Sparkplug Issue

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Full Member
Sep 2, 2009
Hullo, I just recently ordered a Sparkplug from litecig along with a bottle of some Rath blueberry pancake juice. Unfortunately after a few hours of using it I realized how little vapor and flavor it was producing, although a few times it did seem to work for a few minutes fantastically.

Then it started to taste burnt, and I've been having this issue since. The first two atomizers seem to produce the same results, they eat up liquid and after maybe 1 drag it's back to tasting burnt. I switch off between filling the cartridge (though I've never had much luck with them draining) and putting a drop or two on the bridge. I attempted cleaning them out many times and I also tried dry burning one but that produced even worse results.

I talked to the guy from litecig and he assured me that it wasn't an issue with the sparkplug, just the atomizers, and because those weren't under warranty I just ordered two new ones that came yesterday and I feel that I'm experiencing the same problem.

The only thing that I think could have been potentially bad was I put one of the batteries in backwards and screwed it into place but immediately switched it. I'm leaning towards the idea though that this might be related to the other burning atomizer issues, but it's hard to be sure and it's even more difficult to keep getting discouraged by not being able to enjoy these (when they aren't working) versus a pack a day.

Anyone have any ideas?


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Dec 30, 2009
Saiden22, Welcome to the forum. I have a Sparkplug with the 112 atty. I am not a real fan of it, but it does work good and produce a lot of vapor. What I found was that the atty must be wet, otherwise it will produce little vapor and/or start tasting burned. The cartridges are very large and if you are using the them stock with the white "cotton looking" fluval, the juice does not wick well to the atomizer. I found out the hard way. I decided to actually drip a few drops directly onto the atty's wick, and presto it would work well for about 4 draws. The start to tapor off. Did it again and same. Sooo... I got rid of the fluval cart filling and went to either direct drip or using some blue foam as a cart filler. Thing is again, the cart holds so much eliquid, I hated filling it, so I usually just direct drip.

Try that and see if it makes a difference. If it does, then try topping off your cartridge and/or looking into a cartridge mod that allows the atty to stay wet. Just don't flood the atty out or leave one of thos carts laying around full of juice, as I have experienced some leakage! Good luck


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Mar 13, 2010
South Carolina
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ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2009
Midwest , USA
I had a sparkplug and found that I really didn't like the 801 attys. So I got an adapter and used a 510 on it and it worked great!!! Try getting an adapter and a 510 atty and try it!

This is an excellent idea. I've done the same thing to mine and the 510 atty works much better than the 112
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