new and my story

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Oct 15, 2012
Hello everyone,
I had tried a disposable ecig a few months ago while on a road trip and it worked pretty well for me. Well now I have two more long road trips in the coming months and I figured I would get a little better setup. After reading and reading as much info as I could I decided to get a volt starter kit and some sample packs. I figure the sample packs would get me a good read on the SI flavors and keep my from smoking in my non smoking friends truck. I would really like to get off of regular cigs and I hope this opportunity of forced vaping will lead to that. I want to thank the forum and members here for all of the wonderful information you have available. It really help me steer to what appears to be a good system at what I feel is a good value. Time will tell how things go for me but looking forward to trying something new.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 8, 2012
New york
Hi, I was a 5cig a day smoker (only at work.. didn't want to smoke around the house / kids) and have totally kicked cigs and have no desire to go back to them.

My current go-to setup is a 1000 MAH Ego Twist with a Mini Nova tank

Although kits seem like the way to go you may be better off hopping into ECF chat, or describing what you'd want most (Size, usage time, flavor, ease of use etc) so that a better recomendation can be made.
Any idea on what you are looking to spend to get into ECigs?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 15, 2012
Sounds like a good plan.
I just started vaping to possible cut down on the amount of cigs i smoked and it turned into no cigs and no desire to smoke. Good luck.

It would be very nice to get off of real cigs but my first experience with the ecigs was not bad even with the trash disposiable I bought the first time so it might very well be do able.


Senior Member
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Oct 15, 2012
Hi, I was a 5cig a day smoker (only at work.. didn't want to smoke around the house / kids) and have totally kicked cigs and have no desire to go back to them.

My current go-to setup is a 1000 MAH Ego Twist with a Mini Nova tank

Although kits seem like the way to go you may be better off hopping into ECF chat, or describing what you'd want most (Size, usage time, flavor, ease of use etc) so that a better recomendation can be made.
Any idea on what you are looking to spend to get into ECigs?

I am sure if things work out I will be expanding my setup and prob. get into doing my own juice formulas. At first I wanted a simple setup that was reliable and ready to go out of the box. Even after just a few hours I am getting a much better understanding of all of the different delivery systems and battery options. My guess is I will use this volt system for my on the go needs for now and then start expanding in the future to tank connected to by pass setups for home. Then I may even step up to a vv setup once/if I fully get off the real cigs. Its a critical point in my life right now and getting off cigs now at 38 after smoking 14 years would save me thousands in medical expenses and add priceless years to my life in the future. I want to see my kids grow up and have kids of their own so it time to make changes I just hope this option helps.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2012
los banos, ca
Hey, I just want to give you my experience with the wanting to quit analog's, I also have smoke for 35 years, and just received for smokless image the volt x2 passthrough 900mhs' battery and 2 clearomizers. I just love the battery life, I have been vaping for 3 day's now and haven't had to charge the battery yet and the vapor clouds are unbelievable, I love the clearomizers so easy to fill and clean or switch flavors and no leaks or problems with them.
Siince I have smoked for so long, my taste buds are numb, so I can not taste any ejuice flavors and that is what keeps me smoking the analog's, but after 3 day's I can atleast smell the flavors, I also am trying to steep the flavors.
I just read that 100% VG and with a double shot of flavor most people can taste the ejuice flavor when trying to quit analog's, so that's my next step, is to try this.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2012
los banos, ca
Welcome to ECF. You will be a regular here just like the rest of us.

Thanks Mustang, all of the first ejuice flavors are steeping, so hopefully I will get some taste, also I just ordered 5 more flavors with different nicotine levels, I smoke ultra light analog's and the throat hit is too strong, makes me cough so Im gonna try lowering my nicotine level in the new juices until I find a comfortable levels for me. I would love to start the smoking trackers like many people have at the bottom of their posts. I have 2 more packs of analog's and decided not to buy anymore and get really serious about vaping 100% all the time.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
I think that the Volt and having a non-smoking option will get you through. You will fing that you don't really need cigs anymore. I took my Volt stuff on a 12 day camping trip. I had the car charger for in the car and the wall plug in for when we did manage to stay at a motel overnight. I took lots of 78mm batteries and 3 big batteries so I would have plenty of batteries and plenty of juice. The trip just about cured me of smoking. I think it is a great idea for your next trip to take the e cigs and not have to worry about smoking.

Oh yeah, it was great to vape in the motel room!!!!! Yeah, no smoking, what do I care? I have my e cigs and I am loving it.
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