Post your favorite juice to vape before it can steep!

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Full Member
Aug 26, 2012
San Diego
You know what im talking about, its that juice that you just cant wait a week to enjoy, that juice so scrumdiddlyumptious that your tank is filled as soon as it comes in the mail (or home from the shop!)

Me first!

RAWR Vapor's Fiery Nuts!

The cinnamon is strong enough to carry this vape right out of the bottle, but not so strong that it tastes too much like candy. The nutty undertones make it more like a cinnamon bun, and mellow the cinnamon out as it steeps (but I rarely get that far with this juice, hah!) Gotta have that menthol kick though!:laugh:

I have about 7 other juices I want to put in the rotation, but im actually going to let them steep while im vaping this stuff. So yeah im looking for suggestions for a future order too!

EDIT: Forgot to add I vape on a VV Gripper with a Smoktech DCT, 1.5 DC Carto (3hole), ~4V 50/50 mix
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Full Member
Aug 26, 2012
San Diego
patriot and apple cured from goodejuice home brewed line :facepalm: i was just gonna taste it .. honest :blush:

I know that situation all too well. Most likely missed out on the full flavor of a lot of juices. I really didn't know steeping juice was a thing in the beginning so now begins the next step in my Vaping Education and Enrichment Program (VEEP!). PATIENCE!

Of course, getting a good long backstock of aged juices takes time and money, and I gotta have that NOW vape! I've found having a 306 atty around for quick drip tasting helps me decide which juice to vape green. YMMV


Full Member
Sep 20, 2012
Minnesota, USA
Most juices I buy I enjoy right out of the mailbox. All of the Heathers Heavenly Flavors I have tried have been great, Backwoods Brew Malty Toffee, ECBlend Chocolate Hazelnut Tobacco to name a few.

+1, this one tastes great straight from the mail. One of the first "gourmet" juices I've had that experience with.

Karla Lyle

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Dec 27, 2011
Frederick, md
Most of the juices i vape are great without steeping. I have found that steeping really doesn't change the flavor all that much. Not enough that I feel I need to wait to steep them anyway. I really have 3 favorites that i vape straight out of the mailbox. They are in no particular order. Nite Lite vapor's Gold and Line rider and Halo's Prime15. Absolutely the best juices made IMO.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2012
San Diego
Most of the juices i vape are great without steeping. I have found that steeping really doesn't change the flavor all that much. Not enough that I feel I need to wait to steep them anyway. I really have 3 favorites that i vape straight out of the mailbox. They are in no particular order. Nite Lite vapor's Gold and Line rider and Halo's Prime15. Absolutely the best juices made IMO.
Yeah, there's definitely something to what you're saying there, and really part of the reason I started this thread. Not all juices are created equal. Now honestly I'm no expert on juice, but as an anecdote, I had a cherry flavored juice that separated from the VG if left to sit. Even with vigorous shaking it tasted terrible the first day. Imagine vaping concentrated, pure cherry flavor. Without the VG to vaporize it evenly it just burns :-x The juice looked like what happens when you try and mix oil and water. I think it was just a bad mix, but I salvaged it by siphoning off the excess cherry flavor after it had settled again, and let it sit for a week. What flavoring was left dispersed nicely and it ended up tasting pretty good, if a little strong.

I guess the point being some flavors really do need that time to let the flavor saturate the mix, but some flavors do just fine day one. Sounds like you really hit the jackpot with your 3 flavor picks! :) Happy vaping!
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