Need some help with Alien Clapton Wire

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New Member
May 12, 2016
hey I'm fairly new to building my own coils, I've been doing it for about a month now. I just totally f'd up my first attempt at the alien coil lmao it started out perfect but I guess I was putting to much tension on the wire and my 3 core wires grouped together instead of staying parallel to each other which cause the de-cored clapton wire to f up lol does anyone have any tips or tricks to help keep the core wires parallel?
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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi Cool, welcome to the forum!

The question you posted in the Veteran's section is so specific that you probably won't get many answers. It's certainly out of my range of expertise. You will get more responses if you post your question in the rba section:

Rebuildable Atomizer Systems

Best of luck!

Note to other Vets: I sent Cool the link in a PM.
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