Pleas don't cite wikipedia as a source for facts

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Sane Asylum

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Sep 20, 2013
Maryland, USA
Wiki isn't a bad place to start but like you said, then you have to confirm the validity of the statements made there. It's not the end all of the information but it's a good launching pad to give yourself an idea of where to dig deeper.

Exactly. And case in point is that the quote I reference in wikipedia states that nicotine can cause cancer but the study that is referenced stated that tobacco Smoke Pollution can cause cancer. That's a big difference to me, since I use nicotine but I don't smoke tobacco.


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Jul 2, 2010
Near Atlanta, Georgia, US of A
There have been studies that have concluded that Wiki is approximately as accurate as conventional encyclopaedias, so I think it's an oversimplification to say "anyone can edit it so it must be full of lies..."

But yeah, I tend to think of Wiki as a useful starting point for research, rather than as a definitive source.

The evidence on nicotine and cancer seems inconclusive - it's certainly a cancer promoter, but whether it's carcinogenic is disputed. There's a decent amount of evidence that it is in vitro, but the epidemiology seems to point to there being a very low risk if there is a risk at all at clinically relevant doses.

I agree.

For some reason, people LOVE to parrot information. My whole life I've grown accustomed to people simply repeating what they hear, instead of thinking for themselves.

Most likely, the reason wikipedia is considered a "bad" because you can't use it as a source for college papers. It makes perfect sense why you can't....what DOESNT make sense is people who say wikipedia isn't a valid source of information.

Wikipedia, for all PRACTICAL purposes, is a wonderful tool, and a wonderful source of information. I'd say that the vast majority of the time, the info on wiki is CORRECT.

It is simply NOT correct when people say "Anyone can edit wikipedia". Really? Go try to edit it...see how far you get.

Yes, it is possible for wiki to have incorrect information. That it why it is up to YOU to verify any info on wikipedia, if you see fit.

However, there is NOTHING wrong with citing wikipedia as a valid source of information on a MESSAGE BOARD. If you think the info linked is invalid, simply check the source from wiki, and then post your rebuttal or concern. Not a big deal.

Anyway, I get annoyed with people who constantly parrot information they hear/see, and calling wikipedia an invalid source for information is one of those things that drives me nuts.


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Getting a Medical Degree from Wikipedia sure beats the conventional and rigorous methods that were available before the internet.

It saves the competitiveness of trying to get into med school, 10+ years of education, then residency, etc.

Most of all, Wikipedia does not require anyone to take and pass Organic Chemistry, which makes it the preferred route to getting an M.D. after your name and hanging out your shingle on internet forums. :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2013
Exactly. And case in point is that the quote I reference in wikipedia states that nicotine can cause cancer but the study that is referenced stated that Tobacco Smoke Pollution can cause cancer. That's a big difference to me, since I use nicotine but I don't smoke tobacco.

Yes exactly. You certainly can't take Wiki at face value, but it was, after all, the faulty information on Wiki that started you on the path for the truth. You should seriously think about editing that Wiki page.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
It must be true it's on the internet.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
The last thing I used Wiki for was to look up the word, 'Derp'.
You looked up "derp"? LOL

I guess I've been online too much to have realized that not everyone would just have gathered that info via osmosis.

Urban Dictionary would have been my choice were I going to a specific site, though. Normally, however, I would just toss it into Google.


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
My complaint isn't about correcting wikipedia. It's about people using wikipedia as a valid source of fact.

Wikipedia can be a good place to start to establish facts by using the references but the references have to be checked out for validity. Here's a good summary about wikipedia:

What's Wrong with Wikipedia? § Harvard Guide to Using Sources

i was very impressed a few weeks ago. while waiting to speak with the principal at my sons elementary school, i overheard a 2nd or 3rd grade class in session in the library. they were being lectured on the very same subject as in that link.

elementary school - learning how to use citation and reputable sources. fantastic!

looks like the jig is up for us old fogies looking for an easy out on wikipedia, though. the kids ain't havin' it. :lol:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Aug 7, 2013
looks like the jig is up for us old fogies looking for an easy out on wikipedia, though. the kids ain't havin' it. :lol:

I don't know.. When I was a kid, we could only have one-three intranet cites in our papers, but I always bet on my teacher not picking up the book I would pull a bogus cite from, to find out if it was real or not.

Why am I not surprised you are a Kids in the Hall fan?

I wish that show still existed... I was probably 8-yearsold and probably didn't understand any of the comedy in it, but I still watched it.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I remember those. Me too. They were great. I think It was "time life" and my parents bought them one a month.
I have a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a synonym finder in my computer desk.
I have not opened any of them since I got an internet.

I really should recycle them or something.


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2013
topeka, ks, USA
I see your point and I agree that nicotine use and smoking are completely different things. as we all know there are a lot of ways to get nicotine that do not involve smoking. It's just that, as vapers who need this product we should do everything in our power to correct misinformation whenever possible. If we do any less, then who do we blame when we cannot get any nicotine or the cost for it is so high that the average Joe cannot afford it?
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