New to E Cigs... Need Advice :)

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New Member
Sep 25, 2012
Hi! I am looking into buying an e-cigarette kit and could use some help. I'm a moderate smoker, usually less than half a pack a day. I smoke Camel #9s, or pinks. 100s. Looking for something that would have a similar taste and strength.

I'm trying to quit gradually, and need something to "smoke" in my new-ish car that won't stink it up.

Any reccommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Also looking for something reasonably priced for someone wanting to try it out.


Vaping Master
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Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
Welcome queenbean5. First I better warn you that you won't find the same taste in the juice as you will when you burn something. With all the chemicals in tobacco the taste won't be there. I still fairly new but I didn't try to buy anything that even looked like a regular analog. I've heard a lot of people talk highly about the Volts ( I'm sure more will chime in). I started with an eGo twist kit and also a kGo kit. Since then I've been hooked on vaping. Once you see all the different flavors of juice you'll forget all about trying to find that tobacco taste. Personally I like my black cherry, RY4, vanilla, chocolate/vanilla. Well you get the idea. Like I said I'm sure more will be along with more advice.


Vaping Master
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Feb 26, 2012
Fontana, CA
I found Smokeless Image's Cowboy flavor to be a pretty decent substitute for the Marlboro Lights I smoked. I've since moved on to other flavors, but it was a good switching flavor for me personally.

For someone starting out, the Volt X2 would be a good option (also at, as would a KGO or an eGO-C Twist. The first one (X2) uses a KR-808-D1 threading (you'll hear that called "808" threading), which is less common but still widely available, and the latter two use a "510" thread which is the most common. No bad choices here, and others will weigh in with their preferences. The Twist is variable voltage so you can "fine tune" the flavor and throat hit, which may be advantageous. Google "KGO" and "Ego-C Twist" for vendors who carry these.

With any of these my personal recommendation would be to start with appropriately threaded cartomizers in the 2.0-2.4 ohm range at first and then explore other options (tanks, clearomizers, atomizers) at your leisure if you're so inclined.


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Sep 24, 2012
United States
I would start with an Ego Twist. They are cheap and easy, have decent battery life, and have the power that can satisfy you when you want to step it up a bit. A cheap and generally well review tank / atty combo is the vivi nova 2.5, that would pair nicely with the ego Twist. An ego twist and vivi nova should easily run you under $50 and it was a nice power range for lower power when starting out, and higher power for when you need more.

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
I agree with the above posters.
Best cig sized PV is the Volt- 15% discount code and freebies after you receive your Volt.
In the eGo class Kgo is the most powerful- fires at 3.7 volts. eGo fires at 3.4 volts.
If you wish to get into variable voltage without buying a tube mod the Twist is the way to go- fires from 3.4 to 4.8 volts. 650 mah is 3" and 1000 mah is 5" long WITHOUT the 2 1/2" clearomizer/ cartomizer on it.
Battery Info: 100 mah= 1 hr normal vaping before recharge.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 8, 2012
Columbia, SC
A good starter kit is an eGo kit. They can come with cartomizers, clearomizers, or any number of juice holders/delivery systems. These are a little bigger than a cigarette, more like a small cigar size, but the battery lasts all day and the cartomizers and clearomizers hold more juice for a longer time between refills. One of the more popular and easy clearomizers to start with is the Vivi Nova 2.5. They make these in 2 sizes and the smaller sizes fit nicely on the eGo batteries. Look for one of the vendors that is talked about highly. Everybody has their favorite/s. My personal choice is Vapingzone. Once you decide on a vendor don't hesitate to call them and ask for help unless you have one close by that you could walk into.

When, I started I too thought I wanted something that tasted like a cigarette. I started with Desert Ship, a Camel like juice. I quickly found out I really didn't want something that tasted too much like cigarettes. I love tobacco juices but most of them have some kind of flavoring besides tobacco and they are really tasty. It's really just a matter of trial and error until you find what works for you. Everybody vapes differently with different equipment and flavors.

oxygen thief

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Jun 26, 2012
I'd buy this again because it is unreal for the money. I got the black. Everything mentioned will do the trick and the 650 mah twist with a Boge carto is super easy to take out and about.
Oh, my favorite e juice flavor is vanilla caramel from All About Vapor. It's has a very smokey exhale. Not too sweet and dark smokey. I haven't found any tobacco flavor I liked. I gave them away.
Good luck.

KGO kit1100mAh by SLB


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Jul 31, 2012
Houston, Texas
You might find something that resembles the taste, but then you'll still have those ties to analogs and maybe crave them if you run out of that juice.

Better to find other flavors you like, and you're bound to like a few when you start trying so don't worry.

Ego kits- whether it's the Twist (which is variable voltage) or not is a good start. I recommend the Twist along with these guys AFTER you read up on variable voltage devices on ECF.

Welcome! Read, read, and read so more. You'll get the hang of everything soon.


Vaping Master
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Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
I'd buy this again because it is unreal for the money. I got the black. Everything mentioned will do the trick and the 650 mah twist with a Boge carto is super easy to take out and about.
Oh, my favorite e juice flavor is vanilla caramel from All About Vapor. It's has a very smokey exhale. Not too sweet and dark smokey. I haven't found any tobacco flavor I liked. I gave them away.
Good luck.

KGO kit1100mAh by SLB

That's the same one that I got and it works really good. Been really happy with it for the price.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Just my two cent: I agree with an eGo kit (almost everyone has an eGo battery somewhere in their gear), but I would wait on the Twist. A beginner (like me) has so many things to test, try and learn about, that throwing VV into the mix is (was) overkill. I suggest just the basics first - especially dripping - which will give you a better idea of how a juice tastes before you fill up a whole cart or tank with it. When you stop smoking your taste buds change. What tasted good yesterday, doesn't today. You may think you like tobacco, but discover Honey Cream Blueberry Yum Yum rocks your boat ;) It's a learning curve. This is just based on my experience/expensive mistakes YMMV
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