Picked up a subtank mini

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Apr 17, 2010
I bought into the hype against my better judgement. I picked up some nickel coils. Only tried one and resistance was all over the place. Need to compensate by lying about target temp. I've never had a tc mod dry hit.

Then I tried a kanthal occ coil. juice tasted dry. Vape was very warm. I don't get how people vape those at 30w.

Compared to my kayfun v4 and lemo drop I'm not impressed. The drop both tastes better and puts out more vapor than my subtank. The v4 may not put out as much vapor but the taste is great.

Its also easier to build to my taste than screwing with the occ coils and nice to be able to rewick every day which is especially necessary on temp control builds.

I wouldn't be shocked if I'm just dealing with typical inconsistent kanger quality control. Aerotank coils were a crapshoot. That was the main reason why I put off trying the subtank despite all of the hype.

IDK, I just don't get it. Aside from the ease of use I don't really see a single real strength of the subtank compared to a good rta.

Using my lemo now, mmmm.
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