PureVapes Multi E-Liquid Review by Sallana

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Jan 4, 2010
the North Pole
Hey guys, I am going review some PureVapes juice for you. I meant to do it a while ago but wanted to wait until the contest was over, so here we go....

Danish Pastry with Blackberry

This is really a great flavor. The blackberry is the absolute best I have ever had. Although, I've never tried Jules' Blackberry Brandy, but the flavor PureVapes uses for his is just wonderful, really amazing.

Cookie Dough Ice Cream

Very good flavor, chocolatey with a touch of brown sugar flavor. Add the 'cold' option to it and it's like vaping ice cream!

Blackberry Brandy

Again, his blackberry flavor is absolutely amazing. I asked him if I could get it alone but he said its really better mixed with something, I think to get the most of the flavor it's best in the Brandy, because the brandy really compliments it. where the pastry sort of sweetens it up.

Strawberry Shortcake

This is truly AMAZING. I will not go as far as to say that it is the best juice I have ever had, but that's only because I'm not a HUGE fan of strawberry shortcake. This flavor puts an entirely new meaning to the phrase "Spot On" it's incredible how close it is to the real thing! If you are thinking about placing an order, this flavor is a must, if only for the experience!

Custom Mix: Cappucino + Vanilla - Cold

I wanted something like a Vanilla Iced Coffee so this is what he came up with for me - It is AWESOME and it really goes great with my morning Iced Coffee.

Some quick facts and opinions on PureVapes customization options:

Purevapes offers a number of customations that other suppliers have yet to make available to us.

'Koolada' adds a cooling sensation to your vape but does not affect the flavor. I really only suggest adding this to flavors that make sense being cold. For example.. Ice Cream and Iced Coffee.. In other flavors it's just weird. PureVapes himself likes it in everything because he was a menthol smoker.. I smoked Camel Filters so that's something to consider. You might like this option much more if you were a menthol smoker.

His TH additive means real business. If you are thinking about adding TH to some of your juice, I suggest starting small if you can only afford one bottle. Get "Warm". If you can afford three, get "Warm" "Hot" and "Scorched" so you know where your limits are. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT just order scorched, I don't care how tough your lungs are - You might find you wasted money on something you just can't handle!

Well there you have it! I recommend giving his juice a shot, good luck and happy vaping!
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