Muscle Cramps, especially left side 1 month of Vaping

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Full Member
Oct 5, 2010
I have been analog free for 1 month now. I have been vaping a 50/50 PG/VG blend and I have had no desire to go back to the analogs. 2 weeks into my vaping experience I started feeling a "tightness" on my left side. Right around the area of my lowest rib. This was somewhat constant for several days. I thought I may be lacking in the water dept. so I drank more H2o. I noticed the pain was getting worse, but also I was noticing muscle cramps as well.... My back hurt (like I had a huge knot) my knees, and my sides (front and back) . I put the e cig down for 4 days straight. Symptoms went away.

I have picked the e cig back up again, and notice my left side tightness is back... Not as extreme, but certainly there. In the days I put the e cig down, I was ok, and I only started vaping to get myself off anaolgs so.....

I wonder if my Vaping days are over?

Anyone have any experience with similiar symptoms?



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2010
Cape Cod
Not sure of your age or situation but if you're having tightness on your left side you might want to consider having it checked out or having a stress test done. Not to be an alarmist but why take chances (especially if you're in a risk group).

PG can irritate some people but if it were related to vaping it would prolly be both sides, not just the left.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2010
A lot of the health problems that are arising with e-cigs is with the food flavoring. Food flavoring is not meant to be inhaled, and are causing a lot of the symptoms that most people say may be caused by PG allergies, VG allergies, and tobacco withdraw. The thing is, there are 3 known dangerous inhalant ingredients in some food flavorings: 2,3-butanedione(diacetyl); 2,3-Pentanedione (acetylpropionyl); & 2,4-pentanedione (Acetoacetone, acetylacetone, diacetylmethane, pentanedione). I will not get into too much detail, but the first one (Diacetyl) is linked to the popcorn lung disease and is also a cause of "tightening" in the chest area as well. The two ingredients after Diacetyl are Diacetyl replacements. Acetyl propionyl is also known to be just as bad as Diacetyl.

Now, even though there are liquids without those three ingredients, there could be other potential ingredients that may be causing the various symptoms of muscle cramping, tightness in the chest, swollen glands, shortness of breath, etc. We just don't know what is in the food flavorings because of the mislead ingredient message of, "artificial flavorings."

My honest opinion is to DIY, but in a different way. Buy unflavored nicotine e-juice (there are two kinds of nicotine: pesticide grade and pharmaceutical grade. Will get to that later) , food flavoring from, FlavourART, AP, etc., and either a PG, or VG base diluent. Fill the cartridge/cartomizer with unflavored nicotine, and then dip the mouth end of the cartridge/cartomizer into the food flavoring bottle. That way you can ingest the food flavoring, and receive the nicotine through the unflavored e-juice with the vaping sensation.

Now, another option to be on the safe side is to look for a brand of e-juice called, "ECOpure". I would recommend ECOpure Rich, because that is the only one I have tried (and it actually taste good). There is not much selection for flavorings, but they are the cleanest and have the fewest ingredients available in e-juice right now. The only two places that I know who sells it is, (Europe) (USA), and

There is another company that also has random batch testing done on their e-juice, and they have records on their website is, "". I don't know much about their juice, but I am looking into it. They have clean juice, but I don't know how their flavoring is made.

Edit: As of right now, it is hard to tell which vendors are selling pharma grade nicotine with their premixed e-juices, and who is using pesticide grade nicotine. Basically, pesticide nicotine has a yellowish color. The color is caused from not distilling the plant material. That is another reason you may want to DIY, or buy from a "trusted" vendor. The only company that I have info on who uses pharma nicotine is TW (Totally Wicked).

Now granted, I have been a little vague in my responses on the various topics that I have mentioned, but I hope that helps you out.

Edit: I have had shortness of breath, and I have had tightening of the chest, and muscle cramping since I started vaping. However, ever since I have been using the ECOpure brand, I have not had any problems with shortness of breath, dry skin spots, tightening of the chest area, and irritated throat. The same goes for my DIY mentioned earlier in this post.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I thought I may be lacking in the water dept. so I drank more H2o. I noticed the pain was getting worse, but also I was noticing muscle cramps as well.... My back hurt (like I had a huge knot) my knees, and my sides (front and back) . I put the e cig down for 4 days straight. Symptoms went away.

I have picked the e cig back up again, and notice my left side tightness is back... Not as extreme, but certainly there. In the days I put the e cig down, I was ok, and I only started vaping to get myself off anaolgs so.....

I wonder if my Vaping days are over?

Anyone have any experience with similiar symptoms?


I was having chest pain/tightness that went away when I quit inhaling. You mentioned pain in your sides? Was this lower sides?

I didn't bring this up before when I posted on another thread for chest tightness, but I was having muscle cramps at lower sides of back that I didn't think was related to that....(thought female problems) but now I don't know. All I know is these have alleviated too since I am not chain vaping or inhaling at all. Kidneys(?)

I have a massive headache though still that scares me.

BassAddict mentions some of us may be getting pesticide grade nicotene? Great....

Nicotene is one of the most toxic poisons there is anyway (see below) Cigarettes HAVE been studied for years and it's delivery system is well known. What we are doing is not and has not been studied at all. Very scared, but won't be able to check the board regularly due to internet problems.

What happens to people after ingesting nicotine? Nicotine poisoning causes vomiting and nausea, difficulty breathing, headaches, stomach pains and seizures.

Discovery Health "How Nicotine Works"


Full Member
Oct 5, 2010

I really jumped on the band wagon, and never once thought that I might be harming myself.

Edit..... I have now read through pages and pages of similiar testimonials and I am convinced that SOMETHING is causing these side affects in me. I am in no way smart enough to understand the differences between X and Y or Z but, I am no longer comfortable using my e cig juices.

I am going to put down the e cig and kick this habit like Pop's did all those years ago.. Willpower



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010

I am going to put down the e cig and kick this habit like Pop's did all those years ago.. Willpower


I need to follow your example :)

I have never felt like this except for one other time when I had a prescription drug overdose (not intentional) I was at toxic levels and it took months to recover and I suffered a peripheral neuropathy (numbness). Saw a neurologist for months. This is the only time I have remembered feeling this bad. I can't go through that again.....

Pesticide grade nic or not, I only weigh 100 lbs and I may not be able to do ANY liquid nic at all. God, I hope I fully recover....


Super Member
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Mar 18, 2009
Central Ohio
I have been analog free for 1 month now. I have been vaping a 50/50 PG/VG blend and I have had no desire to go back to the analogs. 2 weeks into my vaping experience I started feeling a "tightness" on my left side. Right around the area of my lowest rib. This was somewhat constant for several days. I thought I may be lacking in the water dept. so I drank more H2o. I noticed the pain was getting worse, but also I was noticing muscle cramps as well.... My back hurt (like I had a huge knot) my knees, and my sides (front and back) . I put the e cig down for 4 days straight. Symptoms went away.

I have picked the e cig back up again, and notice my left side tightness is back... Not as extreme, but certainly there. In the days I put the e cig down, I was ok, and I only started vaping to get myself off anaolgs so.....

I wonder if my Vaping days are over?

Anyone have any experience with similiar symptoms?


I have horrible muscle pain when I vape a juice with any amount of PG in it. Even VG based juices with a little PG in their flavoring do it to me. Try a 100% VG juice of high quality and see if the muscle pain and cramping goes away. I use all VG (Alien Visions e-Juice) and occasionally ECOpure Fresh that I get from I have been vaping for over a year and a half and 100% VG is hard to find but let's me vape just fine. Good luck.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010

Edit: As of right now, it is hard to tell which vendors are selling pharma grade nicotine with their premixed e-juices, and who is using pesticide grade nicotine. Basically, pesticide nicotine has a yellowish color. The color is caused from not distilling the plant material. That is another reason you may want to DIY, or buy from a "trusted" vendor. The only company that I have info on who uses pharma nicotine is TW (Totally Wicked).

Now granted, I have been a little vague in my responses on the various topics that I have mentioned, but I hope that helps you out.

Edit: I have had shortness of breath, and I have had tightening of the chest, and muscle cramping since I started vaping. However, ever since I have been using the ECOpure brand, I have not had any problems with shortness of breath, dry skin spots, tightening of the chest area, and irritated throat. The same goes for my DIY mentioned earlier in this post.

None of us knows what is exactly making us sick but I am not chancing it. My headache is too bad and am not comfortable that my DSL is out (at a neighbors now)

One doubt I now have is that any of these companies are using pharma grade nicotene....How can they be? They would need a LICENSE to have access to that and we all know they don't have one....

Sloo50, I am like you; WHY didn't I think of these things???.....I hope you are OK.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2010
None of us knows what is exactly making us sick but I am not chancing it. My headache is too bad and am not comfortable that my DSL is out (at a neighbors now)

One doubt I now have is that any of these companies are using pharma grade nicotene....How can they be? They would need a LICENSE to have access to that and we all know they don't have one....

Sloo50, I am like you; WHY didn't I think of these things???.....I hope you are OK.

Well the only companies that have a license to use Pharma grade nicotine is intellicig/ and from what I have researched. TW "supposedly" uses pharma. Not good enough for me though :)


Full Member
Jun 13, 2008

Ive been vaping 100% vg juices for about a month now. I quit cigs 2 years ago,used ecigs, then snus and when e cigs were more advanced started vaping again. Before i had muscle pains and stopped vaping pg. Well the other day i had a pain right under my left ribcage. It wasnt "internal"feeling but rather like a sore muscle. When i touch it, it feels sensitive. It progressed more to the center now. I stopped vaping yesterday but it is still kind of sore. I read this thread and was wondering if the op or anyone else feel any better now or did it get progressively worse?


Full Member
Nov 8, 2010
Vaping is dehydrating. Dehydrated muscles will cramp. you must drink more water and stay plenty hydrated.

Dehydration would be the least of my worries with the noted presentation. Nonetheless, the major pain he discussed point to the muscles of respiration and/or myocardium.

To the OP, if you're up to it, I'd like to see how you responded to vaping 0mg liquid. Perhaps a week of 100% PG, a week of 100% VG, and a week of 50/50. My first instincts would be the high amount of nicotine ingested over a short period of time.

On a side note, sure the nicotine may be pesticide grade, but what do you think was sprayed on those apples from Fiji that are sitting at your local supermarket? Let's not forget that an the skin is porous and by no doubt absorbed some of that juice that makes your fruit look so darn appealing. Puree some apple and run a mass spec on the mixture. I'm confident that you will not want to eat fresh fruits/vegetables ever again.


Ultra Member
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Mar 22, 2010
First off, as long as you're buying e-juice from a reputable supplier, I seriously doubt there is pesticide grade nicotine in the product. No cottage industry is going to want to take the chance of getting their pants sued off over something like that. Especially in this day and age where you can sue over the temperature of your coffee.

Secondly, your most likely culprit for muscle cramps is the PG. Propylene Glycol is converted into lactic acid and expelled through the kidneys. If you aren't drinking enough water, your kidneys are going to have a harder time eliminating it. Lactic acid causes muscle cramps.

Headaches are usually caused by A) less nicotine than what you are used to, B) more nicotine than you are used to, or C) the effects of detoxing from the other 3999 chemicals you were inhaling which included carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzine, acetone, ammonia, and believe it or not the insecticide they sprayed the tobacco plants with, since pesticides made from nicotine are illegal in the U.S..

If you're really worried about it, definitely go to the doctor and get a full health work up. If you want to test out which ingredient you might be sensitive to, switch to flavorless PG and then flavorless VG liquids, both with and without nicotine. As far as killing ourselves though, we've got people on this board that have been vaping for 2 - 3 years with no adverse effects. Personally, my blood pressure numbers have gone down by 20 on both diastolic and systolic and I can take a deep breath without it burning. I will probably be vaping til I'm run over by some nutball that's texting while driving. :laugh:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I found PG gave me horrible muscle cramps, in my face, neck, chest, and ribs, it made me dizzy too, even when I was hydrating. I stopped using it right away. I am a 0 nic vaper, so I can't blame the nic. It was the PG and or flavoring. I stick with 100% VG now.

jambandphan03; you mentioned muscle cramps in your face too. Any feelings of periodic numbness in face around the same time as dizziness? Thanks

I also wanted to add that my symptoms like the OP's went away after a week of not vaping.
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Full Member
Jun 13, 2008
The pain is completly gone a week after I stopped vaping.... My pain was in the exact same area as you describe (constant) and my pain "spread" too.

I no longer have any "cramps" at all.... I am convinced there is something to vaping that doesnt agree w/ me.

I'm still a little sore but not as bad. I stopped 2 days ago. I think it may be the pg in the flavors + the nic ( since i'm using 100 % vg liq) I asked the vendor of my liquid and he assured me that its pharm grade nic & no diacetyl.

I think i feel a "hollow "type feeling as well usually associated with gastritis. The weird thing is it feels like a sore muscle.
It's not consistant, & i can move freely without pain. It maybe a muscle spasm of some sort since it comes & goes.

I know i did not pull it doing something. Thanks for all your responses~!
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