My little story

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Nov 11, 2012
Buffalo, NY
I wanted to share my own little story with you cause I'm sure there are a bunch out there like me!

I smoked for about 15 years, with a few quit attempts thrown in there - one actually took for almost a year. I was so disgusted and disappointed in myself during my last attempt (10) years ago, that I let everyone think I was smoke free and would stealth smoke (bathroom, driving to and from work, parking lots, etc.) Through this, my husband still smoked so I was able to time things so I smelled like his second hand smoke instead of my own and didn't leave any real traces of my stealthing. I did cut down to 5-10 smokes a day using this, but it was hard being sneaky and I felt so guilty about it... I was totally bummed that these cigarettes had such a tight grip on me.

So anyway, about 18 months ago we took a trip. Long trips were brutal because I would have nic fits and cravings and turn into the worlds worst wife until I could stealth away and have a smoke. There was an e-cig kiosk in one of the malls that we stopped at and my husband tried an ecig. Of course, I "sampled" right along with him. I actually loved it and felt much calmer.

After a week of him using this kiosk brand, it wasn't cutting it for him anymore. I ordered him a V2 and openly got one for myself (he knew I was still having nic fits, just not sure if he realized the real reason was his smoking around me and me stealth smoking.) The V2s worked for a short time for him but the batteries were inconsistent and if he ran out of the pre-filled cartos, he'd go right back to his PaD. Finally he just gave up, but I kept getting my V2s - and stealth smoking and more or less stealth vaping when I was around mutual friends.

Three, almost four, months ago, he stumbled across a brick and mortar shop. We went in and bought a double starter kit. He asked me why I needed one. I explained that I still used the V2 and had no intentions on stopping and wanted to try something new.

So, we juiced together!

He dropped his smoking from a PaD to half a pack within a week. I dropped to about 5 stealthy smokes a day.

Two weeks later, he dropped to only a few a day. I still had my 5 smokes a day - I was smoking more than him at this point.

Two weeks after that, he threw out the last of his carton of smokes. He hasn't had a cigarette since. I'm happy to say, neither have I!

Me and the hubster now have a habit/hobby that we enjoy together and are a full 9 weeks off the horrible analogs. He's converted more than half the people he works with to e-cigs. My co-workers are mostly non smokers and the ones who don't smoke are horribly judgemental so I don't bother openly vaping around them. I do stealth vape in the ladies room though! I no longer feel like a failure and I know that I can honestly say that I don't smoke. I am looking forward to day long events and road trips again. It's nice not having to figure out where I'll sneak that smoke!

I've also realized that it wasn't so much the nic I was addicted to. It was the action. I've cut myself down to 12mg from 24 without even thinking about it and I'm getting ready to drop another level. The biggest thing I've noticed about quitting smoking is the lung capacity! I can sing to my favorite songs and in church without getting out of breath! My singing still sucks but at least I can do it!

So, even though this was a long ramble, I just wanted to share my story and secret - especially since NO ONE knew about it. I know there are stealth smokers out there who do NOT talk about the subject - I sure didn't want to. To me, it was shameful and embarassinig and I felt like a total and complete failure.
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Aug 27, 2012
Owensboro, KY
Welcome and congrats! I see you're in vaportrails turf. Dunno if that was your original B&M but i hear it's up there in south buffalo. Keep up the good work. I too was a stealth smoker at one time. Glad that's over with. Thanks for telling us your story. I think everyone enjoys hearing about how others found vaping and the transition from analogs. I do anyway! ;)


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Nov 11, 2012
Buffalo, NY
Thanks for the well wishes! It's an awesome feeling, like a huge load lifted off me, not just for myself but for my husband too!

Jim829, Vapor Trails absolutely is the B&M we go to! We've visited several others in the area but NOTHING compares to the customer service that Vapor Trails delivers. They are absolutely the best bunch of folk that we know! I'm constantly sending people their way for just that reason.

I just successfully introduced another friend to vaping. She's a 2+PaD smoker and yesterday she was proudly down to 12 which is HUGE for her!


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Nov 11, 2012
Buffalo, NY
I use 2 ego passthroughs, an ego-t and an ego mini. I prefer the cartos because with me using 100% vg, the clearos clogged and I would get too many dry hits. I had an ego twist, but I dropped it. It hit the sidewalk at the perfect angle and busted my switch. A replacement is in order.

My husband is using the ZMax now and has a few ego twists for back up. He prefers the mini novas.

My hand-me-downs, including the v2, have been going to a friend. It's one of those pay it forward things for me. I wasn't using them and seeing how successful we have been, I had to share it!


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I use 2 ego passthroughs, an ego-t and an ego mini. I prefer the cartos because with me using 100% vg, the clearos clogged and I would get too many dry hits. I had an ego twist, but I dropped it. It hit the sidewalk at the perfect angle and busted my switch. A replacement is in order.

My husband is using the ZMax now and has a few ego twists for back up. He prefers the mini novas.

My hand-me-downs, including the v2, have been going to a friend. It's one of those pay it forward things for me. I wasn't using them and seeing how successful we have been, I had to share it!

You're like me. :laugh: I break everything I get my hands on. Great that you're doing PIF and hope that your friends/relatives have as much success as you have.

BTW, after 5 posts we have a great PIF group. Lots of fun and nice people. Be sure to check out the Deals and Steals thread.

Pay It Forward - PIF


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Nov 11, 2012
Buffalo, NY
Thanks again for the pats on the back! It was a long and difficult journey and I wish that I would have started vaping long ago. I wish I would have never started smoking, but it was cool, it looked relaxing and when I started, I enjoyed the hell out of it. So now, I guess I'm repeating the story with vaping. Except the vaping makes me feel so much better!

It's nice being able to share my story without getting judgemental and harsh responses. My brother recently quit smoking and I have a feeling he's not going to be receptive to my vaping. I don't even know why I'm worried about what my brother thinks! I do know that since he's quit, cold turkey even, he's been unbearable. But regardless, the way I see it is that with the stress levels I was under, I was going to start openly smoking again, I really had no doubt. Now, I know I never will smoke again! I'm so much done with that!

Thank you for the information on the PIF forum! I haven't had a chance to look there yet but I'm looking forward to it!

I think I'm going to gather more of my smoking friends and have another "tasting" party... I just have to find a place to buy cheap cartos in bulk, lol. I filled all mine when my heavy smoker friend came over and I introduced her to the wonderful world of vaping. She was allowed to vape freely, on my dime, as long as she swore she wouldn't light up a smoke. She spent an entire day here without smoking - normally, she fills an ashtray each visit.
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