New Member, Zero Experience

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I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
Mind. Blown.

Wow, lots of great info guys. Thanks so much.

The video link :blink:
It all seems so abstract right now because I have no physical medium to experiment with! I'm so excited!

I looked online and there are also some shops nearby that say they let you test juices and stuff, I might go check it afraid to be new at something. LOL

Meggie, here's the good news: You are on the right track! It is totally overwhelming to be new at vaping. It can even be overwhelming for veteran vapers with all the myriad of choices available. I like your idea of actually going in to a vape store and asking tons of questions, , , trying things out for yourself.

Here's the other good news: There is no right or wrong with this whole adventure. You will most likely be like most of us who tried a bazillion things in the search for what we call the sweet spot.

And the sweet spot can change over time.

Go easy on yourself, and enjoy the things you purchased. If something is not to your liking, or you're having any issues with it, just keep reading here on ECF and asking questions. Chances are likely that you'll get more replies than you'll know what to do with!

Literally go slowly, and enjoy every step of the way. We'll be here for ya. :)


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Sep 16, 2011
Tampa, Florida
Welcome to ECF! As for your questions, I see many people have answered you and shared with you some good links. But for quick answers here we go,

That seems like a good set up for you.

As for your other questions. Ill post your questions with my response as simple as possible.

How long does the juice last?

It really depends on you. I was a heavy smoker and I go thru 3-5ml a day. Its all dependent on how much you vape, but expect to vape more in your first few weeks of getting off the analogs but you did not say how many ML you got in each of your bottles, so Its hard to give an estimate of how long it will last.

Is there any general consensus on conversion from mL to cigarette?

I think you meant Mg here, not mL. Short answer, not really, long answer sorta. As a rule of thumb a PAD smoker of regular cigs (Marlboro Reds/Newport), would likely consume 3 ml of 24 mg/ml a day. A lighter PAD smoker "lights" would do well with 2-3 ml 12 mg/ml a day. Non heavy users (like yourself) might be more comfortable with as low as 6 mg/ml and 3 ml could last you a few days. Its all going to depend on you, and how your body responds once you first start to vape. You can always go up or down if you need too.

Should I really be investing in more juice, different tanks, bigger batteries?

Dont worry, you will :p But seriously, your first step is already taken. Once you get your new set up, you can figure out what you like and dont like about it, and go from there. For example, if you find that your bat last you a few days, why go out and get a bigger one? If you dont like your carto's, you can try and figure out why and come back and ask here and ask for advice.

What is the cleanup like for this? I think I got only 2 cartomizers, so does that mean I need to use up what is in each one before I can put in a new flavor? Are they disposable? How many should I have on hand?

The clean up isnt that bad at all. Actually, unless you over fill there should be little to no clean up. As for your cartos, you dont have to use up everything in them before you change out flavors, but you might loose some of your juice when you rinse them out if you dont. I would suggest to invest in some sort of atty that you can direct drip in while figuring out what flavors you like. Once you have a flavor you like you can fill up your carto with it. Yes they are disposable, I get about a weeks worth of use out of one carto. I would suggest getting more if you like them, or figure out what you dont like and try something else. You are definitely going to need more than just two though.

I know this is probably a rough question, but what juices do you recommend and from where? This is a rough one, since taste is so subjective. BUT I get my juice from alien visions (Boba's bounty and gorilla juice ), Alice in vapeland (ALL OF THEM ARE YUM), vaperchef (I haven't had all of them yet, but everything Ive tired so far is good) The standard (I enjoy irie nights, looking forward to trying more), and when I am broke, I get cola, vanilla cola and Blackberry Italian Cream Soda from viking vapors. (I dont like all their juices but it seems its about 50/50 of the ones I have ordered).

I hope this helps. Keep your head up!


ECF Guru
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Oct 27, 2013
Dutchess County, New York
Mind. Blown.

Wow, lots of great info guys. Thanks so much.

The video link :blink:
It all seems so abstract right now because I have no physical medium to experiment with! I'm so excited!

I looked online and there are also some shops nearby that say they let you test juices and stuff, I might go check it afraid to be new at something. LOL

Meggie, welcome.

I remember being so exited waiting for my Halo kit some 6 weeks ago. And it has been in my hand, or within arm's reach 99% of the time. Hell, I'm excited today waiting for my next package of juice to arrive!

Visit the shop. And in my opinion, don't take any ONE person's opinion as fact. I try to find consensus amongst the elders here (not age, but experience) where there is truth. Look around, read, make friends here.

Afraid? You were afraid of the cig smoke for your babies. This will be a blast. Excited? I'm even excited for you!!!

Very few of us, I mean VERY few still use the first system we bought. It served us well, for a while, then most of us move to different, bigger, smaller, stronger, milder.

Most of us are still searching for the "perfect vape", that is, the perfect gear and juice. The search is a big part of the fun. Most days we feel we are close enough.

ALL of us were once new. No one knows everything (despite what they say)

We welcome you into our fold. I wish you all the best as you start your journey!!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2013
The video link :blink:
It all seems so abstract right now because I have no physical medium to experiment with! I'm so excited!

Welcome meggie,

I'm a very technically adept person. I researched products, watched videos, an read the **** out of this forum before I got my gear and found out that I didn't really "get it" until it was in my hands.

I think this is as important for a new vaper than anything:

Good luck and :vapor:


Full Member
Nov 18, 2013
Thank you, everyone! Shipping info says I will most likely get my kit tomorrow. I hope I have let these other juices "steep" enough (now there's another encyclopedia of info I have to learn more about) to have a good experiment session. I smelled a few in the bottles and they smell really good, surprisingly good. It looks like Alice In Vapeland is out of stock? Must be pretty popular stuff.

You know, the weirdest part of this: I still feel "naughty" about this. Because of the nicotine only. Pretty fascinating when I read the nicotine wiki entry...all the positive effects of this drug are completely overlooked for the negative of the smoke pretty similar to caffine). My father was a heavy smoker, 2-3 packs a day and he died about 3 years ago. He had the early stages of emphysema, but no cancer. How long has the technology and capability to do something like this existed and tobacco companies never seized it? Now the huge push to restrict and tax, etc by the government. What is going on here? How many people could have dodged cancer with this alternative? How much money could have been saved?

Once I start really thinking about this, I get kinda worked up...but I don't know nearly enough to formulate a strong opinion. Not enough to do anything. Anyway...

Still, thanks for all the help guys.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
You know, the weirdest part of this: I still feel "naughty" about this. Because of the nicotine only. Pretty fascinating when I read the nicotine wiki entry...all the positive effects of this drug are completely overlooked for the negative of the smoke pretty similar to caffine). My father was a heavy smoker, 2-3 packs a day and he died about 3 years ago. He had the early stages of emphysema, but no cancer. How long has the technology and capability to do something like this existed and tobacco companies never seized it? Now the huge push to restrict and tax, etc by the government. What is going on here? How many people could have dodged cancer with this alternative? How much money could have been saved?

Once I start really thinking about this, I get kinda worked up...but I don't know nearly enough to formulate a strong opinion. Not enough to do anything. Anyway...

This is a topic that is frequently discussed here. However, there IS something that you can do to HELP. Follow this link to CASAA, our advocates for the freedom to vape. I urge you to join up. It's free with no obligation. Be a supporter for vaping.

CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association


Full Member
Nov 18, 2013
New question:

I've been reading.

Should I be calling my equipment "personal vaporizer" instead of "e-cig"?
I see a lot of the negative connotations for people by associating them with actual cigarettes. When in reality, the vaporizer is as innocuous to others as drinking some water. A lot of people do not know this? It looks like the vapor released has been studied a bit and found to be not harmful?


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Jun 6, 2010
New question:

I've been reading.

Should I be calling my equipment "personal vaporizer" instead of "e-cig"?
I see a lot of the negative connotations for people by associating them with actual cigarettes. When in reality, the vaporizer is as innocuous to others as drinking some water. A lot of people do not know this? It looks like the vapor released has been studied a bit and found to be not harmful?

Call it whater you prefer, my employees call it my crack pipe.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2013


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2013
Meggie, where in California are you? I highly recommend going to a physical vape shop to get some juices. My experiences with ordering juice online based on recommendations alone is very hit or miss. The juice might be pricier at a B&M, but paying more for 1 juice you know you like is cheaper than paying for 10 juices and only liking 1 of them.

A B&M is also a good place to get a few spare parts/replacements until you get so addicted to the hobby that you have random clearo heads and cartos all over your home. :)


Full Member
Nov 18, 2013


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Jun 6, 2010
I'm in Sacramento, I know there's a few nearby but I haven't found the time yet.

Just for clarification, this is what I ordered:
KGO Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit | Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes

Pictured is a CLEARomizer or a CARTomizer? Are CARTomizers the things you can take apart and drip into (small amounts for testing juice as someone mentioned earlier)?

I'm still not sure what I'm already getting.

Try this thread: cartomizers-vs-clearomizers ..Katya always seems to have good answers on everything.
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Super Member
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Nov 9, 2013
Memphis, TN, USA
So my questions:

Is this start up going to be sufficient based on my reported usage? It seems like there are a million websites, videos and stores...I tried shopping around but after awhile it all looks the same.

How long does the juice last?
Is there any general consensus on conversion from mL to cigarette?
Should I really be investing in more juice, different tanks, bigger batteries?

What is the cleanup like for this? I think I got only 2 cartomizers, so does that mean I need to use up what is in each one before I can put in a new flavor? Are they disposable? How many should I have on hand?

I know this is probably a rough question, but what juices do you recommend and from where?
there is no concrete conversion.
and looking at that you have picked out the 12mg to mirror your smoking habit, you have been misled - maybe.
i smoked what you smoked when i went to vaping (basically averaged 6 to 8 smokes a day without ever exceeding 10 in last
1 and half years, 16 years total smoking)

i tried the gas station disposables at 18mg and i could not stop wanting to take real cigarettes.
So... when i orderd my set, i ordered my sampler pack at 24mg.
I was a little light-headed at first - maybe from the nic, maybe from just withdrawal.
However, the 24mg was able to hold me.

I think a lot of this depends on how you vape and how you smoke as to how much the nicotine is infused into
your blood - just a non-scientific guess. If you take a hit (smoke or vape) and hold it, you'll probably get more than
if you just take a hit and exhale right away.
[this is a non-scientific guess but im willing to tread where no man dares - j/k]

I would suggest getting something stronger right now - put in the order online or go to local vape store and get some juice.
(I have a feeling you gonna need it but i could be wrong)

2 weeks solid at the 24mg then i got some 18mg for a step down ... did this for a week and finally had an "ok day" where i did
not feel urge to vape ALL day.
Now, i do notice that when i vape the 24mg juice, i can put away vaping for a much longer period of time (like 2 hours) instead
of needing a hit now n then on the 18mg juice.
I do not "hold" my vape nor do i always do a deep inhale.

Anyhow, i've seen some of these nicotine equivalency questions pop up recently, and from my experience, the stuff online is not right.
The mg rating on your ejuice has no direct equivalency to how much nicotine your body is ACTUALLY absorbing per draw.
All we know is the more nicotine in your juice, the more you get into your blood stream, but how much exactly seems to be "in the air"
for the moment.

My point, if it takes 24mg to keep you off analogs, then do it. If it takes 30mg, then do it.
Listen to your body, if you feel dizzy, try something lower, try something higher, put it away for a bit then
hit it again when you feel like you need a cig.
Find a juice flavour you can go with all day and enjoy and be determined to quit smoking!
Once you know that the e-cig holds off the analogs, then you can start stepping down the nicotine.

Happy Vaping and Be Healthy.

PS- much of my advise above is compiled from the many encouraging and forthcoming members of this forum who replied to my own question about nicotine content and "to reduce or not to reduce"
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