stressed and loathing in New Orleans.

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Full Member
Oct 24, 2013
I know I will probably get a few flames, and snide comments but I want to be honest. So here goes nothing.
Really I am not good at nor really ever condoned self help groups. Just never was my style. I am really wanting to give this a go, but the past few days I have been going crazy for an analog. I am nearing 30 days analog free, but the other day one my coworkers asked me if I had a smoke they could bum. After that I started having serious cravings, and a lot of serious pent up anger and rage. Yesterday I was acting like I was demon possessed(a mild exaggeration, but I was a really nasty person). I have when quitting in the past with analogs or ecigs I tend to get down right angry and evil in my opinion. I do not like nor want to be angry every day of my life or resentful. I feel having analogs helped me not to be so hateful or quick to scream at people. Plus I am not as emo, as in texting my friends that I feel everything is over, example my bday I wanted to go hear a concert of one my fave bands and opted not , as I deemed i would be miserable wanting a cig,and I couldn't go to it. I really do not know what to do. All this anger and rage, and emo acting is not me. I have went 29 days without a real cig, but the whole time I have not been happy at all. I freak that I have gained 5 lbs, and have not really freaked out on food or anything, and again I am an organic vegan, who doesn't overeat, or indulge in sweets. I just want to be happy and healthy but this are just too much it seems.
So thats a wrap, i know some evangelicals of this are going to string me up by my toes, and beat me like a stepchild verbally over this, but what else could I expect. I hope some have some sympathy but not counting on it.
(waves my fly swatter at the heavens shouting yup bat country)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin
Welcome, and no one's going to string you up! It sounds like you're experiencing nicotine withdrawal. How much nicotine is in the juice you're using?

Edit, when I quit, I was experiencing something like what you're going through. For some reason, my brain and body didn't interpret this as a need for cigarettes, but I was definitely having temper tantrums, and occasional forgetfulness, drowsiness. It took weeks to go away.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I can totally relate. Here's some advise for what its worth and everyone will advise differently. I did not go "cold turkey" due to medical conditions that are affected by stress. I chose to smoke 5 or 6 cigarettes a day while vaping and that dwindled naturally over six months. When I hit the two or three mark, I didn't smoke those all at once but relit the same ones 5 or 6 times a day. What finally worked for me was never telling myself I was going to quit smoking (I had a 58-year habit and it seemed unrealistic to put that kind of pressure on myself.) What I did do in the end stages though was to make a deal with myself that in order to smoke I first had to vape. Don't put so much pressure on yourself.... ease into things. If you do have a smoke, just promise yourself that you won't have another and another without vaping in between. In my own case, I really do believe that there is something in the cigarettes, other than nicotine, that my body was addicted to. Why else would I still crave them (not as in ritual habit) when I was surely getting enough nic vaping? This might be the case with you, especially considering the "blue moods" you get. Don't beat yourself up so much. Be a little kinder and gentler to yourself which is really what you want to do for others.... right?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2013
jax, fl
when i started vaping i tried 8 mg and it seemed like i was not getting anywhere also so i made a trip to a local shop that told me they could add nic to a level inbetween the set levels that you could order and eventually i got it right im at 16mg now and been there for a while id try calling a vape shop to see if they make their own liquid and try it at a slightly higher level than your current dosage to see if that helps if its a lil better but have a hard craving still try a step higher after that i hope u get it worked out its been almost a year since my last cig and i feel so much better than i did when smoking analogs trust us when we say it will pay off in the end just have to get over that first hump in the road.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2013
I use a tank like system, I think thats what it's called. It has a cartomizer in the middle, and a little tube around that that holds liquid. I am not brand new to ecigs but for ones I want to do good. Someone mentioned earlier face to face with me that has known me for well at least 5 yr old. they stated that I have always been one who should try to ease into things, I tend to run full bore into things with scissors that I want to accomplish such as the quitting thing. I just know I am only wanting to do good for me, but also to not be an angry @##++1e, screaming and acting irrational. I am so scared that that is what I am going to be, I know tons of non smokers, over which half I deem uptight freaks with anger management issues. My inlaws are a prime example of that. Among others who well I don't talk to because they became so uptight. I had a roomate,who was very badgery and insulting about how terrible of a person I was of low moral character just because I smoke. Bear in mind this was also from a person who thinks Alex Jones the radio host is credible news and can't hold a steady job. But the beligerant insults and angry uptight behavior is something I do not want or associated with


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin
Not necessarily. Mine started to abate after some weeks, but I remember still having flashes of anger and drowsiness six weeks after. Nicotine withdrawal is a b#@$&. Also, 8 mg is very low. I was experiencing my issues on 18 mg lol, but that was after smoking 1.5 packs a day for 10 years.

Try 12 mg!
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Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
I've been smoke free for 331 days and I still experience intense cravings for a cigarette occasionally.
The first month the cravings were multiple (dozens) times a day, after the first 3 months they reduced to 3-5 per day.
Even now sometimes I get 3-5 per week, occasionally 2 -3 per day (rare bad days).
I keep a tank filled with my favorite flavor @ 24mg nic (normal for me now is 10 mg nic) when the cravings occur I thread the tank on my APV and hit that thing like I'm mad at it until the craving passes.

Not attacking knocking or playing doctor or daddy, being vegan make sure you intake enough proteins & antioxidants and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
My mother & sister are both vegans,,, I raise beef, kind of an odd dynamic at family gatherings.

Hang in there it is worth it in the long run.

Mark Anthony

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 4, 2013
Scranton, Pa USA
I know I will probably get a few flames, and snide comments but I want to be honest. So here goes nothing.
Really I am not good at nor really ever condoned self help groups. Just never was my style. I am really wanting to give this a go, but the past few days I have been going crazy for an analog. I am nearing 30 days analog free, but the other day one my coworkers asked me if I had a smoke they could bum. After that I started having serious cravings, and a lot of serious pent up anger and rage. Yesterday I was acting like I was demon possessed(a mild exaggeration, but I was a really nasty person). I have when quitting in the past with analogs or ecigs I tend to get down right angry and evil in my opinion. I do not like nor want to be angry every day of my life or resentful. I feel having analogs helped me not to be so hateful or quick to scream at people. Plus I am not as emo, as in texting my friends that I feel everything is over, example my bday I wanted to go hear a concert of one my fave bands and opted not , as I deemed i would be miserable wanting a cig,and I couldn't go to it. I really do not know what to do. All this anger and rage, and emo acting is not me. I have went 29 days without a real cig, but the whole time I have not been happy at all. I freak that I have gained 5 lbs, and have not really freaked out on food or anything, and again I am an organic vegan, who doesn't overeat, or indulge in sweets. I just want to be happy and healthy but this are just too much it seems.
So thats a wrap, i know some evangelicals of this are going to string me up by my toes, and beat me like a stepchild verbally over this, but what else could I expect. I hope some have some sympathy but not counting on it.
(waves my fly swatter at the heavens shouting yup bat country)

This is probably one of the most non-judgmental forums that I have ever been a part of. Almost everyone here has gone through different phases of withdrawal and anxiety and if you notice, they have already started posting possible answers to your issues. My best response would be, and it has already been posted, to up your nic level in your juice. No one here is going to put you down, string you up or otherwise ridicule you. Just relax, take some advice to heart and if you have more questions don't be afraid to come here and ask. This is more than just a forum for technical issues... it's a place where we enjoy hanging out and helping others from time to time. Let's get your problems resolved and maybe someday you'll feel comfortable enough to join us and help others that are having some of the same problems as you are right now. Peace


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
First, I don't understand why if you really want a cigarette you don't smoke one? It's not like you've never done it before. It's legal and you're an adult.

I vaped when I could and smoked when I had to for quite awhile. Woke up one day and discovered I had forgotten to smoke the day before. No stress, no personality changes, no urges, just forgot to smoke. I had quit smoking a number of times before, but I'm not much a quitter and always craved a cigarette well after the point the "experts" said it should be completely out of my system. By vaping when I could and smoking when I had to, I switched. I never quit, just switched after I forgot to smoke.

While I was vaping when I could and smoking when I had to, I experimented with nicotine levels until I found one that worked. Then started further experiments trying to find a flavor that worked too. Took awhile and I just vaped when I could and smoked when I had to.

The great thing about the juice that goes in these things is that the nicotine is referenced as mg/ml by a poor shorthand of "mg". So if I found one level too weak and one too strong, I can mix them together and get "just right". So if 8mg/ml was not cutting it and 16mg/ml was too strong, I could mix them 50/50 and get 12mg/ml, or I could mix it 3/4's 8mg/ml with 1/4 16mg/ml and get 10mg/ml, or 1/4 8mg/ml with 3/4 16mg/ml and have 14mg/ml. Any level of nicotine my body tells me it needs. (Because the body knows, you just have to listen.)

So, I'd smoke a cigarette if I were you. Count the ones you didn't smoke, not the ones you smoke. Keep score that way. It's your game, your rules, and your score card.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 9, 2011
Central Ohio, US
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I am not pleasant to be around when I'm in a nicotine withdraw. My former partner never smoked and was strongly anti-smoking, and he begged me to have a cigarette one time when I tried to quit cold turkey because I was acting like such a hag. I'm not nearly so bad with vaping (at least nobody seems to want to choke me).

I really have to agree with the higher nicotine. I'm sure I've seen 10 or 12mg on some sites. Also, have you tried changing how you're vaping? Are you doing a mouth inhale only or lungs? Some people seem to think one method works better for them. How often are you vaping? Do you vape like you smoked (a short intense session every few hours), or do you hit it more often? I started out vaping by trying to vape like I smoked, and I never felt satisfied like I did with a cig. When I changed to hitting it once every few minutes, I started to feel much better.

Just some ideas. I hope it gets better.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2013
Ok to make things simpler and short and sweet? Here is a list of what I have done or does go on and some background.
healthy vegan female minus fibromyalgia and 2 yrs post hysterectomy last dr's visit all came back good and clear.
Practices Yoga wants to get into crossfit maybe, if Dr.'s deem its ok since I have the fibro issue.

As for ecig history
Started with elektro local store stopped carrying due to prefilled cart issues coming in with a large # of them empty
Switched to encore, very freaking expensive
Then to Revolver, was unemployed student, couldn't afford juice, had roomie who gave me regs so that went out the window till employed.
Revolver went ok, note revolver was the old magnum volt similar to the old lavatube style. But they changed it and replacement parts ironically intimidated me and tried blue disposables.
The blue disposables was ok, later tried the blue starter kit, wound up with something irritating my mouth, and said heck no, its outta here.
Now here I am with the Volcano Inferno. Here is where Irony is: tube tanks intimidated me but somehow here i am with one and it's not as complicated as it seemed. Thx heaven for youtube.
In past with prefilled carts, I used 24's not a big issue really but.. felt kinda like it was at times making me more nervous due to mg's.
stepped down to a 16 still bit to high.
I have tried pg and vg. I weirdly have more issues with vg than pg. What gives right?
prefilled blue was vg approx 1-24mg according to box label for refills. again caused mouth to really act up badly.
With the 8mg by Volcano no mouth sores, no toothaches, but very emo and restless. Not nervous but just emo.
I hope this is a good nuff recap at that sort of thing
As for juices again 8mg
I have a tobacco alkaloid Volcano's 100% pure tobacco essence(NOTE this is what also has been used that may weirdly be triggering, just not sure why)
seems ok with salted caramel choice (Btw as a vegan I can't really have caramel[milk and vegans don't do dairy] so its a god send)
and menthol by volcano also no evil Brunhield.
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