Stop Vaping...?

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Since quitting almost 8 years ago ... I've smoked four cigarettes. About one a year for the first four years of vaping. Just to compare. And ... no comparison. Remember when ads used to talk about the unique flavor of cigarettes? Sure different brands of cigarettes tasted different from each other. Kind of. But vaping ... that's when I really discovered flavor.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
By some Definitions of Addiction, having No Desire to do something again, or Abstinence, does Not Imply lack of Addiction. Its whether or not someone can Use something again in a Non-Addictive manner is where some place the distinction.

I have Absolutely No Desire to ever Smoke another Cigarette again. But I know that I could Never just Smoke a Few Cigarettes or just on something like weekend nights.

Because the Addiction Isn't Gone. It is Still there. And, for Me, it probably Always will be.

1/2 fast

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Dec 3, 2013
SW Ohio
For some people the addiction is never gone.

My father used to tell me a story when I first started smoking. A guy he worked with quit for 10 years. The whole time he kept his last pack in his pocket as a reminder. One day in the pub after work, for no particular reason he pulled the pack out and lit one up. It was so dry it burned all the way down after one puff, but he went to the bar and bought another pack, and just like that he was a smoker again.

Alcoholics say the same thing. You can beat it back until you don't even know it's there any more, but it's lurking waiting for it's chance.

Not a risk I want to take.
Couldn’t agree more. This is exactly why I’ll never stop vaping. There’s no way I could ever just smoke one. I’d go right back to a pack and a half a day.


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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
For some people the addiction is never gone.

My father used to tell me a story when I first started smoking. A guy he worked with quit for 10 years. The whole time he kept his last pack in his pocket as a reminder. One day in the pub after work, for no particular reason he pulled the pack out and lit one up. It was so dry it burned all the way down after one puff, but he went to the bar and bought another pack, and just like that he was a smoker again.

Alcoholics say the same thing. You can beat it back until you don't even know it's there any more, but it's lurking waiting for it's chance.

Not a risk I want to take.

I understand that yet, we have vaping to return to if ever we need.. we don't have to pick up a smoke, we just have to dig out our vape gear from whatever box we stored it in.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
No plans to quit vaping here, and I'm glad I didn't load myself down with any plans, because I would have been far less likely to meet with success.... Getting to vaping only was hard enough, and vaping seems the only reasonable substitute for my far more harmful addiction.. If I wanted to go cold turkey, I would have started there, not anywhere else. With that said, I have tried cold turkey countless times and failed. I know what I am and am not capable of.



An adult who likes flavors.
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Sep 11, 2016
Tempe, Arizona, United States
I could probably quit vaping if I had to, and wouldn’t run out for a pack of smokes but the first time I went out on the town with friends who were also smokers it would be the end of the quit. That’s the experience that ruined EVERY quit I ever had. The “I’ll just have a few while out” Vaping keeps me from doing that and I enjoy it. No plans to quit.


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
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For me to be able to fall back on a stock of vape gear instead of smoking, I need to never completely quit. Fidgeting around trying to get something up and running when I haven't vaped for a while would likely not work in time to stop me. I would need to always keep something up and running and take a couple of puffs a day just to make sure it's ready and available.

Not that I have any intention of quitting in the first place.


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Nov 3, 2013
North Carolina, USA
While I've lowered my nic level by half (started at 24mg to quit analogs), have zero desire to stop vaping.:)

In fact, now love it more as I've learned to build my own coils for the tanks accumulated over the years, beginning with my first single core Kangertech tanks. Now am into sub-ohm tanks, love the smaller ones for the flavor, don't mind refilling often. Also love my single core sub-ohm ones (SMM, AMMIT) & the Moonshot.

Now dabbling with DIY ejuice making, coming up with some flavors that's very vapable, some of my friends were impressed at the flavor. I even like the taste of non-flavored e-juice, about 80% VG & 20% PG, the latter adds a bit of sweetness and don't have to clean/rebuild coils as often.;)

The only two ways I'll stop vaping is (1) the government comes knocking on door to door rounding up all devices & juices, highly unlikely & (2) when my toes are sticking up stiff as a board.:thumbs:



PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
With the average cost of a carton of cigs being $50 to $70, I'd just buy a new mod or a new atomizer instead!

I haven't contributed a dime to tobacco companies since early 2011. A year before that I had dropped from 2 PAD to a pack every 3 or 4 days once I started vaping.

If you add up what you were spending on cigs, vaping is a money saver even if you have shinyitis.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
well ... , as long as I haven't tried all available tanks and mods yet ... (topic) ... NOT

I have lots of MTL style RTA's in my collection. My latest are winners. The Digiflavor Siren 2, the Innokin Ares, and the Vandy Vape Beserker are superb flavor MTL vapes. Kayfun Mini V3 is also a good tank to have around.

I was getting tired of tanks that tried to be DTL and MTL adjustable. Most didn't fit either description.


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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
If you add up what you were spending on cigs, vaping is a money saver even if you have shinyitis.

I never thought about the numbers until I began to vape then sat down and roughly began to add them up....WOW the enormous number ciggys smoked of a pack-a-day for 35 years. 365x25x35=355,875 cigs and thats a conservative number I know the real number is much higher. Then how much per ciggy and it adds up to almost 150,000 bucks. Total with shinyitis that has dulled down some over the last couple years and I'd say 3-4 grand spent on vape gear being a high estimate but no where close to the hundred thousand plus spent on ciggys.
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We left the house to go on an errand run and we were about a half block from the house when I noticed my e-cig was not in my shirt pocket. Oh Noes! Could I have gone 3 hours without vaping. Who knows? Probably. But who wants to find out? We turned around and went back for my e-cig. My wife Didn't Say A Word ... primarily because we once left Without Her Purse and had to turn back. I didn't say anything then and she returned the favor. Now the situations weren't identical ... she's not addicted to her purse ... but we both weren't ... um ... functional.

Another time we had been out and about for a couple of hours when I took a drag ... nothin' ... hmmmmmmm. Seems my low battery turned into no battery. I calmly (heh heh) put my e-cig back in my pocket and I continued with the day without notifying my wife I was now flying without a backup. It was no big deal. I was surprised how much of a no big deal it was. We returned with my mask of sanity intact. And of course as soon as we got home I switched out the battery and (calmly heh heh) vaped until my mental nicotine tank was topped off. All better.

Will I ever put down my e-cig for good? No. It would be like saying I choose to be less happy for an indeterminate period of time. Why would I do that? Strengthen my character? That's silly. My character/will power/resolve doesn't hinge upon giving up a (relatively) harmless habit. I don't want to be better than anyone else ... I just want me to be better than I was.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Yeah, I must say, vaping is fun, interesting, and eleventy-million times more awesome than smoking. It really, as I have said in another post on this thread, seems like punishing myself for my success in quitting. Even if I could stop vaping, I doubt that I would. I would be punishing myself for having success in moving to a harm reduction method that does NOT have a "time frame" by which you are supposed to wean yourself from the hand to mouth habit. I'm not sure that ever goes away, it sure didn't when I was chewing nicotine gum and knitting feverishly for 6 weeks. I still wanted to smoke just as much on the day I finally caved in, as I did at the start. Vaping actually substitutes the habit, with less harm. I'm glad I have no plans to stop vaping.



The Bug Man
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Jul 1, 2009
Sunny Florida
I'm not sure that ever goes away, it sure didn't when I was chewing nicotine gum and knitting feverishly for 6 weeks.
The reason you had a problem with the nicotine gum is it does not have enough nicotine in it (I have some old ones laying around, dated 2007 :facepalm: and they are only 2mg). Once I started using nicotine pouches and Snus (mostly Snus), that provide nicotine I need, I don't feel a need to vape (unless I want to for the flavor), and I have no problem with the hand to mouth issue like I thought I would. I am only vaping about 1ml a week now (a little in the morning while cooking breakfast, and sometimes at night). Approved NRT fails because it is just too weak to provide the user with the nicotine they want/need. JMHO :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I don't know if it was 2 ml or 4 ml, probably the former, but I would often chew two pieces at once, and certainly didn't pay much attention to the whole "time" idea. I also had plenty to do with my hands, as I knitted.

I was tobacco free the whole time I was pregnant and nursing, and I wanted to smoke all the time. The desire did not go away, although it was just over 18 months. Either I overfocused, or was just very very addicted, even then. I don't have the kind of brain that rebounds from cravings very well, apparently. I don't know if snus would be a viable option, but I have used traditional NRT during lengthy times I couldn't vape, as I do tend to run into the "intense desire" to vape, and it worked okay. Of course, I knew it was time limited.

Now the patch? LOL, I hated the patch. Not high enough and a fixed, constant dose, exactly the OPPOSITE of how nicotine from smoking ever behaves in the human body, and I don't know how ANYONE uses that stuff to quit. I have to believe in "the power of placebo" as people who use the patch tend to quit if they were going to, and actually use the patches as advised. If anything, though, I guess it could be a step-down to "just" nicotine while detoxing off everything else in cigs, and then the nic part is easy, comparatively. Or something. It's all a big mystery to me...

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