proof ASH is evil

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Wait! I have mathmatical proof our enemies are evil.

They have put out disinformation, aimed at convincing smokers to stay away from e-cigarettes, right? Every day since they began their propaganda campaign, there was a potential of 12,040 YEARS of life lost for U.S. smokers. (45.2 million smokers * 20 tobacco cigarettes * 7 minutes lost life per cigarette / 60 minutes / 24 hours / 365 days).


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 25, 2009
Harrisburg, PA
Well, if ASH, Banzhaf and the FDA are responsible for the banning of the e-cig in the U.S. sign me up for the class-action suit against them from preventing me from using the only method that has worked for me quitting tobacco. Does the ASH site have a document on how to do that?

BT doesn't have to be afraid of the e-cig, really, if they wanted to (and if they are smart they already have e-cig divisions gearing up) they could get in on the ground floor of a new market. They could turn a significant percentage of their "lost" smokers into a new e-cig customer base I'm sure. If there was a Camel e-cig available when I decided to make the switch I'm sure I would have been buying that instead of something from a company I never heard of...


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Wait! I have mathmatical proof our enemies are evil.

They have put out disinformation, aimed at convincing smokers to stay away from e-cigarettes, right? Every day since they began their propaganda campaign, there was a potential of 12,040 YEARS of life lost for U.S. smokers. (45.2 million smokers * 20 tobacco cigarettes * 7 minutes lost life per cigarette / 60 minutes / 24 hours / 365 days).

I like your math, vocalek :cool:

Maybe we can put together our own truth commercials :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Roan Mountain, TN
I've been a long time lurker here, and I've been a fan of the hardware and juice reviews contributed by members to youtube. I'm a newb, and can't start a thread (please someone do, if you think it worthy, or hasn't already), but I was thinking..

Maybe for fun, maybe for real... Who would you nominate/encourage to be the face of the community? I have to say, the majority of those posting reviews are quite amiable and well spoken.


Ultra Member
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I've been a long time lurker here, and I've been a fan of the hardware and juice reviews contributed by members to youtube. I'm a newb, and can't start a thread (please someone do, if you think it worthy, or hasn't already), but I was thinking..

Maybe for fun, maybe for real... Who would you nominate/encourage to be the face of the community? I have to say, the majority of those posting reviews are quite amiable and well spoken.

Mtndude, welcome :D

As far as i am concerned, there's such a variety of interesting people here with so much to contribute to the community that your question is unanswerable.

And you CAN post a new thread, you just have to do it in the new members forum (which is a very lively forum IMO).


Super Member
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Jun 30, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I like your math, vocalek :cool:

Maybe we can put together our own truth commercials :D

ZOMG! I think thats it! Maybe we should look into this! I mean it wouldn't be cheap, but hey if it helps things progess on the legal road it would be worth it right? I wonder if the ECA would be on board for this.
The truth comercials are marketed toward people who right around 18, and have done wonders to reduce the number of young smokers. We would need to be very careful though or they will pull more BS about marketing to kids. Ya know cause once you hit 18 all liking of flavors other than tobcco and vegies is wiped from you. /sarcasm
But Seriously, what do you all think of the idea? After all NORML is allowed to make commercials, though they are VERY limited in what they can and cannot say.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 6, 2009
Lucas, Texas
to the person who was talking about making someone the face of the community, why not have us all be the face? we can all launch youtube videos in a series with quick three minute videos briefly stating how the e cigs changed our lives. or have a video with 50 different members all stating one reason each to use e cigs


Ultra Member
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May 25, 2008
Do not think this is a Joke! Right now I am sitting on my condo board, as I listen to owners that want us the board members to make rules that prevent people from smoking in their own condos. You heard me right. Not only in there own condos but out side on their balconies as well. The problem several of the board members would have no problem doing this.8-o
They think that they can do it, they keep siting laws from CA. Our association can't afford to paint the hall and replant a dead tree but they want to rewrite state laws taking way peoples property rights! :nah:
When it comes to the anti-smoking crowd you can not put anything past them.

Perhaps if enough people simply allowed the banks to foreclose on such properties, leading to further decline in the housing market and property values, the statement would have meaning. My credit score would mean nothing to me if I had to pay for a piece of property that I could not live in as I pleased. Really, people, it is way past time for talking. Start acting.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
I've always been a supporter of public awareness.
Kristin is writing a great letter trying to get it into the mainstream media.
If she makes it, she'll need followup material.
I'd love to see Fox News and The Factor Bill vs Prof wooo hooo
I suggested commercials a while back from our side.
But, WHO is our side? If we collected money for the commercials or just quick adds, billboards who controls it, and sees the PROPER info gets out? Not just a bunch of wildcats screaming for what should be rightfully theirs.
I'm not 1/100th as savvy with the info and facts as some on here are.
I havent seen much from the ECA...heard an ECO was being formed.
Maybe them?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Those are great reasons.
It's just that we get beat up from anything that can be misconstrued. ASH is great at that.
We have no formal studies to present, short or long term, we choose 4000 less harmful products to ingest/inhale that are in cigarettes and they can't accept it on that merit.
I assure you if Big Tobacco or Pharm had put this on the market....the $ going to ASH from Pfizer and other unknown sources ( cough cough)would be HUSH!

For now, we worry on availabilty. After Judge Leon's decision what we do to make the manufactures take the profit from the present spoils and use it constructivly will make or break the e cig market. I'm amazed so's a big business already, you'd think they would be fighting tooth(whiter) and nail to keep it and make more $.

Just MHO and it really sux......huh?
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Full Member
Jul 1, 2009
All of Banzhaf's, and others of his ilk, efforts will be for nothing.

China is still a communist country. That means that every factory owner in China has a partner in the Chinese government.

It will take only one telephone call from a high ranking Chinese government official to the right high ranking US government official reminding him how bad it looks for a country trillions of dollars in debt to China to legally ban one of its products with NO reason.

Then we will see the FDA do an about face on the issue and all the other anti smoking organizations espouse the e-cig touting it's enormous benefits. Ash will be the scapegoat.

This will teach Banzhaf how truly insignificant he is. Banzhaf could not make a living in any nation but the US and when he embarrasses it on the world stage it will certainly stop him. By asserting his megolamania past our borders he has overstepped his bounds. Ultimately, he will be censured, disbarred, and exposed as the government strives to save face internationally.

This will happen because the US market is important to China and this pest is potentially costing them a great deal of money. And the Chinese have little tolerance for goofballs like Banzhaf.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 25, 2009
Harrisburg, PA
i dont think it necessarily has to be statistics but i know that i dont cough up tar and blood anymore in the mornings


Holy crap! You make me feel a whole lot better about feeling bad, I've coughed up some interesting things in my day but never any blood... I hope you've been to a doctor...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 6, 2009
Lucas, Texas

Holy crap! You make me feel a whole lot better about feeling bad, I've coughed up some interesting things in my day but never any blood... I hope you've been to a doctor...

never been to a dr about that particular issue as it isnt consitant enough to be a major problem. also i know this is ignorant but i figure that since im im 19 and smoked for seven years that my immune system is still strong and it could fight it. if it happens again this will definetely result in a dr trip... but it hasnt happened since ive been vaping
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