Noob wondering which to buy.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
So I know this has been asked before and I've read many of the posts and threads on it as well as many other topics on this forum in the past couple days.

I'm still very new to vaping over all, I was caught by the flashy adds for the Blu that isohunt runs and I picked up their starter kit for a very good price for what all I got. The issues i'm having are of course battery life, and the cart size seems a bit small. I'm looking into buying (here in the next couple days, the sooner the better :-/) either the Magma from volcano ecigs or the joye 510. The reviews all over youtube and the net as a whole for both products are great and I'm wondering which of the two would be a better bet. I'm leaning toward the joy 510 from cignot after reading the posts here and seeing as i'm planing on refilling my own carts I think it'll be the better bet.

I know the battery life is still a bit low compared to the larger models but I'm willing to sacrifice that some for the more compact size. My main issue with the kit from cignot is the accessories you can choose from are are 5ml bottles of 26mg nic (for the menthol, which is what I smoke) and from what I've read that's a bit high as I smoke(ed) lights. How much of a difference should I expect from the higher nic content TH wise?

I'm sorry if there was another thread I should have asked this in, and I greatly appreciate any advice. I've been trolling the forums for a bit and it seems like this is one of few places where the members are willing to help out and its nice to know that there are still places like that out there for noobs like myself.

Again, thanks in advance for any help.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2010
Las Vegas
I made the mistake of no researching before I got one. My first was an "eDr-Martin (diamond) or something. Absolute garbage. The second one I got was an Njoy Npro. I don't feel it was worth the price, but it worked way better than the crappy Martin one. I then found this forum and kept seeing posts about how great the Joye 510 was. I got it and gave my mother the Npro. It works great for her and I love the 510


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
Thank for for the comment, I'm liking what I here about the 510. I bought the blue cause I didn't know anything about it and it was cheap, and not know how i was going to like it I was more willing to spend $60 than $80-$100. I now know my mistake all too well, lol. Though i'm taking it as a learning experience and now know that vaping is the way to go.


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
The 510 is available from many vendors. Cignot just has really low prices. Its IMHO the ideal first PV since it works great right out of the box, and the atty is supported for many battery mods that are available, since it is a great atty.

I think the cartomizer suggestion is good, but the basic 3-piece model will really teach you about vaping. I would learn on that, but also get some cartos. Also I would recommend getting a 510 passthrough and PCC charging case. And some juices of various flavors and strengths to see what you like and how strong. That should set you up great for at least a while.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
510 it is then :D Cignot has a good price on a kit with 2 batts, 2 attys, PCC and the chargers and whatnot. I just wish they had more options for the included 5ml bottles so I wouldn't have to make two orders, but oh well, it's a small inconvenience at worst.

So, thanks for the replies and you can bet I'll be around, these are great forums.


Ultra Member
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2009
Here and back
I am new month on an ecig. I use the KR808 from Vapornine and love it. I have yet to be without a charged battery. They just came out with these great Turbo Carts & I'm really enjoying them. I watched most of Grimmgreen's videos on the subject and that helped me make my decision on the KR808's. Hope this helps.

Good for you, I actually liked the 808 better than the 510. I'm beginning to like the 510 but only because of the dripping. Hard to beat the 808 for a starter.


Full Member
Apr 3, 2010
I have a Tornado from totally wicked. Love that, had the volcano which is the same as the blu, and went through batteries and carts like mad. My dad has a 510, and he likes it, and he smoked 3-4 packs a day. Tornado is just a 510 with a bigger battery, so we are both pleased with these. I've just ordered some more attys and an extra battery.. Apparently I'm a super heavy vaper.

From what I've read, best bet is to buy like 20 different e-cigs and use all of them. :) lol Oh and then order about 40 flavors.. because each flavor is so delicious and unique that you must have all of them.


Full Member
Apr 6, 2010
i got a vaporlite from vaporlites . com which is essentially a 510 with charging case.
ive had a couple ecigs and this one has the best flavor and hit
but.. to each his own

I've posted this in other forums (and will be happy to update this when issues are resolved), there are several members, including myself, having problems with non-delivery of orders. Our attempts to contact Donovan at Vaporlites have met been met with no response. Hopefully, we'll get an explanation - and our orders - soon. In one case it has been more than a month since the order was placed; in my own case it is now two weeks since my credit card was charged.

Donovan, if you are monitoring these posts, the best way to deal with a supply issue (if this is the case) is to deal honestly with your customers. Avoidance will only further exacerbate the problem.



Full Member
Apr 25, 2010
I am a new vaper and decided on the 510 for it's compact size and durable atty. I have grown acustomed to dripping as I feel it is mnore efficient and has better flavor. My only gripe is with the atty. The primer fluid in it is NASTY! What I've done is 1. blow out the atty from the threaded side, then 2. run hot water through the atty to clean it out, 3. let it dry for a couple days, and finally prime the cartridge with either some plain PG or VG, can use your fav juice as well. Maybe I got a little off topic but I thought you would appreciate the tips :D
Happy Vaping!!!
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