Nautilus Mini BVC coil issues - I may see pattern to what's causing it....

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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
I've been going through the forums for a long time tonight and reading every thread with people that are having issues with the new BVC coils. Without going any further, I do have to point out the usual- these coils are the best thing I've ever vaped on, and overall I love them more than anything when they perform in their usual flawless fashion. But I have encountered what appears to be some duds....

My theory: someone in another thread mentioned the possible causation between 1.8 and 1.6 ohm coils. I'm wondering if the 1.6 coils might really be the issue, and I wanted to see if anyone who has had problems can think back to which resistance coils gave them problems.

I'm basing this on the following:

-Since everyone's first vape with the new mini seems to be unanimously flawless; does anyone know which coil comes prepacked in the mini? If it's the 1.8, this may support the theory. (I'm assuming it comes with one of each like the old Nautilus did, but I'm not certain.)

-My first hand experience- I've ordered three different 5 packs of replacements that all checked out as authentic on the Aspire website, but 1 of the 3 boxes appears to be bad, and taste burnt. I realized that these have all been 1.6 packs that I've been ordering, since the vendor I've been using doesn't have 1.8 in stock.

-Another bad coil that I encountered was the secondary coil that's packed in as the spare that comes with the Mini. Once again, this goes back to my other point....if the 1.8 is the standard one, my experience points to the 1.6's being the potential problem.

-Most of the problems that I've seen people report on here seem to mention 1.6- or the only ones that mention it. (many don't specify)

Now I need your help. Is this sounding right? Please let me know if you've been having problems- which ohm's were they? It's also possible that I've been reading these forums for far too long investigating this, and have started losing my mind. If so, someone set me straight.
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Apr 23, 2012
Massachusetts, USA
I've been going through the forums for a long time tonight and reading every thread with people that are having issues with the new BVC coils. Without going any further, I do have to point out the usual- these coils are the best thing I've ever vaped on, and overall I love them more than anything when they perform in their usual flawless fashion. But I have encountered what appears to be some duds....

My theory: someone in another thread mentioned the possible causation between 1.8 and 1.6 ohm coils. I'm wondering if the 1.6 coils might really be the issue, and I wanted to see if anyone who has had problems can think back to which resistance coils gave them problems.

I'm basing this on the following:

-Since everyone's first vape with the new mini seems to be unanimously flawless; does anyone know which coil comes prepacked in the mini? If it's the 1.8, this may support the theory. (I'm assuming it comes with one of each like the old Nautilus did, but I'm not certain.)

-My first hand experience- I've ordered three different 5 packs of replacements that all checked out as authentic on the Aspire website, but 1 of the 3 boxes appears to be bad, and taste burnt. I realized that these have all been 1.6 packs that I've been ordering, since the vendor I've been using doesn't have 1.8 in stock.

-Another bad coil that I encountered was the secondary coil that's packed in as the spare that comes with the Mini. Once again, this goes back to my other point....if the 1.8 is the standard one, my experience points to the 1.6's being the potential problem.

-Most of the problems that I've seen people report on here seem to mention 1.6- or the only ones that mention it. (many don't specify)

Now I need your help. Is this sounding right? Please let me know if you've been having problems- which ohm's were they? It's also possible that I've been reading these forums for far too long investigating this, and have started losing my mind. If so, someone set me straight.

I am on my 2 pkg of 1.8 BVC coils. All of them are flooding after 1 hour or less. I have the Regular Nautilus tank. I too am frustrated with these coils. Someone suggested turning the voltage up on my Provari. I don't think that's helping! I'm loosing my beloved Sir Mac juice. :(


Super Member
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Aug 13, 2014
hmm... I just posted a question wondering about this... glad I came across your post, I'll be watching intently... Just got my BVCs today, and one is working great, other is flooding like the hoover popped a hole... With the BDCs I learned not to tighten the tank down all the way to avoid dry hits, and I'm wondering if that habit isn't the issue on mine.... I have the problem nautilus drying from a good hot water rinse right now.. I'll try it in a few and update...

BTW: Both are 1.8's


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Aug 13, 2014
For now at least, fully tightening the tank down and not sucking on it too hard, I just aqua lunged the problem one for a bit and all good... Hopefully it will stay that way.... Seriously hoping that it's just a matter of screwing the tank down til it stops and changing my hits a little... Bought my second nautilus at the same time as the new coils after reading all the star reviews...


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Apr 14, 2014
San Diego area, CA
About the atomizers - I'm using 1.8ohms and have not an issue.

For flooding - take it apart and clean out the area under where the atomizer sits, you'll need some q-tips and blow out anything in the air passage including the top section. When you put the atomizer back in make sure it is tight, a loose atomizer is the largest cause of flooding. Let is sit for minute while it is right side up, take a small hit - if there is gurgling you have another issue other than the atomizer. If not then continue,

put the tank back on your mod. Open up the adjustable air flow to the largest hole and set you wattage to 12 watts. Take a couple of light vapes. If no issues make the adjustments to what you want. The smaller the air hole and the lower the wattage the slower your draw should be on the device.

Hope that helps.


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Jun 23, 2014
Hey Voltaire
That might be the case. I had a bad one in the 5 pack I ordered when I got my Minis. Popped, crackled like stepped on bubble wrap...the little bubble wrap that's really loud. And it spit at me. I decided to be kind and just throw it away instead of beating the snot out of it.

Otherwise, these do take a little bit of time to break in. Another member suggested letting it sit for 20 mins or so to get a good soak. Dry puff it several times. Start at low power and zap it a few times without inhaling, slowly work up to the level you want.

This has been working for me.
Good Luck!

Do you think the first coil out of the box was a dud? Not sure why it sucks for me


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Apr 1, 2014
It appears as it may be a QC issue. Some people are struggling with them. Others are in vaping bliss.
I have been using them exclusively on 2 minis and 2 regular size. I use them on my Provari 4-4.5 volts. I vape 50/50 fruit and desert flavored juices. All of mine have worked flawlessly. I haven't used my Kayfun, or Russian since these coils have became available.
For me they have made vaping less time consuming and less frustrating.
For those who hate them it may be the specific coils.
Hope the entire community finds something that works for them as well as these work for me.

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Ultra Member
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Jun 23, 2014
At this early marker on my new vape road I need something that's mostly Plug and
Play. I need something that's getting easier to troubleshoot (with y'all's help) easy to remedy with minimum cost and hassle and allowIng me the time with less stress so that I can concentrate on getting off cigarettes. I've learned from my past addiction and continued recovery to Keep It Simple Stupid. Ask for help, listen to the advice freely given and keep on keeping on.

It appears as it may be a QC issue. Some people are struggling with them. Others are in vaping bliss.
I have been using them exclusively on 2 minis and 2 regular size. I use them on my Provari 4-4.5 volts. I vape 50/50 fruit and desert flavored juices. All of mine have worked flawlessly. I haven't used my Kayfun, or Russian since these coils have became available.
For me they have made vaping less time consuming and less frustrating.
For those who hate them it may be the specific coils.
Hope the entire community finds something that works for them as well as these work for me.

Sent from my iPhone


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
People complaining of flooding/etc. and can't even get them assembled properly.

Tank is NOT going to work right is it is not assembled right. Everything HAS to SEAL to set up proper negative tank pressure. Fail at this step and it WILL FLOOD.

Then when that is right, you still have to figure the right AFC setting for your liquid and draw.


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Apr 1, 2014
I'd love to try this system but I'm rather put off by all of the complaints and apparent quality issues. Is it possible to rebuild these heads (like a Protank head)?

I have been following multiple threads on the BVC coils. From what I have read the likes outweigh the dislikes by far.
You will never find everyone to give any one device a thumbs up. There are too many variables.
I like you, try to keep things simple. The Nautilus /BVC has accomplished that for me.
Good luck with whatever you try.

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Just Me

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Mar 4, 2010
My experience has been great so far. My Nautilus mini came with two heads, both 1.8 ohms (supposedly--see (b) below). I used the first one about 2 1/2 weeks before the vape quality diminished considerably (I vape a DIY menthol, and it isn't dark or sweet, so it doesn't clog coils as quickly as some liquids do). Two days into it, the second head works just as well as the first.

It might be worth mentioning that:
(a) These are all authentic. They have a security code on the box that can be verified.
(b) Even though I ordered 1.8 ohms, they read more like 2 or 2.1 ohms on my Provari

I just received a new 5-pk of heads I ordered. The security code is on the box (haven't checked it yet). It will be a couple of weeks before I try one of the new heads, so I don't know how that will work out.

Have not used a 1.6 ohm yet and probably won't. So far, so good, though!
You can get those coils to work better. It seems that some of the BVC coils have an airflow issue. It is more prevalent on the 1.6 than the 1.8 because of the coil size. To fix them, you need only a partially unfolded paperclip. You should be able to stick the straightened paper clip straight through the middle of the BVC coil. If you start from the open end, you should see the tip of the paperclip down through that tiny side-ways hole on the base of the positive connector piece.
-If your paperclip doesn't go all the way through, you have to clear a path so it will. You must be careful. You want to work the paperclip so it pushes the ceramic wick away from the areas that are blocking airflow. Just be gentle and it will work. -You can test the airflow of the coil even before you put it on the Nautilus. Just blow through it like you would a whistle. You will know if the coil needs to be fixed. -The whole process only takes a few minutes. You can make almost every coil work well for you this way.

I bought a 5 pack of the 1.6 ohm bvc's and only 2 were usable. I will say that the 2 that worked well were awesome and a huge improvement. The other 3 just produce a very little pathetic amount of vapor and are just unusable to me.

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