Mother and I had some words today over vaping....

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Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Sorry to hear about the lack of support you're getting. Unfortuantely its not all that uncommon. I got support when I first started but a few weeks later when they saw I was still vaping all I heard was "sorry its not working for you". Told them it was working just fine!!!! But thats not what they wanted to hear or see. Unfortuantely many that don't smoke cigs see vaping as only a short term path to quitting nicotine in any form not just giving up traditional smoking so if you are still vaping after a short time they see it as a failure.


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Feb 5, 2011
Heck, I'd buy your way into VapeFest if I were there! I never understand some people's need to complain about something... anything, to make them happy.
I'm lucky, my fiance and I are both on the same page about vaping. It has become a hobby. He's been very understanding about my daily-deal-trolling online, where I look for the best pricing on parts and juice. He also hasn't given me any grief about my near OCD affliction in regards to reading ECF. He was amused by my recent crafty high-jinks in regards to making our new translucent topped tackle box impervious to light with rather stinky silver paint pens. Like I said, I'm very lucky.

As for spouses that complain about vaping scents... light up an analog. Don't smoke the nasty thing, just light it up. Wave it around a bit. And then ask 'em, "You really prefer this? Cause this is the alternative!"

Or maybe that's a bit too much? lol...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
You may not be getting much support from your family, but you'll get plenty of support here. And guess what? WE OUTNUMBER THEM!!!

It sucks that some people just don't get it. In their minds, we're still smoking because they have preconceived notions (which aren't true) about nicotine. I like what ShoeQueen said about lighting up a cigarette and just letting it burn. Really? Would ANYONE rather smell that? I know I wouldn't.

You're doing this for YOU, not for them. You're doing this because it's cleaner, safer and healthier than smoking. Thousands of people die every day from smoking related diseases. No one has died from a vaping related disease. There's something you might point out to them.

Smoking caused these things with me:

Couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without becoming short of breath.
I lost my singing voice completely.
I coughed like crazy in the mornings.
I was on my way to a life of emphysema and possibly COPD.

Vaping has changed everything! Not even kidding! I can RUN up the stairs now...all of my house!
My singing voice is returning.
My lungs have started to heal and clear up. My doctors are impressed!
I no longer cough in the morning and I feel better when I wake up now.
I started working out and even hired a personal trainer. How could I possibly do this physically or financially if I were still smoking?

I'm sure you've experienced some similar changes. Anyway, just know that WE are here and WE support you 110%. No strings, no criticism, no doubts!


Senior Member
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Feb 17, 2011
Dallas, TX
eh crackbug sometimes i feel like that lol. jk but thats love for you... im willing to do anything for her even if she makes me a little crazy from time to time

hahaha i feel ya man i don't vape in bed anymore out of respect for my GF..

but when it all comes down to it this whole ecig and quitting smoking is about one thing and one thing only ME!

screw everyone else and what they think


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2010
I won the wife of the year award by telling dh to use the tax return to get a dirt bike, so I get no greif over my comparatively inexpensive "hobby". Not that he ever did much with any of my numerous other hobbies. I'm a bit of a hobby junkie. This is just another one. +1 on the separate money though. Dh gives me a set amount out of each paycheck to pay the bills and buy groceries, the rest is his. I don't make very much in my work at home job, but what I make is mine to spend how I please. When there are other expenses it usually falls to me to figure out the financing of it, but if I tell him I need so much extra we just tighten our belts for that pay period and move on. Each person having their own money makes all of the difference in the world.


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Mar 3, 2011
Illy Philly
Great support folks! Thanks. Reading this thread made me feel better today. We just got back from buying the wife a new 2011 Honda Insight. Saving the earth one gallon at a time... lol. To be fair my wife let me basically quit my job, go back to school, and her salary mostly supports us. I just work crappy part time jobs to help with the bills and spending money. We're on a really tight budget these days to make it all work. My vaping is still less than what I was spending on cigs and after this first month we've seen the reduction in cost even with me buying a lot of vaping supplies. I have enough stuff to DIY juice for probably 6 months without anymore costs. So I'm a stay at home husband student. My wife is great. I would never say anything bad about her. I just wish she would've let me go to Vapefest and be a little more supportive with vaping...
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