Natural Tobaccos - Part Deux

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
I have coming.. Nicarao Havana Sun Grown and La Gloria Cubana, both Luce gave a 10, and Camacho Triple Maduro which is all Maduro tobaccos.

I hope they work for me as well as a they do for a few others here. I really hope so, because that opens up huge selection for future orders lol. I'm expecting light/subtle, hoping for complex and/or tasty. If they don't wow me, the cleanliness will be good in the kayfun for on-the-go tobacco vaping.


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Oct 18, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Man, she's got a BUNCH (capital letters) of NETs coming soon.

If they're anything as well-received as the cigars have been, prepare for a huge shift in multiple vendors' filtering and extraction methods. If they can't keep up...
That woman doesn't sleep!
No, she steeps! :lol:

I remember after the My Hero line was released how quickly a bunch of other NETs kept popping up on her site. Along with adding a steeped to perfection and an all VG lines.

I've had the three My Heros. Mine didn't have any floaty things, but were pretty dark in color. I liked them, Vanilla was my favorite. The tobacco was kind of one-note, being a bassy low flavor. No complexities, but enjoyable for me.

I like that she's worked hard to perfect a certain line, and then branched out into this next unknown lineup of NET's.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see at least a couple of Latakia and Cavendish pipe blends.

As they say, "Practice makes perfect."



I'm just surprised Acadian Gold didn't make the all. It's a really good, smooth tobacco and I haven't been able to find anything similar up to this point.

I was expecting to see more NETCOM pipe tobaccos, but ....I couldn't give a review as of yet, and until I try MvJ's cigar line, I'd feel like I wasn't giving an accurate vote.

HHV, I like, but you gotta let 'em steep to bring out the full enjoyment factor - at least, for me.

This goes for the tobaccos and the fruit flavors.

I'm a drip-top-remover type steeper, and the faster I can get the juices flowing, the better.

I guess I'd say the same about Vurley (not sure if the rest of Ahlusion's juices are similar or whether it's the congestive sinus thing going around, I'll reiterate) because it seemed much smoother and more enjoyable after I left the cap off for two days. I'll let it sit, fill a half-tank, see how I respond to it, and go from there.

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy MvJ's e-liquids more than Ahlusion's. Sorry, but when someone takes the time to steep it for you that's....well, that's just awesome. Not to mention you can order 21mg if you're trying to step down from 24mg without jumping straight to 18.

This is not to knock Ahlusion, but if I have to steep something from any vendor to enjoy it without encountering the dreaded alcohol irritation, it annoys me to no end.

Since MvJ doesn't use solvents (at least in the extraction process from what I've been able to gather), that cuts that entire problem out of the equation; automatic +1 from me on that, alone.

At least with GeJ, they're good to go out of the bottle and just get better with time.

I'm going to assume the same is true about MvJ, solely based on what I've heard.

Side note: My Vita Bella and Acadian Gold showed up today; USPS must have manhandled the package because I sat both bottles in their usual steeping location, went about my business and recoiled a wick, and looked over to see nearly 3ml's of VB saturating the light cloth I have under the juice bottles.

Apparently, not only was there a lack of bubble wrap, but the new thinner plastic 30ml bottle had a hairline crack at the bottom. It had to have happened recently [probably the tampa sort facility or local post office], because if it were leaking at that rate in transit from GeJ, it would have flooded the bag, made its way through the threads, and leaked through the box.

EDIT: I'm thinking uncapping it was what caused it to leak like a sieve. At least I didn't lose too much of the VB. Whew. Transferred into another Acadian Gold bottle, so at least for now, I can see which is which.... because the Acadian Gold to golden amber colored where VB has more of a reddish hue.
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ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Brob, not to be all "technical," but any liquid that is used for extraction, i.e., PG/VG, alcohol, hexane, carbon dioxide, water, etc., is a solvent (a liquid used to dissolve something else into). The differences is that PG/VG are solvents that are simultaneously the base for that which we vape -- no need to "remove" anything. Now, Ahlsuion doesn't use any alcohol for extraction, and actually I don't know of any other prominent NET vendor that does either (necessarily). There was some misconstrued information about HHV using an alcohol extraction, but they actually use alcohol as a secondary extraction from the primary steam distillation extraction (where the magic happens). I don't remember tasting any alcohol in NETs so I was always a bit befuddled by the constant talk of HHV "needing" to evaporate, but maybe I am less sensitive to it (?). What I've detected in some of Ahlsuion NETs is a "fume" (or gas-like smell) that may read as a alcohol, but I imagine it's from their extraction as with time it does completely leave/evaporate -- but, once again, know that Wlad doesn't use alcohol to extract anything.

Not wanting to steep is more than understandable, but knowing what's on the other side of it makes for a less-than-desirable situation turn into just part of the process for a great outcome. I've said it before, but 3 months from now is coming irrespective of what we do today, so I take no real issue with buying ahead of time -- tomorrow will be today shortly. Hey, as I say that I realized that today marks the 3 month date of a liquid I bought before -- got my cake; about to eat! J/K

Edit -- I remember some of Vaperite NETs tasting like alcohol at first.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
I've said it before, but 3 months from now is coming irrespective of what we do today, so I take no real issue with buying ahead of time -- tomorrow will be today shortly. Hey, as I say that I realized that today marks the 3 month date of a liquid I bought before -- got my cake; about to eat!

3 months happens really quick if you have enough on hand! I have 14 juices to get started on from Black Friday orders, well over 3 months, since I have more coming in. I've been vaping up juices to make room, got er down to 30 in my current rotation box lol.

Sadly, only a couple of them are tobacco. I have GNC from Evil to try, and a couple from NudeNic, everything else is non-baccos. So coffees, vanillas, cakes, and mangos for a bit for me. I think I'm in the mood.. I hope. Hopefully non of those were reverse steepers.


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Sep 24, 2013
Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA
My last order from MVJ included a freebie of Centurion. I dripped a little after about a week and couldn't taste a thing. It's so light, in color, that I thought maybe D forgot to add enough flavoring. Anyway I stashed it away and just came across it last week and it came around. (three months later) It kinda tastes like a Dunhill cigarette. Mild but flavorful. It's not something I would buy again but it is pleasant.

I noticed she now has the La Aroma de Cuba 'Mi Amor', which I find to be an excellent cigar. I'm most definitely ordering this.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
True, but I've only recently been able to actually begin to accumulate a supply of juice, as it were.

It's not necessarily in the NET's; it's sometimes used in flavorings and as I've mentioned in the past- I am highly sensitive to things, coil gunk included.

I was intending to focus on ethyl alcohol when I said 'solvent'. Now, don't even get me started on bright-artificial-red colored juice.

It's funny you mention hexane; most non-organic 'veggie burgers' are contaminated with it and it's pretty nasty stuff.

Also, the NETCOM thread was closed pending contact from Clay.

Looks like he only has a couple days to respond (3/15).

I have taken the liberty of omitting cross-thread posts, as they serve no purpose in this thread.

Anyone in contact with Clay ought to give him a heads up, though.

I feel I get what he's going through, at least to some extent; trying to work after hospitalization is no fun at all. :cry:


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
3 months happens really quick if you have enough on hand! I have 14 juices to get started on from Black Friday orders, well over 3 months, since I have more coming in. I've been vaping up juices to make room, got er down to 30 in my current rotation box lol.

Sadly, only a couple of them are tobacco. I have GNC from Evil to try, and a couple from NudeNic, everything else is non-baccos. So coffees, vanillas, cakes, and mangos for a bit for me. I think I'm in the mood.. I hope. Hopefully non of those were reverse steepers.

Yeah, I totally get the I-wanna-vape-it-now scenario ( -- one of my first threads), but it's not too big of a deal these days to not vape a liquid straightaway when you have so much freakin' liquid! I got several RBFS NETs (not from Watch, or currently on the menu) and I have no idea when I am going to get to them, but I bet it won't be for another couple months (though I am really interested in vaping them). Funny thing is that I don't even consider that steeping. I got some Vermillion River liquids that are really old and man are they tasting good (KPBs). I have no idea exactly how old they are (at least a year), but I do remember them not being all that great and then getting really good at some point -- maybe I should re-up now?! On the other hand, I have liquid that I bought that I just completely forgot about -- so many ways to steep a cat! LOL. Buy a liquid and, well, fuhgettaboutit! But when you get behind in your purchases, that's when the extended-steep monster can irk nerves.

Sidebar: In my previous post when I spoke about what HHV "uses" for their extraction, as some here know, I am speaking broadly about the people behind HHV's tobaccos, not about HHV themselves.
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ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
True, but I've only recently been able to actually begin to accumulate a supply of juice, as it were.

It's not necessarily in the NET's; it's sometimes used in flavorings and as I've mentioned in the past- I am highly sensitive to things, coil gunk included.

I was intending to focus on ethyl alcohol when I said 'solvent'. Now, don't even get me started on bright-artificial-red colored juice.

It's funny you mention hexane; most non-organic 'veggie burgers' are contaminated with it and it's pretty nasty stuff.

Also, the NETCOM thread was closed pending contact from Clay.

Looks like he only has a couple days to respond (3/15).

I have taken the liberty of omitting cross-thread posts, as they serve no purpose in this thread.

Anyone in contact with Clay ought to give him a heads up, though.

I feel I get what he's going through, at least to some extent; trying to work after hospitalization is no fun at all. :cry:

Well let's see if we can get you swamped like the rest of us! If you got a mailbox, we can work together (I'll see you in the PIF thread).

I mentioned hexane (as you alluded to, a huge player in the soy industry) because it is used for making tobacco absolute. And I totally got what you meant about solvents, I was just being "that guy" for a minute! LOL
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Ultra Member
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Mar 19, 2012
Whoa. I am amazed that no one else here had the "floaties." I don't think I have any of those liquids left, but man, they had visible sediment (distinguished from the separation of ingredients with the train wreck that was "The Best Damn Tobacco" -- here's when I first wrote about it: I still vaped them and rather liked them considering the lack of adequate filtration...

Since you didn't reference the particular juice in the linked post, "the Best Damn Tobacco" juice fiasco was part of Virgin Vapor's dismal attempt at a NET Line-up, which occurred about the first week of June, two weeks after your linked post. Organic Best Damn Tobacco E-liquid | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes

While MVJ may have had issues with visible floaties, I hadn't tried them due to the muted flavor grumbling, "TBDT" wasn't her offering.


Super Member
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Oct 18, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Now I'm curious as to just how 'yech' this stuff was.

I know a few organic flavors do contain compounds similar to diacetyl, though.

And hexane for TA? Blegh. No wonder it sticks to the sides of juice bottles and leaves a greenish slime on the bottle walls.

EDIT: and no, I don't want to try some of it. I can hardly vape such thick sauce and the lung-feel stopped me at my first sampler, tbh.


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Nov 26, 2013
Denver, CO
Side note: My Vita Bella and Acadian Gold showed up today; USPS must have manhandled the package because I sat both bottles in their usual steeping location, went about my business and recoiled a wick, and looked over to see nearly 3ml's of VB saturating the light cloth I have under the juice bottles.

Apparently, not only was there a lack of bubble wrap, but the new thinner plastic 30ml bottle had a hairline crack at the bottom. It had to have happened recently [probably the tampa sort facility or local post office], because if it were leaking at that rate in transit from GeJ, it would have flooded the bag, made its way through the threads, and leaked through the box.

EDIT: I'm thinking uncapping it was what caused it to leak like a sieve. At least I didn't lose too much of the VB. Whew. Transferred into another Acadian Gold bottle, so at least for now, I can see which is which.... because the Acadian Gold to golden amber colored where VB has more of a reddish hue.

That's a bummer. The funny thing is it happened to my second 30ml bottle of Vita Bella too - about 5mls or so all over the damn package and leaking. He ships quick as lightning, but I wish there would be a little more care involved in the packaging. I emailed to let them know, but didn't hear back. Then again this was right around Christmas, and nobody's perfect.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
More news from the MVJ thread.

I would love to put in a request for something specific, but there are so many ideas running through my head. McClelland's Royal Cajun Ebony pipe tobacco and Hearth & Home Signature Obsidian. On the other side Gurkha Black Dragon Fury, Rocky Patel The Edge, Rocky Patel Private Cellar, Drew Estate Copper Label, or Java by Drew Estates seem like potentially awesome vapes.

My advice to you is to hang tight for the new releases cause they are just what you are interested in......YOU CAN DO IT LOL

I don't know if she means those flavors or something very similar. I just thought I would pass along a preview of what is coming soon. I am so praying there is a Drew Estates or Rocky Patel coming.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Since you didn't reference the particular juice in the linked post, "the Best Damn Tobacco" juice fiasco was part of Virgin Vapor's dismal attempt at a NET Line-up, which occurred about the first week of June, two weeks after your linked post. Organic Best Damn Tobacco E-liquid | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes

While MVJ may have had issues with visible floaties, I hadn't tried them due to the muted flavor grumbling, "TBDT" wasn't her offering.

Not my intention to conflate one vendor with another in that post. I forget sometimes that many don't always know whom we are referring to. Thanks for making the particulars clear.


Full Member
Nov 3, 2010
Whoa. I am amazed that no one else here had the "floaties." I don't think I have any of those liquids left, but man, they had visible sediment (distinguished from the separation of ingredients with the train wreck that was "The Best Damn Tobacco" -- here's when I first wrote about it: I still vaped them and rather liked them considering the lack of adequate filtration. Either which way, it's water under the bridge as that seems to have been washed away (and apparently wasn't experienced by all). As I felt back then, I do now -- for some reason or another (maybe it's the passion?), I will always be pulling for her! I will be trying her new line and am going into it with as open of a mind as I generally would.

Every bottle of Rogue RY4 that I bought had little particles at the bottom. That was my favorite juice of any I've had, but the particles started to scare me and the coils gunked after half a Kayfun tank, so I started looking elsewhere for an ADV. I've gone to MOV FVF RY4 (which is really good, so don't get me wrong there) for now, but if MVJ comes out with an new and improved version of Rogue RY4 (or something really close), she'll get half my paycheck each month.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Every bottle of Rogue RY4 that I bought had little particles at the bottom. That was my favorite juice of any I've had, but the particles started to scare me and the coils gunked after half a Kayfun tank, so I started looking elsewhere for an ADV. I've gone to MOV FVF RY4 (which is really good, so don't get me wrong there) for now, but if MVJ comes out with an new and improved version of Rogue RY4 (or something really close), she'll get half my paycheck each month.

Ha! Yeah, I agree that any vendor that gets better deserves a second look. Hell, too many vendors are stuck in the way they approach things.


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Oct 12, 2012
Planet Awesome
Nirvana used to have a show on Nova Broadcasting, and he mentioned some more tobaccos, or maybe even NETs, back late last year. Seeing how Fancee Juice/JDVaporco never released theirs, I believed Nirvana less, since they only had 1 tobacco in their whole lineup (the aforementioned Tantric Tobacco).

The good news is that True Leaf juice definitely exists. :) They've been participating in raffles at SoCal vape meets and I've seen the bottles. The reactions have been interesting, since fruit and dessert vapes dominate the scene here. And yes, part of it is because many SoCal vapers aren't aware of how excellent NETs can be.

Big Juicy

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Mar 22, 2013
Placentia, CA
So I have been chain vaping RBFS Fabulous & Burley for a couple days now. Another RBFS offering that did not blow my mind, but wasn't intended to. Just a solid burley extraction, which is saying a lot. with the slightest hint of vanilla. I would not consider this a "vanilla tobacco" at is less evident than, say, NETCOM Coventry and not at all in the aromatic genre of Vurley. The vanilla is lurking but simply a smoothing and finish agent here...and in that regard MASTERFULLY blended as to not give this a vanilla taste per say at any time from inhale to exhale.

I found this initially a bit light on taste, and got the impression some steeping would do this good. But it really is fine right out of the mail and oddly I have blown through two tanks of this stuff in just 2 days, which as I rotate around 7 juices a day is impressive. It doesn't reach the unparalleled heights of A+ BGB, but not sure it tries to...but there is no burley extraction out there that does so anyways. It does sit comfortably in the very next echelon down though, and that is a noble spot. It plays to me almost more like an elite analog replacement vape...the exhale is a LOT like the scent of a fresh pack of organic cigarettes...medium range depth of burley, slightly dry, lightly toasted. Pretty nice really. As it is a straight and authentic burley it does play a bit dry, as it should, so depends on your taste but for me, a former ciggie smoker, this has ADV potential whereas a heartier juice like BGB might not.

After rocking the Porch Rocker, and now this, it is clear RBFS takes balance and blend very meticulously and that is a GREAT thing. The use of vanilla here...both the intention and really, really nice and spot on. I would even say creative. Again, not a vanilla tobacco at all, but choosing vanilla to add a bit of depth, finish, and moistness...and doing so without this in any way coming off as a vanilla really well done.

This is one that I could see keeping on hand...and the more I vape it up possibly as more of a analog replacement than a pipe for me.

Good stuff and recommended.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2011
This is one that I could see keeping on hand...and the more I vape it up possibly as more of a analog replacement than a pipe for me.

Agreed, more of a cig vape than a pipe vape, in a good way, with some smoothness and creaminess from the vanilla to keep it interesting. I find it pleasant. Pleasant seems like kind of dull compliment, but a lot of times I want something that is just pleasant and easy going. Tasty, soothing, not distracting.
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