Newbie here and my pile of "OH MY GOD I CANT SMOKE THAT" keeps growing.

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Full Member
Apr 12, 2011
I keep trying to find different and good flavors to vape and I am having a terrible time. Any suggestions on some good mellow flavors and suppliers. I am not big into the regular tobacco flavors or menthol. I smoked for 20 years hated the taste then so really don't want to vape it when the possibilities are endless. I have found banana to be one that I like but other then that yuck, yuck and some more yuck!:unsure:


Full Member
Apr 12, 2011
I have a watermelon, rassberry, apple, grape, pinapple, butter rum and a vanilla that is awful by itself. I have been playing chemist and trying to mix some of the berry ones with the vanilla but they have such a strange overpowering chemical taste. The butter rum at first hit has a butterscotch flavor and then its all downhill from there. Maybe if I could tone it down some but with what???


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
The classifieds section of ECF is good for that. And there's some section for giving stuff away. Some people are looking for bargains

But you need to have at least 5 posts in new members and wait an hour before you can post elsewhere.

Some alternate suggestions - weak juices can be spiffed up with a bit of the same flavorings used to make eliquids - see OneStopDIYShop and DIYFlavorShack for flavorings. Some juices can be saved by mixed with other juices. Like I got a Cherry Blossom that had too much flavoring so i cut it 50/50 with vanilla and now it's awesome. if you mix with the same nicotine level of juice then the nicotine level stays the same.

Some great fixer uppers for juice
1. A good vanilla eliquid is a great mixer, perhaps the greatest
2. FreedomSmokeUSA Cocoa can cut sweetness and add cocoa body to too-sweet or too-weak tobaccos and other flavors
3. A plain tobacco eliquid can be mixed with many flavors to make flavored tobacco
4. PG-Diluted sucralose sweetener (got mine at Tasty Vapor) and/or Cotton Candy Flavoring (aka ethyl maltol) can be used to sweeten juices that are not sweet enough for your taste

And many juices just need steeping. if any of your juices taste perfumey or flowery, try steeping.

And how much nicotine do you have and what PG/VG is the juice? nicotine can have a bitter or chemical or peppery taste. Having some VG in the liquid base should help that a bit (I like 70pg/30vg or anything close to that)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
salem ma
I had the same issue when I started.taste is subjective but I had great luck with liquids at Alienvisionseliquid dot com: gorila juice, one of the most complex juices ive tried.I dont even know how to describe it other than goodness with a hint of banana and Hype, a spot on peach/melon flavor to name just a couple and fredomsmokeusa: pick a flavor chances are you wont be disapointed neither are chemical tasting at all. great flavors. I havent had a bad juice from either of these.

backwoodsbrew is a very popular spot for people here.I like them but I think most like them better than I do but that just goes to show how subjective taste really is.

Keep up with it and before too long you will find that perfect juice.I have found if you stick with the sites that specialize in juice as opposed to others who specialize in kits or attys and cartos you typically find that higher quality:)
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Ultra Member
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Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I'm new too and I've only tried 5 flavors. Marlboro (yuck) Camel (so/so), cappuccino (I can tolerate it) chocolate mint (disappointed but I do like the mint part so I may try just a mint later) and Irish cream (love it) it's really light and almost doesn't have a flavor till the end a light sweet creamy flavor but not vanilla like. I'm not sure if that's your style but it's definitely not over powering. I get it from DFW Vapor but I can't imagine anybody making an overpowering Irish Cream flavor unless it's triple flavored or something.

I've got about 5 new flavors coming this week I'll let u know if any of them are keepers.


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Mar 8, 2011
Atlanta, GA
The classifieds section of ECF is good for that. And there's some section for giving stuff away. Some people are looking for bargains

Some great fixer uppers for juice
1. A good vanilla eliquid is a great mixer, perhaps the greatest

And many juices just need steeping. if any of your juices taste perfumey or flowery, try steeping.

+1 to these ideas - especially the vanilla! I can't tell you how valuable I find my plain vanilla liquid. I buy it in a big bottle for just these occasions.

Steeping can help if the juice has a funny taste (perfume/chemical). However, I have found that if the juice is just plain gross, no amount of steeping will help it. The gross flavor get gets stronger and more gross. If it is fair - then after steeping, it may get better, it may get worse. But, worth the wait to find out. If it is great, then after steeping, it typically just gets better with age. Anything that has steeped a month and isn't where I like it - goes out the door (to another vaper - sale, trade or give away). And even if it could become a great juice after 2 months of steeping, that's just longer than I'm willing to wait.


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Nov 30, 2010
Sounds like a dessert vape is for favs are Tasty Vapor tastyfinger, banana cream pie, waffles is growing on me, much better now than new (not quite as syrupy), banana nut bread (didn't like cin in it at first, but that is mellowing) even their tobacco flavor is nice if you get it has a vanilla under tone, very smooth. You know a juice is good when you don't mind getting it in your mouth! Cupcake isn't bad..I prefer a little more bite...want to get ultimate vanilla next..even if just a doubler, I think it would mix well with everything I have.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2011
Thanks for all the great advice. I will try some of the new suppliers listed. I do have a cream coming tomorrow that I hope to mix with some fruit flavors also to see if it helps. I have never heard of the steeping but I will keep them around for a bit and try them again later before I just start tossing. My husband says at this rate I should have kept smoking analogs since I keep spending so much on different flavors. I will have to stick to my banana flavor for now and maybe try the Irish Cream....sounds like my kind of vape.


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Feb 27, 2011
My husband says at this rate I should have kept smoking analogs since I keep spending so much on different flavors.

Lol, yeah, well, eventually the spending will decrease....maybe...I figure I've spent enuff for a years worth of analogs in the past few months, but I'm still experimenting...its fun, and at the end of the day I have something left besides ashes and cigarette butts....and coughing, and smelly clothes, and so on....
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Full Member
Mar 23, 2011
Houston, TX
Hmmm....where did you get your liquids? If they were custom mixes, they may need to steep a bit before the true flavor is apparent. Some need to sit for a few days, some need longer...don't toss them...let them sit for a while and try them again at a later date...
Also, what ecig unit are you using?

agreed. i am still pretty new to this and bought a few different flavors that at first were horrible. i tried them again after a week and now they are pretty good. the best one is a mango with citrus splash from FSUSA, when i first got it the taste made me want to throw up, now it's my favorite.


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Jan 23, 2011
I can't stand most fruit flavored juice- it either tastes like cough syrup or perfume to me. You might like hypnotic myst, I hope I'm not breaking any rules offering this in the 'wrong forum' but if you send me a pm with your address I will mail you a small bottle of hypnotic myst to try. Also, some of the so called tobacco juices have nothing in common with tobacco at all and some have a sort of chocolate or nutty undertone; dekang USA mix is one tobacco flavor that I like, it's a fairly mild flavor that you might like. If I don't burn through the rest of this bottle of it, I can sent you a few ml of that to try too. And there is always unflavored..Sometimes I just can't stand any juice flavors and have to switch to unflavored for a bit. Some vendors sell unflavored e-juice, but it's pretty easy to mix it yourself for a lot less money

there is a forum PIF where you can request that people send you a small sample of a particular flavor you want to try.


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Mar 8, 2011
Atlanta, GA
<<SNIP>> You know a juice is good when you don't mind getting it in your mouth!
Ain't that the truth!!!
<<SNIP>> My husband says at this rate I should have kept smoking analogs since I keep spending so much on different flavors.
Another truth! Lord knows I haven't saved a dime, let alone a penny... despite what my signature calculator says. Doesn't help that I spent another $150 last week for juice and new hardware (had to try the new 510 tank set up).
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