Specific problem, but forced here as a new memeber.

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That One Guy

Full Member
Apr 11, 2011
My issues comes from a joye ego 1000mah battery. I've been using the joye ego xl and standard atty for some time, but grew tired of the fiber based carts. I ordered a mega cylinder atomizer with a drip tip. First usage of the drip tip and mega atty left me unimpressed. I was going to a party, and decided to use the big cart with fiber. Apparently, I over saturated the fiber and the liquid leaked through to the battery. Since, I was using the auto battery ( I discovered this after the fact) liquid leaked into the small hole, and now the battery won't work. I just dropped $35 on new upgrades and liquid, now I discover I need to spend another $30ish to replace the battery.(I borrowed it from my sister and she ......) I'm looking any possible fixes. I've already blown out the battery with a air compressor and soaked it in rubbing alcohol. Only thing left is opening it up and trying tinker with electronics I know nothing about. Money is tight and I'm desperate, but also obligated to fix it or buy a new one. Any advice on this topic would be great appreciated. Thanks in advance and take care.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
Northern California
What a drag. Dont worry, everyone will see this and help you out. I have no solution for you. I would have suggested rubbing alcohol as well, but you may be out of luck. This is why many suggest the manual battery. Hopefully you end up having good luck. Check prices at Liberty Flights, and make sure to click on the save 20 percent in the upper left of the home page before looking for the ego battery.


ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
I can't say for sure but I read that those crystal bags that come in electronics boxes and sometimes shoes etc may help. I'm not familiar with the ego auto batts but with the manual ones you can pop the top off atty end. Use an atty and carefully wiggle back and forth. Then I'm not sure but u may be able to get at auto switch and dry it out.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
Northern California
Hah thanks for the replys, but it seems everyone has their own personal agenda, versus real technical advice.

Everyone is 2 people in just a few minutes? I am truly sorry. I only wanted to reassure you that help would be on the way. I also was throwing some friendly advice in case you need to replace it. Again, I do apologize.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
That is the issue with auto batteries. You can't come to this forum without dormouse preaching the evils of auto batteries. I would never use an auto battery just for that reason a brand new battery out of the box can be ruined by one leaky cart.

As for the damage, I would assume that the juice would either plug the diaphragm in an auto or since the circuity is on top short a capacitor which would most likely render the circuity useless. I doubt there is any way to repair it.
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That One Guy

Full Member
Apr 11, 2011
Everyone is 2 people in just a few minutes? I am truly sorry. I only wanted to reassure you that help would be on the way. I also was throwing some friendly advice in case you need to replace it. Again, I do apologize.

Ahh sorry man, I didn't mean to offend. I'm just in an off mood from this little predicament and I know how this stuff can work. I'm grateful for your support and advice. Thanks

That One Guy

Full Member
Apr 11, 2011
That is the issue with auto batteries. You can't come to this forum without dormouse preaching the evils of auto batteries. I would never use an auto battery just for that reason a brand new battery out of the box can be ruined by one leaky cart.

As for the damage, I would assume that the juice would either plug the diaphragm in an auto or since the circuity is on top short a capacitor which would most likely render the circuity useless. I doubt there is any way to repair it.

Damn, I was hoping for a more optimistic output than that, but I knew I was probably doomed. As for the advice on where to get it, I already have a reliable source. Found off this forum, which has great customer service and fast shipping. I know for sure my replacement purchase will be a manual, as I prefer those anyway. I don't know what it is with me an electronics and short circuiting, but in the last 8 months I've lost an xbox 360, a computer and hd monitor to lightning. Now tack on this ecig battery. I might as well go back to candles and book reading as the electricity is out to get me. Thanks again.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Most people here are going to point you toward a manual battery, including me. I'm sorry that you lost a battery because of juice dripping into it, but that's just the hazard of using automatic batteries. Manuals are sealed, so you won't have to worry about this problem.

You can try to save it by leaving it in some rice or those moisture absorbing packets. Just make sure no rice gets in the hole, too. Chances are that the juice has ruined the electronics inside and if it's had a chance to dry, then it can't be rescued.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Sorry, but it's pretty much cooked. Dead soldier. Replacement is about the only option.

Plenty of suppliers sell ego batteries; Rivas would also work. There are a lot of ego/riva variants out now, as well. Hunt a bit & you should find one at or under $20. You might even find something she'd like better than an auto 1000, you know? Back when I used egos, I loved the 650mah passthrough. Cheap ego stuff can be had from heavengifts:

Joye eGo spare parts Heaven Gifts

...but you'll have a few weeks wait time, since it's coming direct from China.

I use nothing but homebuilt boxmods anymore (even my big Indulgence mod is relegated to backup status), and they cost me about $12.50 to make... the charger & batteries cost more than the unit, lol! Madvapes has parts, schematics can be found there and here on ECF, should you choose to go that route. Realistically, though, your best bet is to just bite the bullet and get a replacement ego batt from a state-side supplier.

Good luck!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
Northern California
No worries pal :) Now you can post in any section you want! Welcome to the forum.

Ahh sorry man, I didn't mean to offend. I'm just in an off mood from this little predicament and I know how this stuff can work. I'm grateful for your support and advice. Thanks


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
Springfield, VA
Chances are that the juice has ruined the electronics inside and if it's had a chance to dry, then it can't be rescued.

Yes you are right, but there are always exceptions.

Long time ago my auto m401 got into pot of boiling water and was their for around 10-15 sec.
I got it out, wiped it, set it aside an after two days it started to work again.

It's worth a try a little patient.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
Yeah I was told by the person I bought it from, that "They are just press fit... but there are micro circuit boards in there... and lithium's are dangerous..." For all I know lithium exposure could cause instant cancer, but I'm desperate and willing to do almost anything for a free fix. =)

I accidentally opened one of my manual batts last week. Sat on it. Any ways there is a sealed lion batt kind of like looking at top of an aa batt. Yes there are wires and circuits in there. But nothing to be afraid of. If your real worried about opening it up wear gloves. If it's dead it can't hurt to try revive it.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Oh man I am becoming infamous.

Somebody linked Heaven's Gifts above - nice shop but ddn't buy there if you want something fast - they are in China.

A manual 510/Ego/Riva etc battery will have no hole at all in threaded end. I have drenched mine a few times - no problem.

I also recommend cartomizers - Boge brand or go see what Ikenvapes has. I do not recommend SLB ones. On an Ego you can use the standard resistance or the hotter LR ones. They are disposable but if filled well to start and then lay it different ways so liquid is allowed to soak into every bit of stuffing, then kept damp, you may get a week or even 2 out of a carto. And some people are successful with cleaning/drying and reusing them after that. They don't need juice as often as a cart.
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