Provari Mini ?

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Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
I believe u have the right idea there. I believe that im just trying to talk myself into buying the mini just cause I want one. Not so much that I need one.

LOL, hey, you are being honest. I think I have bought about 20% of my vape gear and supplies because I needed it. The rest was bought because I thought I needed it (for backups) or because I wanted it, or even better, as a reward to myself for not smoking.

So, if you can afford it, and really want one - only you can decide if you should buy it.

I still say yes, but I am really, really good at spending the money of other people.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I love my mini in the mini size. It fits in my hand and my pocket and is still substantial enough to knock someone unconscious if I was attacked. :)

ETA: A nice thing about the mini is the different size configurations. You can make it bigger, but you can't make the full size smaller.
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Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
Ain't that the truth! I always thought I'd want to make mine into an 18650 right away, but the size was just so right! Then I got to play with a full size, in 18500 and 18650 modes, I have to say, it really made me appreciate the mini that much more! The F/S just didn't fit in my hand like I thought it should.
Carto tanks and Clearo tanks are both like fast food resturants. They come all all sorts of shapes and sizes that are all simular and all offer the same thing, but they do it "differently" so they think their way is the best. It is the same thing with tanks. I haven't used many carto tanks but this is what I have learned from them. Start with what you know...if you like a single coil with a certain resistance start there. Tanks for carto's when they work right just keep you from having to drip more and more juice in them threw out the day. But remember if you use a thicker or VG heavy juice to use a carto with more/bigger holes as the carto will have a harder time absorbing it from the tank and you still have to drip juice into the carto to prime it. And also, once in awhile you may also have to "dry hit" your carto to help keep it moist. I have heard/read everyone love/hate every brand of carto out there. I've had good luck with Volcano/Smoktech/Boge carto's and I get a dud every now and then and there's no saving it from the first hit. You can usually get a smoktech pyrex DCT tank that is glass and metal just about anywhere that holds 4-5ish ml of ejuice for 10-15 bucks. The one in my little picture is the black metal over pyrex one that doesn't come apart. I like it but it is harder to clean and the disadvantage is if/when the o-rings loose their seal it will be much easier to toss the tank and start over with another one then try and fix. But for ten bucks I get my money's worth out of it. Most tanks either use a 35 or 45 mm flanged carto and different brands will fit together as long as you match the length/flange options. Pick one, buy a few cartos with different options. I prefer them with 1 or 2 holes, some like three or more, and see what you like. The only one that can tell you what you like is you. And congrats on another Provari. I've been eyeballing them for a bit. They're made in the North West and I am all about supporting local business especially if its a quality product. Hope this was at least a little bit helpful. Good luck and happy hunting for a carto tank to match your new Mini.
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