has to roll out, and roll out quickly.

That's just my guess.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Good morning, dedicated vapers.

Situation: Allowing a recently purchased or recently mixed bottle of e-liquid to rest and reach the desired flavor profile is currently referred to as "steeping." This is inaccurate. Steeping is soaking a solid substance in a liquid in order to extract compounds (usually flavors) or to soften the solid.

The proper term for what we do with new liquids is "aging," and is similar to the process used to make an undrinkable brew turn into a delicious adult beverage.

Your mission, vapers, should you choose to accept it, is to refrain from using the "S" word when referring to the process of aging your e-liquids.

As always, should you or any of fellow vapers be caught or banned, the ECF will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

Good luck, vapers!


Ha! I tried this once and, well, :tumble:. But, yes, you are correct. I really hate the term steeping, but sometimes you just roll with it. Then again, hell, I hate the term e-cigarettes and especially e-Liquid. I mean, seriously?! As in electronic liquid? Oy vey!
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