My First E-Cig - My First Review

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Full Member
Nov 19, 2009
UK, Leeds
[FONT="]After quite some time I finally made my decision and wanted to share my experience with all of you. Here I´d like to thank those who gave me feedback and suggestions! It has been a great advantage to have your first hand knowledge and tips! [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT="]So, my choice was a two-part e-cigarette out of different models and PEP Cigarette out of different brands. I first found it from Prezzybox but made my purchase from I made my final decision purely on appearance as I’m vain as hell:D and I just loved its clean simple design and neat choice of colors. Something about it was just inviting, it looked different from others.

[FONT="]The site offered payments in PayPal and also with credit cards, and that was one thing many of the other sites didn’t offer which was an advantage for me. Although I currently live in the USA, the company sent the products from the UK pretty darn fast…I mean I ordered it on Monday and it was happily on my doorstep by Friday. A tick for good service, check!:) But they would get a double-tick if it was also free shipping to the US as it was in the UK- jealous I am![/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT="]So on with the product itself…As I hadn’t smoked an e-cigarette never before I had some expectations, but not very high ones, I basically thought that it’s a sorry excuse for a smoke, but I was extremely surprised how similar it felt. I had to adjust to it for a little while as I found the drag was different but once I got the hang of it it felt good and I felt at home. It also produced the tingling sensation as smoking a regular cigarette, so I guess the more the resemblance the more you get hooked on it! The volumes of smoke it produced were impressive as the one I saw on youtube looked a bit like an after cough of a drag:D but the PEP allowed even to make smoke rings. The starter kit contained two different flavors, mint and tobacco and the mind I found very authentic, so authentic so that I couldn’t really use it as I myself hate mint. But for variety it definitely added to the package.[/FONT]

[FONT="]As for the overall feeling of holding it in your hands, it was of course a lot heavier than a real cigarette as they are feather light compared to electronic cigarettes but it’s the weight of the electronics and it is something I got used to in about a week. I haven’t tried out others but from the research I put into choosing the one to try I remember that it wasn’t the smallest in the bunch but it was far from being the biggest and heaviest. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT="]The battery was supposed to last for up to 200 puffs, but that didn’t say much to me…I mean how the hell I should know how many puffs is there to a real cigarette, and I sure didn’t want to count them. I found out the logical way just trying it out. I used to smoke approx one and half pack a day and I made through a day with one battery…so that’s approx 12-14 hours. Quite convenient I would say[/FONT]
J[FONT="] as some reviews said that the battery lasts for like 4 hours of heavy smoking.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT="]Compared to what other sites say the atomizer lasts long. I mean other atomizers are said to last for up to 20 cigarettes worth but PEP promised to deliver as much as 30 cigarettes worth. I could never really keep count and I suppose it depends how intensively you smoke it but I guess it lived up to that promise. I’ll keep you updated when I improve my counting skills :D![/FONT]

[FONT="]Overall I would say I am hooked on it so far and want to try out others as well. I have my eyes set on the M 201 and 402 as soon I figure out why they have such lame names :confused:[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT="]This was my first ever review to write, so give me feedback on how I did and if any of you guys have also tried out PEP?[/FONT]

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Thank you for your review. I just tried my new e cig. It tasted funny to me and had no flavor at all. I do not know the name it is called but it is the one that looks like a pen. I pulled so hard that liquid was on my tounge. I bought the strong but I do not taste much at all.
I will have to read more and see if theres something out there I will like better.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2009
UK, Leeds
As far as I know, there are hundreds and hundreds e-cigarette providers in web, so making a choise is not exactly the easiest of tasks. I wasn´t sure myself which one to pick and asked for help from people in this forum but decisive factor for me was that it was on sale in one online store which I trust.
So if you are not happy with yours I suggest you try others :thumbs:


Full Member
Nov 19, 2009
UK, Leeds
I actually found a coupon code for prezzybox if anyone is get 5pounds off if you order over 20 pounds worth...i'm sure it will come to good use:p
Prezzy Box UK Voucher Codes Prezzy Box Discount Codes Prezzy Box Discount Vouchers Prezzy Box Promotional Codes - My Voucher Codes UK i already used mine and finally ordered PEP...
should get it in two or three days:rolleyes: anxiety taking over already:D will let you know how it is and if i agree with you Dayswithout!

yeahh! You do that. Would be great to know other opinions as well.


Unregistered Supplier
Feb 25, 2010
Thank you for your review. I just tried my new e cig. It tasted funny to me and had no flavor at all. I do not know the name it is called but it is the one that looks like a pen. I pulled so hard that liquid was on my tounge. I bought the strong but I do not taste much at all.
I will have to read more and see if theres something out there I will like better.

We have a very good response on the new model of the RN4081. Our customers have seemed to be quite pleased with the variety of flavors as well as the strength.

What do you normally smoke when you smoke an actual cigarette?
Sorry for not replying for so long...i had major computer trouble but thankfully it's all solved now:)
anyways i received mine several days ago(6 to be exact) so the shipping was allright...allthough i was a bit worried for the customs as they tend to be a real pain in the ...:S
Overall i would say that it is definitely something i would reccomend as a "they-nailed-it" in my mind. Smoke volumes were gr8 and the throat hit was also good compared to my impressions of the gamucci micro.
I will keep you updated on the way the preformance is in my mind and am planing to write a longer and thorough review on it. I think a comparison would be a good idea?

And...also a question rose to my mind...when i previously posted the coupon code seems soo in your face for me...i'm new to all the forum stuff, so i dont know a lot but would it have been better if i had posted it some other way? is there any other way:D? lol for the rookieness...apologetic i am:D
Anyways..i'm feeling quite down and sick so i'll go off to bed

Bye guys:)!
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hmmm, as i am new to this stuff most definitely, knowing all the models and so on i was clueless there for a second:lol:
but thanks hodehoop for pointing it out and asking, because i went on a full on hunt for answers:sneaky::)
So i found out that its not a rebranding of kr808 but greencig(but as i understand all the carts and batteries are interchangeable). Then i went on and read a couple of dozen reviews:D(not really, yikes:D) the full package, videos and compare my impressions on it and the only difference there was was the fact that some of the older ones on greencig mentioned a very short cut-off time(reviews done like a year and longer ago), but they seem to have changed it cause mine had a very sufficient 7 or so seconds to produce the vapor and throat hit.
So if igetcha69 reviewed it on youtube and gave it a 7 out of ten, i would revise his rewiev and give it an 8 out of ten, plus a bundle of style points:cool:

I'm working on my bigger better and uncut review:D(love southpark:lol:) and hope to get it up today or tomorrow:)

but now i'm off to work...ciaaooo!
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